To Justify Land #4

Golconda, René Magritte, 1953. A painting usually housed in Texas.
by Lital Khaikin
4—Onwards, Ecofiscal Commissions!
To Justify Land 4: Onwards, Ecofiscal Commissions! is a project of assemblage and republication without altering the splinters of original text, creating an emergent narrative. The act of re-composing information, or found text, changes the legible context and the experience of reading, assimilating and forgetting information. Nothing new, only what is already-there. Journalistic materials and press releases are interpreted outside of their chronological documentation or perceived span of relevance – when the spectacle is discarded and forgotten, and becomes history. Also: in the absence of critical discussion in the Ottawa-Gatineau region that reaches outside of exclusive activist communities, corporate media pundits who wouldn’t be caught dead having an opinion, and academics who won’t antagonize without the sweet seduction of grant money, tenure, or proof of expertise, this section of To Justify Land pirates the bandwidth of search-engine keywords, hopefully directing more attention to the networked information contained herein for readers’ own interpretation. This mimics both the parasitic character of most mainstream news sources, as well as spam sites that copy and re-post excerpts or articles in their entirety elsewhere (a venture through the looking glass). By collaging the found fragments, the project also reflects the prominence of particular sources which are most accessible, or simply reflect certain algorithmic affinities and the speed of their discovery. This might also reflect the sources that hold the most interest in reporting these events, and thus tend to influence public perception and policy. As with the earlier, related project A Draft for Asinabka, this section of To Justify Land looks at the rhetoric that is used to represent to the public the interests of multinational corporate entities, the competency of corporate leadership, and the rhizomatic accumulation that leads towards prosperity. This particular section will also continue to evolve as a ‘living’ document, and as such is ‘unfinished’ – the completeness of it at this stage is not the point.
The framework for this project is the Hydro One Board of Directors, announced in 2015, in the same moment as the Zibi development was finally receiving local media traction for the sale of Domtar land for condominium development, and the launch of Hydro Ottawa’s $150 million dam upgrade. The incestuous entanglements of the Ontario Hydro One Board of Directors reflects the absurdity of the corporatized regime under which the earth continues to be exploited under the motivations of ‘economic prosperity’. The interconnections demonstrate how crises that appear disconnected – such as the privatization of water in Delhi, mining in Brazil, Saudi Arabian ‘special economic zones’, the mergers and contracts of seemingly apolitical construction companies, and the construction of a condominium development in Ottawa – are closely related, but often neglected in the context of the innocuous entries and exits of the figureheads who determine these maneuvers. The absurdity of the relationships is contextualised with recent news, excerpts, or tangentially relevant bits of trivia that inform their actions. Formally, it’s an experiment with the usefulness of the footnote / annotation as an irritant where footnotes concentrate on ‘derivative facts’, and with the hyperlink for mapping nets of influence. These ‘nets’ are intended to reflect the connections between the protagonists behind the governance, auditing & oversight, and policy influence of the corporate acquisitions of ‘public assets’. These connections are available to the public – however, due to their displacement and the limited means of their discussion and representation, they remain ‘hidden in plain sight’. In the complex and non-linear operations of an economic climate that is created through collaborative business and relationship building, the relevance is found in repetition. Here, information leads to more information!
To restate some of the points made earlier in the ‘To Justify Land’ series, Ontario’s Hydro One has sold 60% of shares to private investment (though it sees provincial majority as a single shareholder as a redeeming quality). Hydro Ottawa, meanwhile, is seeing through an expansion project on the dam that crosses the Ottawa River, which is part of a condominium development site on Asinabka – a sacred site for Algonquin people. In August 2016, Ontario Hydro acquired a regional power distributor, Orillia Hydro, and Great Lakes Power Electricity Transmission Business from Brookfield Infrastructure. The landscape of this company’s privatization and acquisitions reflect the situation in Quebec through the 80s, where Quebec Hydro acquired a monopoly over the provincial power generation and sold to the United States – similarly converting stocks in the company to private investment. And, even more meanwhile, the Natural Capitalist condo developers Windmill and their real estate partners Dream Unlimited are striking a construction deal with a single Algonquin-owned company which remains at odds with the Algonquin contestation against the construction of the condominiums, and damming of the Kichissippi.
So it is that the envelope of compromise continues to be pushed to lunatic margins. How far indeed things have gone where we can’t keep track of who owns whom, and who is doing what with whose money! This is the price of our liquidities, the briberies extended to the poorest people by war-mongers and corporatists, and the perversion of sustainability and environmentalism by capitalist infrastructures – where agendas of exploitation are justified through charitable donations, or superficial appearances of concern with ecological sustainability or sourcing renewable energy. The problem returns to the tenets of ‘Natural Capitalism’, to the very logic that underlies these systems, which fuels private acquisitions and interests – where ‘prosperity’ is seen through an inextricable mesh of corporate mergers and acquisitions, banks, real estate development, and investment in military industries. Where there are donations, there is never the question of rejecting them. Where there is financial profit, there is no question about the meaning of ‘progress’. Where an oil company, or a hydro-electric company, can invest some dollars in the right conservation society, the right children’s hospital or non-partisan tuberculosis research society, or loudly offer construction contracts to Indigenous communities, they can do so without recourse for the exploitative nature of the very work they do in the first place and how they got their money. Progress is measured by participation in this system – that reconciliation with people means bankrolling their participation in capitalist infrastructures, and reconciliation with the planet means the most economically viable form of expansion, passed by approval of corporate-sponsored advisory boards. Exploitation – by donations, by extraction, by economic blackmail – is to always take, and never to leave alone, never to reject the next profitable opportunity. Here, bigger is always better, and progress means collaborating at any cost, with anyone, because economic failure is more unbearable than moral bankruptcy.
Capitalism is constructed on a language of nouns – objects, materialities, people and names. Written in 1940, Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges’ story Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius imagines a language that is constructed entirely out of verbs. Such a language dematerializes reality – or, perhaps more accurately, interprets a reality that is based on experience, not on ‘object-hood’. Language in Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius is nounless, transient.
To the inhabitants of Tlön, the world is not an assemblage of objects in space but a diverse series of separate acts. The world is sequential, rooted in time rather than space. In Tlön’s putative Ursprache, from which its ‘modern’ languages and dialects stem, there are no nouns but only impersonal verbs, modified by monosyllabic suffixes or prefixes that function as adverbs. For example, there is nothing equivalent to our word ‘moon’, but there is a verb that for us would be ‘to moonrise’ or ‘to moon’. ‘The moon rose over the river’ would be ‘Hlör u fang axaxaxas mlö’ or, literally, ‘Upward behind the lasting-flow it moonrose’. (Xul Solar translates this more succinctly as ‘Upward, behind the onstreaming, it mooned.’)
Where Tlön’s moon is “mooning”, the river everywhere is “rivering” – existing as such as an ever-becoming entity that is its entanglements, and is irreducible. The uncertainty of this entity means that it cannot ever be fully condensed into a solid state that is quantifiable and derives value. The “mooning” and “rivering” are not just oppositional to capitalism – they totally do not permit the very idea of it, because there is no concrete “moon” to speak of, and it is not possible for there to be “a river” in the sense of a constant, an object.
The text that follows, with its numerous names of people, corporations and figures, is in total opposition to such a concept that considers material reality as ‘relational’ – an uncertain and fluctuating reality that is interpreted from actions and behaviours, and is never static. The text shows instead a sliver of the material-based reality that determines the logics of capitalism. It is an experiment in the anesthetized reflection of journalistic remnants, maybe even humorous reading of journalistic artefacts that have been temporally displaced. This small project within a project is a sort of ‘media archaeology’, a ‘digital forensics’ – simply a reconfiguration or collage of that-which-is-already-there. It is by facing again (and again and again) the materiality of this network – the people and corporations, their ‘products’, acquisitions and values (or, nouns) – towards the doing, the occurrence, the Borgesian verbing of the reality, in which we are offered a new reading of our dim reality, perhaps even something of a Network-Oriented Ontology (NOO). Forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words “believe”, “project”, “expect”, “will likely result”, “strategy”, “plan”, “may”, “should”, “will”, “would”, “will be”, “will continue”, “will likely result” and similar expressions, and the negatives thereof. Forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, estimates, projections and assumptions, are not guarantees of future performance and involve certain risks and uncertainties, the outcomes of which cannot be predicted.
(Note: At the time of posting this working version, this text will continue to be updated under the publishing project The Green Violin.)
Ontario Hydro Private Board of Governors
is the board chair of Hydro One and Hydro One Inc. He is a corporate director and previously served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board [1], a global investment management organization, from 2005 to 2012. Prior to that, Mr. Denison was President of Fidelity Investments Canada Limited. Mr. Denison is a director of the Royal Bank of Canada [2], Bell Canada, Allison Transmission Holdings Inc. and serves as Vice-Chair of Sinai Health Systems [3]. He is also a member of the Investment Board and International Advisory Committee of the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, the International Advisory Council of China Investment Corporation, the World Bank Treasury Expert Advisory Committee and the University of Toronto Investment Advisory Committee. In April 2014, Mr. Denison was appointed a member of the Premier’s Advisory Council on Government Assets whose mandate was to review and identify opportunities to modernize government business enterprises. Mr. Denison earned Bachelor degrees in mathematics and education from the University of Toronto and is a Chartered Professional Accountant and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. Mr. Denison is an Officer of the Order of Canada.
