Fifteen Thousand Degrees Against Virtue

by Nicholas Rombes
You sink your teeth into
history and it bleeds. The disheveled
heads of the headless. The split open pink
grapefruit. Let’s Get Out of this Country
sings Camera Obscura on the wasted anlaog
radio as we motor out and out
and out. I just don’t understand, Lisa, how
the flap of your yellow shirtsleeve in the open-
window doesn’t mean as much as those ancient
verses about Doing Unto Others. Oh, God. These people
I hate might save me from drowning
some day. You get that
right? The fresh cut limbs and wrecked amphetamines.
Here is my request: take that knife there
on the butcher block and after doing
persons X Y and Z use it on me, on me, on me, on me, on me,
on me, on me, on me, on me, on me, on me, on me, on me,
on me, on me, on me, on me, on me, on me, on me, on me.
About the Author:
Nicholas Rombes, author of Cinema in the Digital Age and A Cultural Dictionary of Punk: 1972-1984, is an English professor in Detroit and also a columnist at The Rumpus. Some of his work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Oxford American, The Believer, Exquisite Corpse, and other places.