Excerpt: 'The “Girls” of Nizhny Novgorod' by Victoria Lomasko

From Words Without Borders:
According to the girls, their clients are largely either “losers” or “wogs” (churki). When there are a lot of clients, they joke that there must be a holiday at the mental hospital.
“We know both sides of men. Guys are jerks.”
“All of them?”
“No. There are also studs. They’re like dogs: they want to get out of the house and live it up.”
“Who are the strangest customers?”
“The ones who come in women’s lingerie, want to do a striptease themselves and get fucked with a strap-on. Many guys come here because their wives refuse to do fairly simple things. Sometimes, customers offer to buy girls in bulk at a discount. Everyone wants a freebie.”