The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) “invests the funds of the Canada Pension Plan on behalf of its 19 million contributors and beneficiaries” to secure the retirement of millions of hard-working Canadians by insuring profitable and stable returns on investment. However, while investing on behalf of the 19 million contributors and beneficiaries to the Canadian Pension Plan, the CPPIB operates as an independent entity, “governed and managed independently of the Canada Pension Plan and at arm’s length from governments”. According to the CPPIB, transparency is important:
“Canadians have the right to know why, how and where we invest their Canada Pension Plan money, who makes the investment decisions, what assets are owned on their behalf and how the investments are performing.”
David F. Denison was CEO of the CPPIB from 2004 until 2012, after which “the organization reinforced its commitment to seeking opportunities in Asia by hiring Goldman Sachs veteran Mark Machin to head CPPIB’s operations based in Hong Kong” [Financial Post, Feb. 28, 2012]. With Denison’s departure from the CPPIB, a reporter in Toronto reflected deeply on the man’s character, carefully considering how he declined a wine menu and chose instead a “modest mushroom soup and chèvre-topped salad” [The Globe and Mail, Nov. 23, 2012]. Mark Machin, who has an “an appetite for risk” and claims “I don’t understand Canada” [The Globe and Mail, Jan. 13, 2017] remains the CEO of the CPPIB, where is he intending to ‘overhaul’ the investment board’s trajectory for 2020. Machin was appointed to the CPPIB with an extensive experience in Asia, where he had worked for Goldman Sachs.
On December 7, 2007, the Canadian government placed economic sanctions on Burma (now known as Myanmar), on the basis of the genocide against the Rohingya Muslims. The modest tastes of the CPPIB’s CEO extended to dubious investments in Burma during the period of imposed sanctions. On March 6, 2008, David F. Denison replied to the Honourable Percy E. Downe, of the Senate of Canada, on behalf of the CPP Investment Board regarding the pension plan’s compliance with the economic sanctions. Denison’s response was that the CPP undertook an unidentified third party research on potential corporate material operations in Burma, and that the CPP Investment Board was “engaging” with several companies with “small portions of their business that might include operations in Burma”:“in line with our Policy on Responsible Investing, we believe that engagement with companies is an effective strategy to encourage improved performance on an disclosure of environmental, social and governance issues, particularly for large institutional investors with a long investment horizon like the CPP Investment Board” [Letter from David F. Denison to Senator Percy E. Downe].
Executive Director of Canadian Friends of Burma, Tin Maung Htoo, brought to the attention of the Canadian Parliament that the Canadian Pension Plan held more than $1 billion worth of shares in corporations that had operations in Burma despite the sanctions. These corporations included the Canadian helicopter company CHC, Ivanhoe Mines (now known as Turquoise Hill Resources), TransCanada, Chevron acquired gas company Uncol, and French gas company Total [39th Parliament, 2nd Session, Apr. 8, 2008].
The military-led genocide against Rohingya continues today in Myanmar, which remains under the control of military interests. The Canadian sanctions officially ended on October 7, 2016, despite the Human Rights Watch reporting that military “engagements” had escalated through September 2016, including the displacement of about 5,9000 civilians in Karen State [Human Rights Watch: Burma, Events of 2016]. On October 10, 2016, three days after Canadian sanctions of Burma were lifted, Burmese authorities suspended humanitarian aid in Maungdaw, with continued suppression of communications between Rohingya civilians and journalists, followed by the displacement of around 15,000 people after helicopter assaults on Maungdaw villages [Time, Nov. 20, 2016].
Yet, among all the international focus on the displacement of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar and the resulting refugee exodus to Bangladesh, there is little attention given to the Canadian responsibility for displacement of people in Myanmar. Turquoise Hill Resources is a Canadian company based in Vancouver, which operates Letpaudong Copper Mine. The Letpaudong is one of the deposits extracted as part of the Sabetaung-Kyisintaung operation on the Chindwin River, a tributary to Myanmar’s longest river, the Ayeyarwaddy River. The Letpaudong mine is jointly run by “Chinese company Wanbao and Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings (UMEHL), the economic arm of the Myanmar military” [Amnesty International, Feb. 10, 2015]. In 2012, Ivanhoe Mines sold 50% of its stake in the copper mine to Chinese weapons company Norinco [Burma Partnership, Mar. 16, 2012]. “Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Has $21,366,000 Position in Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd.”, with holdings worth $21,366,000. [Rincon Hill News, Aug. 14, 2017]. In partnership with Canadian company Rio Tinto, Turquoise Hill currently owns a majority of the Oyu Tolgoi mining project in Mongolia where it extracts gold, copper and silver to export to China. On the Turquoise Hill board of directors notably includes Jefferey Tygesen, who was “responsible for overseeing Rio Tinto’s joint venture interests at its Chilean and Indonesian copper operations”.
Through its investment in weapons manufacturers, the CPP remains one of the largest investors in military support for international state-funded apartheid. Investments in the military industry take on an innocuous character when they are automatically sourced through national pension plans, or fronted as charity donations – or if companies operate with multiple subsidiaries with varying degrees of apparent relationships to weapons manufacturing.
In 2011, during Denison’s official tenure, the CPPIB made modest investments in such pedestrian entities as Bank Hapoalim (founded in 1921), Bezeq Israel Telecommunication, Cellcom Israel Ltd., Elbit Systems Ltd., Israel Discount Bank, Leumi Le Israel, Mizrahi Tefahot Bank, and NICE Systems Ltd. (Highlight investments of the CPP’s 2016 portfolio include the Israeli military corporations Elbit Systems Ltd., Israel Aerospace Industries, Rafael Advanced Defence Systems, and Israel Military Systems Ltd.). “Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Continues to Hold Stake in Israel Chemicals Shs” [Stock News Times, Aug. 20, 2017]. Israel, in the meantime, is continuing to sell weapons to the Myanmar military – the best client is one you know! [The Irrawaddy, Mar. 20, 2017].
Elbit Systems and CAE partner to offer a Canadian solution for Integrated Soldier System Program (Ottawa, Canada, May 31, 2012), announced at CANSEC. Elbit Systems Subsidiary in the U.S. Receives a $102 Million ID/IQ Contract for the Supply of Mortar Fire Control Systems to the U.S. Army (PRNewswire, February 16, 2017) The Canada-Israel Industrial R&D Foundation (CIIRDF) today announced the launch of a new Call for Proposals (CFP) for bilateral R&D projects. (September 1, 2017).
“It may be difficult to enforce a non-Israeli judgment against us, our officers and directors … We operate in a competitive industry.” Lines of business in this competitive industry are: developed over decades with highly professional industry pioneers. Customer-oriented and fully adaptable services guarantee the efficient engineering of: fighters of the future / end-to-end solutions / complex combat scenarios / we pride ourselves on providing customers with the optimal solutions / our commitment to customer satisfaction is the driving force behind our efforts / implementation of integrated military communications infrastructures for a variety of applications / over three decades of experience in design and development, decades of expertise / rapid, accurate weapon engagement / a pioneer in the field / changed the game / Elbit Systems, together with its subsidiary RCEVS – jointly owned with Rockwell Collins (BUILDING TRUST EVERY DAY) / our product offering combines years of experience with modern technology / comprehensive solutions cater to all types of forces / ability to destroy and degrade enemy targets / Elbit Security Systems (“ELSEC”): different configurations suitable for: pipeline security systems / CYBERBIT Ltd. (CYBERBIT) initiated activities in 2015, full spectrum intelligence capabilities, for tomorrow’s new dimension of attack / highly effective operational yields around the globe, cutting edge, cost effective turnkey / customer-specific needs, as part of the “total force” concept.
David F. Denison has been a director of RBC since 2012 [RBC News Release, Aug., 30, 2012]. “Royal Bank of Canada CEO touts pipelines as key to transitioning to a greener economy … Companies like TransCanada and Enbridge have had a difficult time completing large domestic projects but have been successful in looking south for growth opportunities, making major U.S. acquisitions,” [RBC CEO Dave] McKay said [Business Financial Post, September 26, 2016].
On the Royal Bank of Canada’s board of directors: Toos N. Daruvala of New York based McKinsey Investment Office (“Persons who access this website do so on their own initiative”); Jacynthe Côté of Rio Tinto and Suncor; Thierry Vandal, former CEO of Hydro-Québec and former vice president of SNC-Lavalin; Heather Munroe-Blum, a director at Rio Tinto Alcan, chairman at the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Principal and Vice-Chancellor at McGill University; Thomas A. Renyi, former CEO of the Bank of New York Company, director of the New York Clearing House, a member of the board of executives for New York Stock Exchange, Inc., and former First Lieutenant in Military Intelligence in Vietnam; Kathleen P. Taylor, who was president and CEO of a slew of Four Seasons Hotels from Geneva to Bangkok to Budapest, vice-chairperson at the Switzerland-based staffing firm Adecco Group, Member of the Cabinet of the Toronto United Way, and director of Air Canada; Andrew A. Chisholm, previous director of the Goldman Sachs Group and former head of the Global Financial Institutions Group; Alice D. Laberge, director of PotashCorp., former CEO of Fincentric Corporation, director of the United Way of the Lower Mainland, director of Russel Metals Inc., and former director of BC Hydro; Michael H. McCain, CEO of Maple Leaf Foods Inc. (formerly of McCain Foods Limited), director of the American Meat Institute, and former director of Bombardier; and David I. McKay, with RBC since 1988, and former director at Visa Canada, Visa Inc., and Visa International Service Association.
