
October 2016

Greg Bem on Samuel Ligon

Greg Bem on Samuel Ligon

The writing brings you in close, allows you to relearn the concept of gasping, guffawing, choking on one’s tongue. It’s almost as real as you could imagine it, happening around the corner, down the street.

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Buzz. Buzz.

Buzz. Buzz.

Balliol College, Monday.—Read aloud my Essay on Equality to the Master. It began: "Treat all men as your equals, especially the rich." The Master commented on this sentence. He said, "Very ribald, Prince Hamlet, very ribald."

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‘Mexican existentialism provides a template for a kind of liberationist project’

‘Mexican existentialism provides a template for a kind of liberationist project’

In 1948, a group of philosophers in Mexico began a spirited and public engagement with existentialism. The movement flourished for only four years, but Carlos Alberto Sánchez argues that the project was of considerably greater philosophical importance than its brief duration might suggest.

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