America’s id is racist…

From Here is My Body, I hope you like it, Mia Khalifa
From The Cut:
Cuck videos frequently have racial dynamics — white men eroticize their anxiety about black-male sexuality by creating humiliation fantasies that involve sexually superior black rivals. Porn has always been a place for indulging irrational, secret, and socially unacceptable desires — which makes it a place where people feel free to let their racial prejudices and fantasies run wild, too. Porn is a theater of the id, and America’s id is racist. To browse pornography is to stroll through a library of stereotypes that can be viscerally and unshakably disturbing. For the past decade, seeing women who look like me — Asian women — in sexual contexts has meant seeing women who look like me being abused, dominated, and defiled. Is this how people see me? I used to wonder, but perhaps the most disturbing realization is that I don’t ask that question anymore. I was in college when the first tube sites launched, and I remember telling a friend that I had been browsing the “Asian” section of a free porn site looking for women who looked like me. The color drained from his face. “Don’t do that,” he said. “It’s masochistic in a way that’s really disturbing. You need to stop.” When did Asian-fetish porn stop bothering me? Did I get better at compartmentalizing? Did the porn get gentler? Have I become jaded? Or have I settled into a bleak form of sexual pragmatism — just as I have learned to set aside ethical and aesthetic irritations in the name of having fun on the dance floor even when “Blurred Lines” is playing, I have learned to look past racially dubious imagery. (Literally, I move my eyes past it as quickly as possible.) That’s just how this dance floor is, and apparently I don’t care enough to quit or find a new one.
Of course, politically incorrect racial fantasia aren’t the only eroticized taboo. For several years, culture writers have been trying to figure out why incest porn is so unstoppable. Some argue that in the game of ever-escalating taboo-busting, incest is the last and most intractable taboo — it always titillates. The fact that the genre has, in the past decade, included lightning-rod performances from actual sets of twins (and other possible blood relations) seems to bolster that theory. But in its most popular incarnations, I’d argue that “stepdaughter,” “stepmom,” and “stepsibling” porn has less in common with incest than it does with Fakehub. Since everyone knows the performers aren’t actually family members, words like “stepdaughter” function as a dysphemism — that is, the opposite of a euphemism. (In other words: a way to have your taboo-flavored creampie and eat it, too.) It’s a more offensive way to announce a number of stepdaughter-adjacent qualities, like youth and innocence. My friend who complained about “stepdaughter” porn might not like the imaginary leaps that stepdaughter porn invites him to take, but if he’s already watching young-looking actresses feigning innocence with older men, can he really blame Pornhub for offering, as his next video, a girl with pigtails cooing “daddy”?
“Pornhub Is the Kinsey Report of Our Time”, Maureen O’Connor, The Cut