RBC funded an expansion by oil company, EnCana, which acquired Tom Brown in 2004: “EnCana has arranged a US$3 billion non-revolving bridge financing with Royal Bank of Canada to fund the acquisition” [EnCana, Apr. 15, 2004]. In March 2017, RBC increased its investment in Veresen and gave the company an “outperform” rating, an energy infrastructure company, including interests in the Alliance Pipeline and Alberta Ethane Gathering System [Sports Perspectives and Market News, Mar. 1, 2017]. “Canadian gas isn’t just surviving anymore, it’s thriving, says Alliance Pipeline” [Financial Post, Mar. 16, 2017].
“I look at our customer base … and they are awash in optimism,” … the pipeline is enjoying record financial performance … Alliance sees a role for itself as a place to transport gas to the U.S. until projects are ready to take supplies … “We know that the Chicago market will clear, and that is probably the No. 1 requirement that producers have” [Terrance Kutryk, president and CEO of Alliance Pipeline]
Sinai Health Systems is an amalgamation of Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital, Joseph & Wolf Lebovic Health Complex; Bridgepoint Active Healthcare; Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute; and Circle of Care [Inside Toronto, Jan. 30, 2015]. The Chair of Board is Brent Belzberg, the founder and Senior Managing Partner of private equity firm TorQuest Partners, and previously a director of Canadian Council for Israel & Jewish Advocacy, Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs.
Joining David Denison on the Sinai Health Systems as a board member is Mark D. Wiseman, who (like his colleague) had held a senior position on the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board. He became Executive Vice President of Investments and “managed all investment activities of the CPP Investment Board”. Wiseman was named President and CEO of the CPPIB in 2012 [CPPIB News Release, May 19, 2016]. Prior to joining the CPP Investment Board, Wiseman was also responsible for the private equity fund and co-investment program at the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan. Wiseman left the CPP “abruptly” in 2016 to join New York based investment company BlackRock [Financial Post, May 19, 2016], which has been raising $337 million in Colombian infrastructure investments [Latin Finance, Mar. 7, 2017]. “Inflows into Colombia’s compulsory pension system is expected to hit $121bn by 2014, according to figures from Latin Asset Management and Cerulli Associate. Of this, 30 per cent is expected to be invested offshore” [Financial Times, Jul. 6, 2012]. BlackRock launched its infrastructure debt fund in June 2017: ““We think that Colombia represents an important investment opportunity that is evolving rapidly for investors that are seeking high quality infrastructure assets,” the global director of BlackRock Infrastructure Debt, Erik Savi” [Latin American Private Equity & Venture Capital Association, June 20, 2017].
Sinai Health Systems is listed as one of the top 100 Canadian charities prospected for 2017 [MoneySense, Nov. 16, 2016]. Other charities listed (“where your money will go farthest”) include the Jewish National Fund of Canada (JNF) – which is the most prominent opposition to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement in Canada – the United Israel Appeal of Canada, and the United Jewish Appeal of Greater Toronto. Board members of the charity include Harry Culham from CIBC Capital Markets; Jay S. Hennick of the real estate company Colliers International Group and FirstService Corporation. Hennick also runs a charity called the Jay and Barbara Hennick Foundation, which, apart from donating to the Mount Sinai Hospital, has also donated to the conservative research institute The Fraser Institute (“If It Matters, Measure It”), The Peter Drucker Foundation; Peter F. Cohen of the FirstService Corporation, Dawsco Group, and Centrefund Realty Corporation; Lawrence M. Tanenbaum of the Kilmer Van Nostrand investment group and Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment; Heather Reisman of the Onex Corporation; Gerald Schwartz of the Onex Corporation; Philip Reichmann of the ReichmannHauer Capital Partners Inc. and of the previous O&Y Properties Corporation; Stephen Pustil of Artemis Investment Management; and Joseph Lebovic.
In his book Building Apartheid: Canada and Israel, Yves Engler identifies the illegality of Canadian donation to many Palestinian charities, while fully legalizing charity donations to the IDF. “It’s also legal to send money to institutions occupying the West Bank and even – although it’s a grey area – in many cases to claim a tax credit for these donations.” (67). Engler further writes on the Toronto Zionist Council’s operation as a charity: ‘In 1996 the Toronto Zionist Council’s charitable status was revoked for supporting settlements […] The Toronto Star revealed that Canadian callers to the New York-based Hebron Fund, which raised funds for settlers in Hebron, were given step-by-step instructions on sending donations through Press Foundation in exchange for a tax-deductible receipt. “Toronto Jews are one of our biggest supports, they’re tremendous,” explained Judy Grossman from the Hebron Fund.” (69).
is the chair of the board of directors of Ballard Power Systems Inc. [1], a leader in proton exchange membrane fuel cell technology. He is a director of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board [2], Wajax Corporation [3] and the Canadian Public Accountability Board [4]. He is also the former chair of the board of directors of SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. (2013-2015) [5], for whom he was a director from 2009 to 2015 and also served as that company’s Interim Chief Executive Officer from March 2012 to October 2012. Mr. Bourne has been a member of the human resources committee of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Ballard Power Systems Inc. and SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. He was a director of Canadian Oil Sands Limited (2007-2016) [6] and also served as the chair of its Corporate Governance and Compensation Committee. Mr. Bourne has been active in serving on a variety of community based organizations including the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra [7], The Glenbow Museum and The Calgary Foundation. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Mount Allison University and is a Fellow of the Institute of Corporate Directors.
Ballard Power Systems, based in Burnaby, BC, is a fuel cell manufacturer. The company recently brokered a deal with China for manufacturing and Japan’s Toyota Tsusho Co. (a subsidiary of Toyota). Also serving on Ballard’s board of directors is Doug Hayhurst, who hails from PriceWaterhouseCoopers Management Consultants – an insurance, auditing, and business consulting firm that proves to be popular among the Hydro One directors.
Ballard Power Systems purports to be a green energy company, considering itself a proponent of “green mining”. Its recent pursuits include partnerships with South African platinum mining. “South Africa holds 75% of the world’s supply of platinum, a key component of Ballard’s proton exchange membrane fuel cell products.” [Modern Mining, July 2013]. Stillwater Mining previously held a monopoly in the United States as the country’s only platinum-procuring company, though is currently undergoing a review for acquisition by South Africa’s Sibanye mining company.
Ballard recently saw the appointment of Robert Booker as Vice President of Human Resources; between 2008 to 2015, Booker acted as the Executive Vice President of Human Resources at BG Group plc, an international oil & gas company, acquired by Royal Dutch Shell in 2015.
Among Ballard Power Systems’ subsidiary companies is Protonex Technology Corporation, a Massachusetts based military equipment manufacturer and distributor. Protonex proudly states, “Protonex Technology Corporation has deployed thousands of portable power solutions to the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force, SOCOM, and National Guard”. One of Ballard’s collaborators in the early 2000s was a company called Millenium Cell. Together, the two corporations worked on developing portable fuel cell technology to make consumer cars more ‘green’. (The future of cars is the ecologically-friendly vehicle which, instead of guzzling gas, relies on fuel cells. In order to guarantee a sustainable future, the market demands the production of more cars, and of more fuel cells for those cars.)
The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (flexible, patient investors who can capitalize on opportunities in volatile markets) was established in 1997, and invests not for the quarter but for the quarter century. For this reason, the CPPIB partnered with Citycon, the Helsinki-based subsidiary of the Israeli real estate group, Gazit Globe, to buy Swedish Kista Galleria mall: “Citycon and CPPIB are each putting up half the 526 million euros for the deal, which should close in January” (Haaretz, Dec. 20, 2012). On behalf of all Canadians, the CPPIB worked hard throughout 2016 buying up U.S. student housing (in partnership with Singapore-based investment firm GIC and U.S.-based private student housing owner The Scion Group); US$141 million worth of Texas office buildings; as well as hundreds of millions of dollars in shopping malls in the Chinese cities of Dalian and Chongqing, New Zealand office and shopping centres, and seniors’ housing in Florida.
In addition to this diversified portfolio, the CPPIB, in partnership with the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, recently invested to own 49% of Arco Norte, one of the largest federal toll road concessions in Mexico, which was described as “an attractive asset with long-term growth potential that will provide income to pay pensions” [CPPIB News Release, Jun. 9, 2016]. The purchase of the Mexican highway was exclusively advised to the CPPIB and the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan by Macquarie Capital (USA) Inc., which is a subsidiary of the Australian investment bank Macquarie Group. This echoes a 2015 deal, in which the CPPIB, the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, and OMERS each purchased a 33.33% share ($2.8 billion) to own Chicago’s Skyway Concession Company LLC (Bridging Communities Together Since 1958), and its Chicago Skyway Tollroad [CPPIB News Release, Nov. 13, 2015].
Most recently, the Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) invested $200 million (Singapore dollars) in Singapore-based LOGOS Singapore and $100 million (U.S. dollars) in LOGOS’ Indonesia Logistics Venture, an integrated investment and development logistics real estate specialist, largely comprising of warehouse and logistics infrastructures [CPP Investment Board News Release, Mar. 12, 2017]. “CPPIB said the deals would pave the way for its first direct real estate investments in Singapore and Indonesia.” [The Globe and Mail, Mar. 13, 2017]. “For the Indonesia venture, the strategy is to focus on developing and owning high quality, modern logistics properties in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia.” [Ivanhoé Cambridge News Release, Mar. 13, 2017]. LOGOS also operates in Australia, China, Indonesia and Singapore. LOGOS is backed by Australian investment bank, the Macquarie Group. The other major investor in the Indonesian properties is Montreal-based real estate company Ivanhoé Cambridge (THIS IS HOW WE LIVE), a subsidiary of Canada’s second largest pension investment manager, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, whose own diversified portfolio includes a slew of shopping centres in Brazil.
