Marià Fortuny's Catalonian Dress Coat Orientalism

Marià Fortuny (11 June 11 1838 – 21 November 1874) was a Spanish painter inspired by the Romantics and Nazerenes.
Portrait of the Painter Joaquim Agrassot, 1864
Moroccan Horseshoer, 1870
An Ecclesiastic, 1874
Miss Del Castillo on her Deathbed, 1871
The Print Collector, 1866
Calabrian, 1868
The Spanish Wedding, 1870
Bust of a Man. Allegory of Bacchus, 1868
The Odalisque, 1861
The Slaying of the Abencerrajes, 1870
Carmen Bastián, 1871
Self-portrait, 1858