Frankfurt produces neologisms at an alarming rate…

Photograph by ActuaLitté
From The Chronicle Review:
Many exhibits are corporate, focusing on textbooks, reference, and consolidations of data. The ProQuest stand announced its motto in a red banner line: “Empowering researchers and information seekers to discover, grow and thrive.” Having worked for a large U.K.-based empowerer of researchers and information seekers, I could almost hear the board meeting at which those words were hammered out, scrupulous to avoid mention of any format (though I did wince at the absence of the Oxford comma).
Frankfurt is the place where knowledge and information produce neologisms at an alarming rate. At the display for Clarivate Analytics, you met three terms — trust, solutions, ingenuity — stacked in capital letters, each followed by an emphatic period. The firm’s brands — ScholarOne, Web of Science, InCites — apparently converge to make the company “Your partner in accelerating research.” Four critically selected words.
By comparison, the world of the university press feels handcrafted — the skinny decaf soy latte in contrast to the scientifically developed nutritional beverage you can’t quite identify.