Alongside real estate and highways, mining industries remain one of the most attractive investments for the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board. CPPIB’s recent investments include a majority stake of US$450 million in Colorado based LongPoint Minerals (Delivering Value Uncovering Possibilities), a company focused on the acquisition of oil and natural gas mineral and royalty interests in the U.S. [CPPIB News Release, Jun. 8, 2016]. LongPoint’s directors are Mustafa Humayun (CPPIB, Goldman Sachs, and Sagard Capital Partners), Avik Dey, and Adam Vigna [U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, May 19, 2016].
The CPPIB, after all, is “is quintessentially Canadian” [CPPIB Statement About the Saskatchewan Government’s Farmland Decision, Apr. 13, 2015].
Wajax is a construction equipment and heavy machinery supplier based in Mississauga, Ontario. In January 2016, Wajax was suffering from the “downturn” of the oil industry in western Canada. “Wajax Corp. says weakness in oil and other commodity prices continued to have a negative effect on its customers in all sectors including construction, mining, and oil and gas.” [Winnipeg Free Press, Jan. 3, 2016]. In March 2017, Wajax Corporation welcomes new Chief Financial Officer Darren Yaworsky, hailing from the Enbridge Group of Companies (including Enbridge Energy Partners LP and Enbridge Income Fund), as well as Bank of Montréal and RBC Capital Markets [NewsWire, Dec. 22, 2016].
Wajax Power Systems provides machinery for frac, drilling or service rig applications, as well as machinery for mining, industrial trucks for logging, and specialized cranes. “there isn’t much that we can’t do” / “we understand that the mining industry isn’t always 9 to 5”.
In addition to Ian A. Bourne, the Canadian Public Accountability Board (“in the best interests of the funds”) board of directors includes: Nicholas Le Pan from the board of CIBC and advisor to the International Monetary Fund (IMF); “We are writing to provide you with our comments …”; Sheryl Kennedy is the CEO of Promontory Financial Group Canada ULC.; “If we as a manager were to act unreasonably when faced with a conflict situation, we could reasonably expect that advisors would eventually stop recommending our funds …” Gary Porter, formerly of the Board of Directors of the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan; “it’s hard to conclude that investors in funds structured like the Brandes Funds would be better off as a result of having an IRC (Independent Review Committee) … “An alternative … would be to require all investment companies such as Brandes to have an independent professional firm (such as an audit or law firm) certify that appropriate policies exist within the company.” [Re: Canadian Securities Administrators Proposed National Instrument 81-107 Independent Review Committee for Mutual Funds, Apr. 5, 2004]. The independent professional firm Brandes chose is PricewaterhouseCoopers [SEDAR].
The SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. & SNC-Lavalin are Montreal-based engineering and construction firm with a huge imprint on Canadian oil infrastructure. SNC-Lavalin’s controversies continue closer to home: joining appropriate company in November 2016, SNC-Lavalin joined Montreal’s mafia-owned Construction Frank Catania & Associates in a contract restitution program, based on fraud charges [Daily Commercial News, Nov. 8, 2016]. The engineering firm is no stranger to mafia connections, seeing as it set a precedent with its involvements in Algeria and Libya. During Bourne’s tenure, the Panama Papers reveal that SNC-Lavalin signed “at least $4 billion” in Algerian construction contracts with an offshore Caribbean-registered company. Contracts included water treatment plants and distribution pipes.
“Mr. Bourne, who has held senior executive positions at TransAlta Corp., Canada Post and General Electric Canada,” writes Kristine Owram, “became a director of SNC in 2009. This was before the allegations of fraud and corruption in Libya began to swirl, forcing a major overhaul of the company’s culture that Mr. Bourne oversaw as interim CEO from March to October 2012.” [Financial Post, Mar. 16, 2015].
SNC-Lavalin further scandalized the nation with fraud and corruption allegations in Libya. “Last month, the RCMP charged SNC and two of its subsidiaries with one count of fraud and one count of corruption each related to the companies’ dealings in Libya.” [Financial Post, 2015], whereas only three years before (2012), headlines proclaimed, under Bourne’s ‘interim’ position, “SNC anxious to do business in Libya once again”! Memorable quotes from this article include, “SNC was among the biggest corporate players in Libya thanks to its close ties to the family of former dictator Moammar Gadhafi. The company participated in two joint ventures with Col. Gadhafi’s son, Saadi, called the Libyan Corps of Engineers and the Executing Agency,” and “When asked if the new government in Libya would be receptive to SNC given its past ties to Saadi, who fled to Niger and has talked about launching a counter revolution, Mr. [SNC Chairman Gwyn] Morgan replied: “Well, every other company that has operated in the country, including all other engineering companies, had links with the [Gadhafi] regime or they couldn’t have done any business.””
A narrative collection of headlines assembled from the first page of a search engine’s results on Saadi’s escape to Niger:
Saadi Gaddafi threatens counter revolution in Libya / Husband of Canadian ambassador to Libya ‘one of the players’ in Saadi Gadhafi’s company / Neo colonial regime in Libya faces war over oil exports / Libya on alert after warning from Gaddafi’s son / Libya vows to treat Gadafy’s son fairly / Saif al-Islam to be moved to Tripoli, Niger confiscates Saadi’s communication devices / Niger extradites Gaddafi’s son Saadi to Libya / Saadi Gaddafi was put under arrest for provocative statements
In 2013, SNC-Lavalin was barred by the World Bank from bidding on its projects for 10 years [The Star], but this didn’t stop the tenacious engineering firm from pursuing its projects regardless! “In 2013, SNC-Lavalin obtained a $2.2 million contract to build the Penal Hospital in Trinidad, even though the World Bank had forbidden the company to bid on contracts that it funded because of its compromised ethical record. To reach its ends, the Quebec firm hid behind the Canadian Commercial Corporation, a Crown corporation of the government of Canada.” [10] (224)
Two years later, Bourne resigned in what were described as “inexplicable” conditions [Canadian Business].
Ian A. Bourne was director of Canadian Oil Sands Limited from 2007 until 2016 [NewsWire, Nov. 16, 2007]. Canadian Oil Sands Ltd. was the largest owner in the Syncrude oil sands. Syncrude (“a pure investment opportunity” for Canadian Oil Sands), based in Fort McMurray, Alberta, is an amalgamation of Suncor Energy Ventures Partnership and Canadian Oil Sands Partnership #1, Imperial Oil Resources (owned by ExxonMobil), Mocal Energy Limited, Suncor Energy Ventures Partnership, Nexen Oil Sands Partnership, and Sinopec Oil Sands Partnership.
Canadian Oil Sands Ltd. was acquired by Suncor Energy (Petro-Canada) and integrated entirely in March 2016 for $4.3 billion [Suncor News Release, Mar. 21, 2016]. Suncor also increased its shares in the Syncrude project by purchasing shares from Murphy Oil.
“There are many opportunities coming on the friendly side” for more takeovers, Reynish said, declining to provide any details or possible targets” [Financial Post, Mar. 21, 2016]. In 2017, Suncor sold 50% of Ontario’s Cedar Point wind farm, co-owned by NextEra Energy. Suncor’s projects on the Canadian East Coast: Hibernia, White Rose, Terra Nova, and Hebron (named after the Israeli city).
Suncor board of directors is: James Simpson (Petro-Canada, Chevron Canada Resources, Canadian Utilities Limited); Steve Williams (Esso/Exxon, Alcoa Upstream Corporation, Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance); Patricia Bedient (Weyerhaeuser Company, Arthur Andersen LLP); Mel Benson (Tenax Energy Inc., Fort McKay Group of Companies, Oilstone Energy Services Inc., Beaver Lake Cree Nation recipient of a National Aboriginal Achievement Award and more recently was inducted into the Aboriginal Business Hall of Fame, Indspire Laureate); Jacynthe Côté (Rio Tinto Alcan, RBC, and Finning International Inc., which distributes Cat® / Caterpillar construction equipment); Domenic D’Alessandro (Manulife Financial Corporation, CGI Group Inc., Order of Canada); John Gass (Chevron Corporation, Southwestern Energy Co., Weatherford International Ltd.); John Huff (Oceaneering International Inc., offshoring drilling company Western Oceanic, Inc, frac sand distributor Hi Crush Partners LP.); Maureen McCaw (Petro Canada, Leger Marketing, formerly Criterion Research Corp., CBC Pension Plan, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Nature Conservancy of Canada); Michael O’Brien (Suncor, Nature Conservancy of Canada, Shaw Communications Inc., Canada Revenue International); Eira Thomas (Aber Resources, now Dominion Diamond Corp., Stornoway Diamond Corp., Lucara Diamond Corp.).
The current chair of Suncor is the newly appointed Michael Wilson, former CEO of Agrium (also Methanex, Dow Chemical Company, Finning International), who will continue to “employ strategies to ensure that Suncor continued to deliver shareholder value despite an extremely challenging environment” [Suncor News Release, Feb. 9, 2017].
While Indspire Laureate – describing himself as of the Beaver Lake Cree – Mel Benson was awarded as an Aboriginal leader for his expansion of oil sands projects across Canada, the Beaver Lake Cree won the right to take Suncor to court over oil sands expansion [The Globe and Mail, Jun. 4, 2013]. “Suncor and Mikisew Cree First Nation (MCFN) today announced the signing of a participation agreement for the purchase by MCFN of a 14.7% interest in Suncor’s East Tank Farm Development” [Suncor News Release, Oct. 17, 2016]. As in: creation of employment as means to sustainability.
