
by John Perivolaris
A for Austerity
République #12
Remain or Brexit
Falling boy
Shoreditch Bridge Portraits #282
Shoreditch Bridge Portraits #281
Shoreditch Bridge Portraits #290
Shoreditch Bridge Portraits #287
Shoreditch Bridge Portraits #291
Fossil future #1
Fossil future #2
Blow the Bank
About the Artist:
John Perivolaris has received commissions to work on major photographic projects in the UK and internationally. Often collaborative, his projects use photography, text, and related media to reflect on diasporic states of being in the late period of capitalism. His website is:
London, 1978 – 1980 and Austerity are two suites of photographs that bracket his evolution as a photographer. They span two periods of austerity in the UK. They also trace the transition from analogue to digital camera, to cameraphone, sampling the surfaces of, respectively, two ages. They also document traces and faces of life in granular black and white and pixellated colour during the late and post-industrial periods of British history.