Now for the Tea of Our Queen!

Our sister magazine, Queen Mob’s Teahouse, is open for submissions.
Cornelia Barber: Queen of Pentacles & Art
How do we write about intimacy? Queer. Femme. Disillusioned. Overwhelmed. Woman. How do we hold on to each other? Hold our-selves together? Make a mess? We want your essays, poems, short stories, videos, music and art. We want to hear what turns you on, and who turns you off. We want new vocabularies to talk about love, sex, motherhood, sisterhood, bodies in transition through genders and ages, your relationship to nature, your relationship to yourself, boyfriends, girlfriends and hard choices. All voices wanted and welcome.
cornelia.barber [at]
Nandini Balial: Multimedia
Types of submissions I’m looking for: Do you have disagree with Eisenstein’s theories about montage? Do you love every superhero film of the last six years? Are you a die-hard fanatic of films made before 1975? Is your favorite TV show TAXI? Have you recently discovered Bollywood? Will no one listen to your rhapsodies about Nicholas Cage? Send me thoughtful, angry, funny, and gleeful essays on all the above—so long as they’re well-defended, I’d be happy to have a look. If you’d like to pitch first—which I prefer that you do—with the subject line QMT Pitch. Hot-takes will not be considered.
multimedia [at]
Rosebud Ben-Oni: Special Issue
Inspired by the recent discovery of a new planet in our solar system and ongoing discussion of potentially habitable exoplanets, I am guest editing a special issue of poetry. Where would we be, post-Earth, and what does that look like? Send us your new worlds, your new languages, gravities and tidal forces, your (re)visioned landscapes and civilizations. We are very open to the interpretation on the theme. Submit up to 5 previously unpublished poems only. Please include a brief bio. Deadline is March 31st.
QMNewWorlds [at]
Gem Blackthorn: Lust Thrust Thursdays
I’d like to read unique, thoughtful and artistic stories and essays about sex and related themes for our Lust Thrust Thursdays column. First times, transcendental orgasms, lacklustre experiences that make you rethink sex itself, sex in culture, pornography, religion and private life; I’m open to submissions that will give us something new to consider about our favorite deed.
sexsexsex [at]
Allison Grimadli-Donahue: Fiction
We like to challenge our readers views of what a story is and can be. Stories should be in word documents and should have the author’s bio in there along with social media/website links.
fiction [at]
Goro Ikeda Iyeki: Music
I welcome the challenge of developing new vocabularies to talk about music. I am particularly curious about what certain sounds or songs make people think about and how they would express it.
Show me how sounds and music bring forth thought.
Send me your best playlists.
Send me a review you can’t publish because it’s too strange.
Show me how sounds and music forms intersect with politics.
Write a poem about a song you really hate.
Drown me in the songs of your moment.
Put together a sonic diary.
Review your own songs.
Each response to a sound or song makes a demand on form. I’d like to collect these forms and put them into a mix. All formats acceptable.
music [at]
Erik Kennedy: Poetry
You know that you’re writing poems that are like no-one else’s. I’d love to help show that to readers.
Send your poems to Erik Kennedy:
poetry [at]
Reb Livingston: Misfit Docs
Send your work that doesn’t easily fit into any genre or category.
Something not quite a poem or short story or novel excerpt or essay. Or if it is one of those things, it doesn’t quite qualify as “literary” or sci-fi or mystery or memoir or whatever. Something that when people read it they say, “What the hell is this?”
misfit [at]
rob mclennan: Interviews
seeking interviews (either pitches or full interviews). predominantly (but not exclusively) with poets.
be amazing.
don’t be afraid to ask what has not yet been asked.
rob [at]
Ruben Quesada: Reviews
As editor of QMT, I am interested in writing that is attentive to and challenges sociological, historical, political, and emotional needs of contemporary readers. I’m looking for writing that balances both formal and quotidian language to appeal to a global audience. Personally, at the moment, I’d like to see more reviews on contemporary music and on writing by Latino authors.
ruben.quesada [at]
Rion Scott: Satire
Send humor pieces that go there. That float up on the edge of bad taste. That make us laugh out loud. That are 2,000 words or less (of course I’ll look at longer stuff, but that shit gotta be extra funny). Make us think while we laugh, make us uncomfortable, make us sad through our laughter, make us cry, most of all make us feel. Please include a brief cover letter and bio. Attach the piece as a Word document.
underground [at]