“… strengthening the participation of Aboriginal Peoples in energy development … in addition to the 34.3% equity interest announced in September by Suncor and Fort McKay First Nation … long term revenue stream … significantly improving Aboriginal workforce development at Suncor … marketing arrangements … steadily improve asset performance … explore synergy opportunities … generated $2.4 billion in cash … our focus on cost management … cash operating costs per barrel decreased …”
Tar sands contribute to the death of ducks [Oil Sands Truth]. In Canada, there are charity organizations that advocate for and restore the habitats of birds harmed by ecologically devastating industries like lumbering, mining, and fracking. Ducks Unlimited Canada accepts millions of dollars in donations from oil companies Enbridge and Suncor, as the only way to realize its wetland protection projects for habitat rehabilitation of damage caused by these same companies. In 2011, Ducks Unlimited refused to make their audited financial statements public [The Star, Nov. 15, 2011].
Excerpts from letter by Don Hubbard (BC Senior Director), regarding oil company sponsorship of Ducks Unlimited Canada
“… Not all conservation funding from the U.S. coming into Canada is anti-oil … For more than 100 years our two nations have been co-operating and collaborating to protect our shared North American environment … For 76 of those years Ducks Unlimited has been using funds from the United States, from multiple sources … Billions of American dollars have been spent this way in Canada … The oil industry is very important to Canada’s economy … Ducks Unlimited has longstanding partnerships with industry, including energy giants Suncor and Shell Canada … Ducks Unlimited Canada proudly works with anyone and everyone who cares about the wise use and careful stewardship of our shared environment …” [Nanaimo Daily News, Aug. 25, 2014].
The community based organization of the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra has a history of supporting Zionist charities and oil companies. But as art is inherently apolitical, the Orchestra is an objective a-political collaborator. The Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra has most recently partnered with a guided tour of Israel, sponsored by the Jewish National Fund of Canada (JNF), under the following bill:
Jewish National Fund of Canada
Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra
Mission to Israel ~ February 2nd to 12th, 2017
Featuring Roberto Minczuk
Conducting the Israel Symphony Orchestra at Rishon Lezion
The programme involved “Lunch on “Living on the Edge Day” (along Gaza border)” followed by “Cake & Coffee at Elma”, “Dairy Dinner at Aresto”, “Lunch & Swim at the Dead Sea” (with the helpful recommendation of contributing a sum of $120 to the tour fees as tips to be split between the guide, bus driver & bell boys). Trip attendees to occupied Palestine would be serenaded by Lucia di Lammermoor and Vivian Bercovici. The price included water on the bus.
The Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra has previously presented on behalf of EnCana.
The Badlands will resound with the sounds of Beethoven:
“The music will be captivating and the venue awe-inspiring when the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra returns to the Canadian Badlands Passion Play site in Drumheller with their annual outdoor presentation of “Beethoven in the Badlands,” 2:30pm, Saturday, May 28, 2005.” [EnCana News Release, May 24, 2005].
is the Chief Executive Officer of Intact Financial Corporation [1], Canada’s largest property and casualty insurance provider. Mr. Brindamour is a director of Intact Financial Corporation, the C.D. Howe Institute [2], Branksome Hall and the Insurance Bureau of Canada. He is also a member of the Advisory Committee of the University of Waterloo’s Climate Change Adaptation Project, serves on the advisory board of Gibraltar Growth Corporation [3] and is co-chair of Laval University’s “Grande Campagne” [4]. Mr. Brindamour is a graduate of Laval University in Actuarial Sciences and an associate of the Casualty Actuarial Society.
Intact Financial Corporation is one of Canada’s largest property insurance companies. Intact [Stockhouse]. In 2011, Intact acquired Paris-based AXA Group (WE MAKE THIS EXPERIENCE HAPPEN) the 6th largest provider of home, auto and business insurance in Canada. “Although we are never pleased when there are fewer insurers to chose from in the marketplace, the industry as a whole is still very competitive” (Steve Masnyck, a spokesman for the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada) [The Globe and Mail, May 31, 2011].
The University of Waterloo’s Climate Change Adaption Project (mentioned above) was started by a $4.25 million donation from the Intact Financial Corporation [University of Waterloo News, Nov. 30, 2015]. The programs include adapting infrastructure. In 2013, Intact raised its premiums between 15 to 20 percent, based on increased risks of structural damage from storms, or other severe climate [events] [Canadian Underwriter, Jan. 2014]. Fort McMurray [NewsWire, May 6, 2016]. During the Fort McMurray fires, Intact raised its rates [Canadian Underwriter, Jul. 27, 2016]. Suncor facilities were 25 kilometres north of Fort McMurray and the forest fires.
The Fort McMurray reinsurance company was DaVinci Reinsurance (owned by Renaissance Reinsurance Holdings Inc. (RenRe)), based in Bermuda. “We created similar value for clients and investors when we created DaVinci in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 tragedy … diversified our capital sources and brought new capacity to our customers” [2015 Annual Report RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd.] Kevin J. O’Donnell is the current CEO of RenRe, with CFO as Robert Qutub of Merrill Lynch, Pricewaterhouse, and the USAA Federal Savings Bank. Bermuda is a big market for Canadian companies and banks. Reinsurance companies are based in Bermuda. (see Panama Papers) [Globe News Wire, Nov. 4, 2016]. These ‘reinsurance’ companies often practice what is known as ‘captive’ insurance, which means they are partially or wholly owned by the companies they reinsure. [New York Times, Apr. 11, 2015].
C.D. Howe Institute is a right-wing non-profit research institute on public policy, based in Toronto, Canada. The Institute is key to the NAFTA establishment and negotiations. The Institute has propagated free trade policy, as well as lower corporate taxes, inflation rates, reform of the Canadian and Quebec pension plans (Crown and corporate pension plans). Prominent researchers have included directors of Canada’s major banks. Under Jack Mintz, the C.D. Howe Institute represented the interests of Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party, including during the 2016 elections, where lobbyist Catherine Swift resigned from the C.D. Howe Institute following attack ads on Trudeau. [Rabble, Sep. 2014]. “The C.D. Howe Institute’s work is invaluable to the nation”, Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper — Former Prime Minister of Canada.
Gibraltar Growth Corporation (Gibraltar Company) is venture capitalist company based in Toronto. The current CEOs are fashion mogul Joseph Mimran (founder of Joe Fresh™ brand for Loblaw Companies Limited) and Camillo di Prata (formerly Executive Vice President & Head of Corporate and Investment Banking at National Bank of Canada and Vice Chairman at National Bank Financial, among others). Other board members and investors in Gibraltar include Luigi Fraquelli of BMO Capital Markets, Howard Grosfield of AMEX Bank of Canada; as well as Jeffry Orridge, Executive Director, CBC Sports Properties & General Manager, Olympics, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Gibraltar’s investment portfolio includes LXR & Co (supplier of luxury handbags), luxury sandals, and Crowdriff. “Crowdriff enables businesses to take greater control of the creative process by allowing them to search and acquire rights for user-generated images across social networks (Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter) and to later re-deploy those images across their digital channels.” In 2015, Gibraltar Growth Corporation created a subsidiary company called Gibraltar Opportunity, Inc. Gibraltar Opportunity’s advisory team includes Jordan Banks, Managing Director of Facebook Canada [Market Wired, Jul. 31, 2015].
La Grande Campagne is a private investment and donation project by l’Université Laval in Québec. Dans leurs mots, «Les universités font face à un défi financier important. Elles ont besoin de soutien et de leadership. Il revient aux individus comme moi, de même qu’au secteur privé, de prendre le relais et de participer à cette cause qui représente un gage d’avenir, non seulement pour les institutions d’enseignement elles-mêmes, mais pour l’ensemble de la société québécoise.»
Les directeurs, ou ‘leadership’ de la campagne incluent: Sophie Brochu (Gaz Métro), Michel Dallaire (Cominar), André Desmarais (Power corporation du Canada – qui est investie dans Sagard Europe, Sagard Capital, et Sagard China), et Andrew Molson (Groupe conseil RES PUBLICA).
Les donateurs qui a contribuent plus d’un million dollars à l’université publique incluent: Banque Nationale, BMO Groupe financier, Desjardins, Groupe Banque TD, Hydro-Québec, iA Groupe financier, TELUS (among others). Some of the private institutes invested in the Grande Campagne, such as the Fondation J. A. DeSève, l’Institut Mallet, et W. Garfield Weston Foundation. Schlumberger Canada et une corporation Canadienne du gaz.
The investors for Brindamour’s Grande Campaigne include the United Jewish Welfare Fund of Toronto, Goldcorp, et Glencore, un corporation des minerales, et extraction des resources naturelles en Canada (based in Switzerland, invested in by BlackRock, Abu Dhabi, et Singapore) [Financial Post, May 3, 2011].
is the Vice-Chairman of the board of directors of Restaurant Brands International Inc. [1], a multinational quick service restaurant company. He is also a director of the Minto Group [2], a private real estate developer. Prior to his appointment as Vice-Chairman of Restaurant Brands International Inc. in December 2014, Mr. Caira was President and Chief Executive Officer of Tim Hortons Inc., a multinational fast food restaurant, a member of the executive board of Nestlé S.A. [3] in Switzerland, a transnational food and beverage company, and Chief Executive Officer of Nestlé Professional. Mr. Caira holds a Diploma in Marketing Management from Seneca College, Toronto (1977) and is a graduate of the Director Program at The International Institute for Management Development, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Restaurant Brands International Inc. (RBI) is the parent company of Tim Hortons and Burger King. Marc Caira is the former CEO of Tim Hortons. The proudly Canadian coffee chain (recently acquired by U.S. ownership) is responsible for deforestation of the Sumatran rainforests for the growth of palm oil, brought to attention during the negotiations of a merger with Burger King.
