“English I know badly but colloquial is”

From Triple Canopy:
It was 9:02 in the morning a few Septembers ago that an email was sent to my college alumni account, which in some years I hadn’t used for forwarding. It’s taken me this time, I’m afraid, to arrange what further will follow.
Dear user
You received this message because your profile is registered on the site Russiandating.ru.
Your russiandating.ru User Name: samuel.frank74
You have 1 new message(s) in your mail inbox at russiandating.ru. In case you want to open your mail box and read the messages, please click on this link: http://russiandating.ru/fastlogon/?name=samuel.frank74&key=78f024ecef2fdfc daa8934df85bbaab2&page=/mail/inbox/
The tab that opened when I clicked on the link asked me for my password, which, I’m sure, I had no memory of; and I must then have closed the tab; yet, compelled, clicked on the link once more, whereupon I was logged in automatically, as if by prestidigitation.
From: ketybell
Date: September 27, 2007
Subject: from KetyDo you want a challenge in your life?…:) Such as – to make a beautiful woman fall in love with you?… You have a good start – you made me interested with your profile, but that’s not enough to keep me interested!
Well, I can’t say that I’m easy… No, I’m complicated… But you don’t seem to be the one who is afraid of difficulties 🙂 Be sure you’ll be rewarded with all my love and passion! Although this life is a game, I am not playing a game with you – I’ll give you everything – my love, my body, my mind and my entire life, be sure I know how to be faithful! But… you have to give me all the same from your side… it’s like diving into the ocean – no half-steps, for all your life, but it is worth it!
So… are you ready to dive?… Don’t
I closed the tab; then, again, clicked on the link.