
May 2011

“It’s about watching video games”

“It’s about watching video games”

From Super Mario Clouds, Cory Arcangel, 2002 From Interview: MARY HEILMANN: What game did the clouds come from? CORY ARCANGEL: Super Mario Bros. HEILMANN: I wonder if the designers who did Super Mario Bros. looked at Georgia O’Keeffe. ARCANGEL: I feel like it’s possible. Those games aren’t art...

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‘There ARE books on the web’

‘There ARE books on the web’

A book is a self-contained story, argument, or body of knowledge that takes more than an hour to read. A book is complete in the sense that it contains its own beginning, middle, and end...

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Rejneeshees in Oregon

Rejneeshees in Oregon

From Oregon Live: Ma Anand Puja stepped into St. Vincent Hospital on a summer night in 1985, hunting for James Comini. The Filipino nurse was there to kill the rural Oregon politician, who was recuperating from ear surgery at the Portland hospital. She carried a syringe to inject a...

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