Restaurant Brands executives are: Daniel Schwartz (3G Capital); Joshua Kobza (Sao Paolo-based SIP Capital, Blackstone Group); Jill Granat (legal counsel of Burger King); Patrick McGrade (GlaxoSmithKline, Canada). On the board of directors are: Martin E. Franklin (Jarden Corporation, Newell Brands, Liberty Acquisitions Holdings Corp. “a blank cheque company”, and chemical company Platform Specialty Products Corporation); Paul J. Fribourg (Continental Grain Company, Loews Corporation, formerly of Smithfield Foods and the Power Corporation of Canada); Ali G. Hedayat (Goldman Sachs, Maryana Capital, Edoma Capital, Indus Capital, and U.S. Geothermal Inc. – which is currently developing the El Ceibillo hydro-electric dam near Guatemala City); Neil Golden (McDonald’s, RC Cola Co., Bain Capital); Thomas V. Milroy (lumber company Interfor Corporation, Generation Capital Limited, BMO Capital Markets); Roberto Moses Thompson Motta (Brazil’s largest investment bank, Banco Garantia, real estate company São Carlos Empreendimentos e Participações S.A., 3G Capital); Carlos Alberto Sicupira (3G Capital, Lojas Americanas, Brazilian non-profits Fundação Brava and Fundação Estudar); Cecilia Sicupira (Lojas Americanas, São Carlos Empreendimentos); Alexandre van Damme (Luxemburg’s Patri S.A., InBev Baillet-Latour Fund, Insead International Council). The new brand presidents are Tim Hortons’ Elías Díaz Sesé (formerly of Burger King’s Singapore-based AsiaPac, Pte. Ltd.,) and Burger King’s José E. Cil (Wal-Mart, and Burger King franchisee Carrols Restaurant Group, Inc.).
The Chairman at RBI is Alex Behring formerly of investment firm 3G Capital, Kraft Foods Group, GP Investimentos, and the transportation and logistics companies America Latina Logistica and CSX Corporation. GP Investimos (GP) is a Latin American investment company headquartered in Bermuda, which, through its subsidiary companies, has heavily invested in mining and other resource extraction industries, across Brazil. GP became a majority shareholder in the company RHI Magnesita. In 2013, GP Investimos increased investment in the mining company Empresa Brasileira de Agregados Minerais (EBAM), of R$100 million, in addition to the 2012 investment of R$64 million [GP Investimos News Release, Feb. 27, 2013].
The Minto Group (GREEN LOOKS GOOD ON EVERYONE) is a Canadian private (HOME IS WHERE LIFE HAPPENS) real estate developer. Previously publically-owned Lansdowne park in Ottawa was put up for development and ownership by the Minto Group, with the first condos sold by lottery in 2012. The area is now notorious for its mammoth suburban box-stores and condominiums, when Minto was granted permission to develop the Bank Street land [Ottawa Business Journal, Dec. 6, 2012].
Prior to this, Lansdowne Park was the site of an annual military trade show, CANSEC. In [year], Ottawa mayor Marion Dewar banned the military trade show from being hosted on the public space. In the year [year], due to a loop-hole in the policy, CANSEC is able to continue holding its weapons market on Lansdowne due to technically private ownership.
The Minto Group’s current CEO is Michael Waters (formerly of Intrawest Corporation), who replaced Roger Greenberg. Greenberg was CEO from the early 90s until 2013, when he retired and became an active director on the Minto board. Chief Operating Officer is Joel Bernardi (Director and Chairman for UPI Energy LP). The Minto board of directors includes James (Jim) Don Carreker (JDC Holdings Inc., Trammell Crow Company, Westec Intelligent Surveillance); Paul Douglas (PCL Construction Holdings, paper company Abitibi, Shell Canada); Peter Goring (Northern Policy Institute, Bennington Advisors Inc., Global Dimension Capital); Alan Greenberg (Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation, Association for Soldiers of Israel “the only non-profit organization in Canada that supports Israeli soldiers on active duty”, and Co-Chair for 10 missions to Israel with the United Jewish Appeal of Toronto).
The Greenbergs are listed among Canada’s richest people [Canadian Business, Dec. 24, 2015]. While the Greenbergs continue to expand the Minto empire across Canada (most recently in Calgary), and charitably fund the Israeli army, Minto’s latest project, $1 Billion Florida Development to Bring ‘Margaritaville’ Vibe to Aging [Home Health Care News, Feb. 22, 2017] (Soon You Will Actually Be Able to Retire to Margaritaville).
Swiss-owned Nestlé S.A. is another major palm oil producer. Marc Caira was with Nestlé for 36 years until 2013, ‘developing’ markets across Asia, in Turkey, India, and France. In 2010, Nestlé under Caira established a subsidiary in Nairobi.
“Wellington Water Watchers says the permit for Nestle Waters in Aberfoyle, Ont., expired on July 31, but the company has been allowed to keep extracting water from a local well even in the midst of a severe drought […]The permits allow municipalities, mining companies and golf courses — in addition to the water-bottlers — to take a total of 1.4 trillion litres out of Ontario’s surface and ground water supplies every day.” [CTV News, Aug. 21, 2016]
Incidentally, Marc Caira was also CEO and COO of Nestlé’s Italian competitor Parmalat North America and Parmalat Canada. Parmalat partnered with Nestlé to purchase Australia’s Fonterra Brands. In 2008, the Venezuelan President, Hugo Chávez, threatened to seize Nestlé and Parmalat’s milk plants as they were pushing out local companies: “This government should turn the screw … we have to apply the constitution and we have to intervene and expropriate the plants” [Financial Times, Feb. 11, 2008].
is a Corporate Director. He serves as a director of Loblaw Companies Limited [1], a Canadian food and pharmacy retailer, Air Canada, a Canadian airline company, and Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust [2], an owner, manager and developer of retail and commercial real estate across Canada. He previously served as the Chief Executive Officer and Senior Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP [3] from July 2005 to July 2011. Mr. Clark is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, and in addition to his public company board memberships, he is on the Board of Alpine Canada and is a member of the Advisory Board of the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University. Mr. Clark holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Queen’s University and a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Toronto.
An architect was enlightening a colleague on the terms of success. “You have to raise the stakes,” he explained, by which he meant progressing from collaborating with bakeries to collaborating with condominium developers. “Otherwise, you might as well be selling groceries. Just place the highest bid on that corner lot, and sell groceries and diapers, you know?”
Christie J. Clark joins his Hydro One colleague Marianne Harris at Loblaw Companies (LIVE LIFE WELL). Loblaw is a subsidiary of George Weston Ltd., named after the founder and father of current CEO, Galen Weston. The core values of the Loblaw Companies are: CARE (Improving the health and well-being of all Canadians); OWNERSHIP (Approaching every day with personal accountability and commitment); RESPECT (Acting with integrity, respect and openness every day); EXCELLENCE (Leading together through innovation and superior performance).
On the Loblaw board of directors are: Galen Weston (George Weston Ltd., Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust,, Wittington Investments Ltd.); Scott B. Bonham (GGV Capital, Capital Group Companies, Magna International Inc., Scotiabank); Paul M. Beeston (Toronto Blue Jays Team, President’s Choice Bank, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Foundation); Warren Bryant (George Weston Ltd., Longs Drug Stores, Kroger Co.); Claude Kotchka (Procter & Gamble, Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt); John S. Lacey (George Weston Ltd., Brookfield Private Equity Group, Oshawa Group / Sobey’s, CIBC); Nanch H.O. Lockhart (Frum Development Group, Atrium Mortgage Investment Corporation, Barrick Gold Corporation, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Foundation, Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation); Thomas C. O’Neill (BCE Inc. / Bell, PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Bank of Nova Scotia, Nexen Inc.); Beth Pritchard (Kuwait-based M. H. Alshaya Co., Victoria’s Secret Beauty, The Vitamin Shoppe, Inc., and Nebraska-based hunting, fishing and camping company Cabela’s Incorporated); Sarah Raiss (TransCanada Corporation, Commercial Metals Company, Vermillion Energy Inc., Alberta Electric System, Canadian Oil Sands Ltd.). Loblaw Group is partially owned by BlackRock Fund Advisors.
Choice Properties Real Estate Canada owns approximately 43.6 million square feet of gross leasable area, leasing primarily retail space to its own superstores and liquor stores, as well as gas stations; and of course a swathe of industrial properties for warehousing and cold storage. In Surrey, B.C., salted duck eggs and fresh mandarin oranges shipped from Shanghai Jr International Co., Ltd., bound for Loblaws, are processed at a Choice Properties warehouse operated by Versacold, a cold-storage company of which a majority share was acquired by U.S. magnate Ron Burkle’s company Yucaipa, which previously raised around $10 million for the Clintons [LA Times, Jan. 7, 2016].
The current chairman of the board of trustees of Choice Properties Real Estate is naturally Galen G. Weston, whose Loblaw superstores take up a predominant part of the real estate. Meanwhile, Weston’s Loblaws sold $7 billion worth of real estate to Weston’s real estate company. In addition to being Chair and CEO of Loblaw Companies, Weston previously worked as a banking analyst for the Salomon Brothers.
