
The Inaugural Berfrois Poetry Prize


The Seeds and Fruits of English Poetry, Ford Madox Brown, 1821 – 1893

Between now and 11:59:59 pm GMT on Sunday December 31, 2014, poets may submit to Berfrois, using its online submission manager, a single, original, poem in English which is not a translation, but may be in any mode or form, up to 300 lines. Limited to one submission per author. Submissions may be made here. Simultaneous submission to other contests or to journals is encouraged, but if a poem is accepted for publication or chosen for an award by another journal or contest, Berfrois requests that poets use its submission manager to withdraw that poem immediately. Once a poem is submitted, no changes may be made to it, and the editors of Berfrois will not enter into any correspondence regarding submissions under consideration for its poetry prize.

By midnight on January 9, 2015, Berfrois will have read all the submissions and selected poems by 10 finalists for a short list. These 10 poems will be published on Berfrois during the first few weeks of January 2015. Berfrois may suggest that the writers of the short-listed poems make changes to these poems before posting.

The writers of the ten short-listed poems will be given one week, until midnight on January 16, 2015, to submit 4 more poems each. In the last two weeks of January, Berfrois will read each of the short-listed 5 poem portfolios and select a Poetry Prize Winner.

Berfrois will announce the Poetry Prize Winner of the on February 1, 2015. The winning poet will be awarded a prize. The winning portfolio of five poems will be published on Berfrois with an introduction by Daniel Bosch. Berfrois may suggest minor editorial changes be made to this portfolio prior to posting.

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