Christie J. Clark’s own interests in real estate are not limited to Choice Properties, as he is also a former director of Brookfield Office Properties.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) is an auditing and assurance, tax and consulting company. Pauline Alimchandani of Dream Unlimited comes from a background of Audit and Assurance and Consulting & Deals practices at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.
Pricewaterhouse Coopers has a well-established track-record of involvement in projects of water privatization, including in Delhi, India [see Draft for Asinabka]. In 2005, the Delhi Jal Board (responsible for the treatment and distribution of potable water in Delhi) was pressured by the World Bank to sign a deal with Pricewaterhouse Coopers on the privatization of water. (Link here, and here. Book: Water policy Processes in India: Discourses of Power and Resistance).
Pricewaterhouse Cooper’s activities in Saudi Arabia are especially interesting, considering their delicate alignment with the aspirations of the Kingdom outlined in Vision 2030. Of course, this includes such incentives as ‘free market prices’, and the transformation of the King Abdullah Financial District into a ‘special zone’. Keller Easterling writes in Extrastatecraft on the autonomous economic zones that permit for policies that exist outside ‘normal’ state regulations – from corporate taxation, to environmental policy, to human rights support – describing the zone as a legal and economic instrument.
“Essentially concurring with UNIDO, both the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the World Bank have argued that the EPZ is, at best, the second most advantageous way to encourage trade and national prosperity; the best way is simply through investment in the domestic economy. And — especially given the host country’s investment in infrastructure and loss in tax revenues — the zone approach has not always yielded what economists term “spillover effects” or spurred the introduction of new technologies.”
Easterling notes that the King Abdullah Financial District was launched in 2006 as such an extrastate zone, while the Plan 2030, released in April 2016, seeks to fully realize the extent of this autonomous zone.
PwC’s Senior Leader in Saudi Arabia is Riyadh Al-Najjar, who purportedly aligns his consulting practices with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030. Highlight from the Kingdom’s Vision include, “we will transform Aramco from an oil producing company into a global industrial conglomerate”, while at the same time increasing the localization of the oil and gas sectors from 40% to 75%. The kingdom will transform the Public Investment Fund into “the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund”, and “we plan to manufacture half of our military needs within the Kingdom to create more job opportunities for citizens and keep more resources in our country.” For truly, it is through the manufacturing of “the best possible machinery and equipment” for war that prosperity for all is achieved, especially through “The King Salman Program for Human Capital Development”. To train future leadership in the prosperity for “your children, and your children’s children”, Saudi Arabia collaborated with Pricewaterhouse Coopers in 2016 on constructing a “PwC Academy in the Kingdom”.
In 2017 it was announced that PwC would be collaborating with Saudi Arabia, advising on a $20 billion cost-cutting plan to cancel government contracts. According to Bloomberg, “Projects under review include contracts awarded by the ministries of housing, transport, health and education, they said, adding that PwC’s role also includes advising on ways to cut project costs or privatize them.” (“Our goal is to create a comprehensive privatization program.”) All this comes from the directive of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman. [Arab News, Sep. 21, 2016]
Meanwhile, in Montreal:
“Quebec Superior Court appointed the accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers as liquidator of the Catania group, which includes five companies, in September 2014. None of the numbered companies are being liquidated, according to Quebec business records. The liquidator responsible for the Catania file at PricewaterhouseCoopers did not return the Montreal Gazette’s call on Thursday.”
“The city of Montreal’s chances of recovering $23.7 million from Construction Frank Catania & Associés Inc. for damages the city claims it suffered from corrupt practices hinge on one of its boroughs giving a sister company regulatory approvals to forge ahead with a massive housing development that stands to make the company millions of dollars. […]However, PricewaterhouseCoopers, the accounting firm that was appointed by the Quebec Superior Court in September 2014 to liquidate Développement Lachine-Est, Construction Frank Catania & Associés and three other companies in the Catania group, says it was the only scenario under which Montreal and other creditors stand to recover their claims.” [The Montreal Gazette]
January 9, 2017: liquidator has been changed from PwC to Raymond Chabot Inc. [Pricewaterhouse Coopers notice on insolvency agreement] [Raymond Chabot ruling, Jan. 13 2017]
is President of Martello Associates Consulting [1], a business strategy consulting firm. He is also the Chair of the board of directors of the OMERS Administration Corporation [2] and CANATICS (Canadian National Insurance Crime Services) [3]. Mr. Cooke is the former President and CEO of The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company (The Dominion) [4], a property and casualty insurance company, a position he held from 1992 to August 2012. In August 2012, Mr. Cooke retired from his role as President of The Dominion and continued to hold the position of Chief Executive Officer of the company until December 31, 2012. Mr. Cooke obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree (Hons.) in Political Studies (1975) and a Master of Business Administration degree (1977) from Queen’s University. He also holds an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree (1999) from Assumption University in Windsor. [5]
Martello Associates Consulting is a business strategy consulting firm, established by George L. Cooke. Cooke’s experience in insurance allows him a unique insight into climate change, as expressed at the Audatex conference (regarding climate change affecting insurance policies): “Cooke outlined a number of items that he sees as the most important when it comes to impact on claims and how they’re dealt with. The first of these is weather change. […] For those of you from Toronto, you know that we’ve had the coldest winter in decades,” said Cooke. “Global warming? I don’t really care. The fact is that it’s different.”” [Audatext press release.]
OMERS Administration Corp., which administers the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System. George L. Cooke was appointed in 2014 [Benefits Canada News Release, 2014]. OMERS is reported as one of Canada’s leading pension funds [Canadian Underwriter]. In 2014, the OMERS pension fund founded a venture capital firm called OMERS Ventures [Osler, Jan. 2014]. OMERS’ top investments are: Wells Fargo, CIBC, Enbridge, TransCanada Corp, and CBRE Group. The pension fund recently boosted investment in Stillwater Mining and Western Refining [GuruFocus, Feb. 9, 2017], and Murphy Oil Corporation [Petro Global News 24, Mar. 9, 2017].
Stillwater has recently been undergoing review for $2.2 billion takeover by South African gold mining company Sibanye [Reuters, Feb. 3, 2017]. Stillwater is the only platinum-procuring mining company in the United States; platinum is used in the production of fuel cells. Ballard Power Systems has expressed interest in South African fuel cell development, in what is called “Green Mining”. South Africa holds 75% of the world’s supply of platinum, a key component of Ballard’s proton exchange membrane fuel cell products.
“By putting its arm around the planet’s other platinum producers, Sibanye is boosting South Africa’s own Aladdin’s Cave of platinum treasure, which keeps the air above the world’s biggest cities clean, catalyses electricity generation in a manner that protects the environment and brings about a myriad of other crucial chemical reactions that make the world a much better place.” [Polity, Dec. 9, 2016].
Murphy Oil Corporation is headquartered in El Dorado, Arkansas. OMERS’ fresh investment in Murphy Oil comes after the company was fined ($175,000) for an oil spill in Alberta: “From January to March of 2015, about 1.4 million litres of light oil was spilled about 65 kilometres east of Peace River in northwestern Alberta.” [CTV News, Feb. 28, 2017]. Prior to the fine, Murphy Oil sold its shares in the Peace River oil land to Baytex Energy Ltd. [Lexpert, Jan. 20, 2017]. This was quickly followed by Baytex’ proclamation of February 13 as Oil and Gas Awareness Day in Peace River (or, as it was declared in Edmonton, Alberta Oil and Gas Celebration Day) [PR Record Gazette, Feb. 15, 2017].
OMERS mulls best approach for investing in emerging markets [The Globe and Mail, Feb. 24, 2017].
OMERS also increased its investment in the Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. (PotashCorp), a producer of fertilizer, industrial and animal feed products. In September 2016, PotashCorp announced it would be merging with Agrium, with potash exports run through the exporting and marketing company Canpotex. The OMERS investment in PotashCorp comes at the same time as an investment by New York-based investment company Renaissance Technologies LLC (RenTec).
“Renaissance Technologies LLC raised its stake in shares of Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. (NYSE:POT) (TSE:POT) by 3,718.2% during the fourth quarter, according to its most recent disclosure with the SEC. The institutional investor owned 1,259,999 shares of the fertilizer maker’s stock after buying an additional 1,226,999 shares during the period. Renaissance Technologies LLC owned 0.15% of Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan worth $22,793,000 as of its most recent filing with the SEC.” [Daily Quint, Mar. 9, 2017].
RenTec is “The Renaissance Technologies Investor website is by invitation only. If you have not received an invitation, and think you should have, please contact your Renaissance representative. An offering may be made only by delivery of a confidential offering memorandum to appropriate investors. PAST PERFORMANCE IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS.” Running in the same investment circles, RenTec and OMERS boosted their investments in Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. [baseballnewssource, Feb. 17, 2017]. Isle of Capri Casinos was given the more sinister name of Anubis II Corporation in 1992.
RenTec’s CEO is Peter F. Brown, based in New York City, who runs a charity called Quetzal Trust, based out of Washington. One of the main beneficiaries of Quetzal is Fidelity Charitable, a donor-advised fund (DAF) that holds donations for Fidelity Investments. “The trust has no website and there is no clear way to seek support, but an address is below: The Quetzal Trust P.O. Box 39337 Washington, DC 20016” [Inside Philanthropy]. In their article “The Undermining of the American Charity”, Lewis B. Cullman and Ray Madoff write, “DAFs are also detrimental because they disrupt the flow of money from private foundations to operating charities. Private foundations are required to distribute 5 percent of their assets each year and these distributions typically go to operating charities. However, according to current tax rules, contributions to donor-advised funds qualify as required distributions for private foundations. This means that a private foundation can meet its payout requirement by giving funds to a DAF, which itself has no payout requirement.” [New York Review of Books, Jul. 14, 2016].
RenTec notably avoided paying over $6 billion in U.S. income taxes [Bloomberg, Jul. 22, 2014]. “Black Swan events can have catastrophic outcomes.” Renaissance’s Medallion fund entered into barrier options with Deutsche Bank and Barclays, both large and sophisticated counterparties, for substantial non-tax business purposes. (Hearing Before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, July 22, 2014). Through the release of the Panama Papers, it became known that RenTec had donated millions to the presidential campaigns of both Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz [Observer, Sep. 5, 2016 and OpenSecrets, Jun. 7, 2016].
CANATICS is described an industry-owned insurance fraud analytics company, which “was owned by nine and is now owned by seven large private insurers in the province” [Committee proceedings transcript, Dec. 6, 2016]. Insurance veteran to be new head of OLG [The Star, Oct. 21, 2016]. “OLG spends nearly $50 million annually on problem gambling treatment, prevention and research – more than any other jurisdiction in North America.” [Ontario Ministry of Finance News Release, Oct. 21, 2016].
Excerpts from committee proceedings:
“Mr. Wayne Gates: Because I do know that hydro rates are a concern at some of the racetracks that I represent.
The OLG has, in the recent past, done a lot of work to privatize services that were once public and, in some instances, like the Fort Erie Race Track, has simply taken away gambling without any consultation or foresight. Given the disastrous outcome of these unilateral actions, I’m curious what your position is on the continued privatization of OLG.”
Colle politicizes transportation:
“Mr. Mike Colle: Welcome, George.
Mr. George Cooke: Thank you.
Mr. Mike Colle: I guess I could ask you a question about Diamond and Diamond, perhaps, but I think that would be ruled out of order.
Mr. George Cooke: I’ve never been a supporter.
Mr. Mike Colle: Our Porsche-driving slip-and-fall lawyers—or Maserati-driving.”
It matters to stay on topic:
“Ms. Daiene Vernile: We’re here to talk about an appointment to the OLG; we’re not here to talk about Hydro. So could we please stay on topic, respectfully?
Mr. Jim McDonell: I think he has a history with Hydro One, so that’s a concern—
Mr. Raymond Sung Joon Cho: I’d only like to get the other view. What kind of person—
The Chair (Mrs. Cristina Martins): So let’s ask your question, Mr. Cho.
Mr. Raymond Sung Joon Cho: —is coming to the OLG? I’d like to continue.”
On asking permissible questions:
Mr. Jim McDonell: Chair, with the experience at Hydro One, I think some of the biases he may have are important here. We’re not talking about somebody who just stepped out of childhood. He has a lot of good experience. I think the questions are on point.
The Chair (Mrs. Cristina Martins): Mr. Cho, I’m going to ask that you ask the question.
Mr. Raymond Sung Joon Cho: I will. What have you learned at Hydro One that would allow you to better clean up the OLG?
The commitments that really matter:
Mr. Jim McDonell: Thank you for coming out today. I don’t know if I have to check whether I can ask these questions or not.
I see some of your experience being Hydro One and some the insurance fraud portion, two dismal areas in this province, to say the least. I think Ontario has been called the fraud capital of the world when it comes to insurance—
Mr. George Cooke: I’ve used that phrase myself, actually.
Mr. Jim McDonell: We haven’t seen anything to really combat that. I know that’s just a reflection of the policies of this government—as Hydro One. It’s interesting that you talk about your commitment to transparency, because over the last year we’ve had anything but when it comes to Hydro One and some of the changes that we’ve seen that don’t allow the Auditor General to review.
Merry Christmas:
The Chair (Mrs. Cristina Martins): With all our business having been completed—
Mr. Wayne Gates: Just one question.
The Chair (Mrs. Cristina Martins): Yes, Mr. Gates?
Mr. Wayne Gates: When are we going to be putting the list together to review agencies? I see that kind of got on the back burner. Coming in in September, we were trying to do a few and we didn’t get them done. Do we need to put in a new list? Where are we at on that?
The Chair (Mrs. Cristina Martins): You can call a subcommittee meeting to discuss this, in which case then you can identify which agencies you’d want to review.
Mr. Wayne Gates: Okay.
The Chair (Mrs. Cristina Martins): And if we need that list once again—I know that we had requested the list before the House rose in the summer to get a list of which agencies had been reviewed in the last little bit—we can get that again.
Mr. Wayne Gates: Yes. There was a little bit of stalling. I agree with that particular—
The Chair (Mrs. Cristina Martins): What was that? Sorry?
Mr. Wayne Gates: And I just want to say to all my colleagues and to staff, merry Christmas. Enjoy your holidays with your families. Spend some time with your families. Really, at the end of the day that’s all that matters in life. So merry Christmas and happy new year.
George L. Cooke has been hosted for luncheon talks with the previously mentioned right-wing C.D. Howe Institute.
CANATICS CEO is Ben Kosic “CANATICS’ approach to privacy goes beyond compliance with Canadian privacy laws.”
Naturally, the non-profit crime services organization consists of membership of major Canadian insurance companies.
CANATICS is sure to cooperate with the Insurance Bureau, of which members of CANATICS are members. Members collaborate with each other to ensure members are not committing fraud! [IBC]
The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company was one of Canada’s largest insurance providers, founded in 1887 by the country’s first Prime Minister, John A. MacDonald. The Dominion was sold by E-L Financial Corporation to New York based company Travelers in 2013, for $1.125 billion, to then become known as Travelers Canada [Travelers Canada News Release, June 10, 2013]. The E-L Financial Corporation remains the majority owners of Empire Life Insurance.
CEO of dominion is Heather Masterson, newly appointed as of November 2016.
Dwight Duncan (former Liberal Party member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, McMillan LP). Duncan is from Windsor, and was appointed to the non-profit Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority in 2015 [The Globe and Mail, Dec. 18, 2015]. The non-profit organization was founded in 2012, around the construction of the Gordie-Howe Bridge, which was intended to establish a new Canadian customs plaza, act as an alternative to the expansion of an existing bridge. A 2020 opening of the new Windsor-Detroit bridge is looking like a long shot: “Progress continues on the “enormously complex project,” he said, with Ottawa, which is footing almost the entire bill, having committed $655 million towards the project this year, up from $138 million spent in 2015 and $8 million in 2014.” [Windsor Star, Jul. 16, 2016]. The Gordie-Howe Bridge would require the purchase and displacement of numerous buildings with currently operating businesses who have nowhere else to go. “How can we have a finish date when we don’t even have the properties in hand?” [Duncan] said … Asked whether the challenges may have been underestimated when the project started, Duncan replied: “That’s a fair question.”” [Windsor Star, Jul. 16, 2016].
“The history of The Dominion is special and it parallels that of Canada itself” says The Hon. Henry N.R. Jackman, who is now Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors of The Dominion.” [NewsWire, Jun. 10, 2013].
Meanwhile, the American property and casualty insurance company Travelers partnered with Brazilian company J. Malucelli to purchase Colombian insurance company Cardinal Compañía de Seguros, “to capitalize on profitable opportunities in Colombia” [Finance Colombia, Feb. 8, 2015].
George L. Cooke was also a policy advisor to Ontario’s own Nixon – that is, the Liberal Party’s Robert F. Nixon, Ontario’s former Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance. “Nixon’s resume of public service after his political career is of equal distinction, with a seven-year stint as chairman of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.” [Brantford Expositor, Feb. 3, 2015]. George L. Cooke also held a directorial position on Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. [OMERS Press Release, Sep. 30, 2013].
“The troubles in Ontario Hydro’s management had, naturally, alarmed potential and actual customers all over the world. The team of U.S. advisors, under Mr. Andognini, had not found problems with the technology, only the management. This advisory team, all old hand from the U.S. nuclear submarine program, have had remarkable success in the U.S. in reinvigorating poorly managed installations, and there is every reason to expect that Ontario Hydro will be restored to health in time.” [North Renfrew Times, Oct. 2, 1997]. In 2011, Atomic Energy of Canada sold its CANDU reactor technology to SNC-Lavalin [CBC, Jun. 29, 2011].
is a Corporate Director. She is the chair of the board of directors of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) [1], a self-regulatory organization that oversees investment dealers and trading activity on debt and equity marketplaces in Canada. Prior to becoming a corporate director, Ms. Harris was Managing Director of the Bank of America Merrill Lynch and President, Corporate and Investment Banking for Merrill Lynch Canada Inc. [2] In addition to her position as Chair of IIROC, she is a director of Loblaws Companies Limited [3], Sun Life Financial Inc. and Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada [4]. Ms. Harris is also a member of the Dean’s Advisory Council at the Schulich School of Business (York University) and the Advisory Council of the Hennick Centre for Business and Law (York University). Ms. Harris holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the Schulich School of Business, a Juris Doctorate degree from Osgoode Hall Law School (York University) and a B.Sc. (Honours) from Queen’s University.
Marianne Harris was appointed Chair of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) in September 2012 [NewsWire, Sep. 13, 2016].“IIROC sets high quality regulatory and investment industry standards, protects investors and strengthens market integrity while supporting healthy Canadian capital markets.”
The CEO of the IIROC is Andrew J. Kriegler, appointed in 2014. Kriegler is previously from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), and New York-based bond credit rating company Moody’s Corporation, riding an entire three floors down from his previous posting at the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions. “The partnership with the Bank of Canada is an example of how IIROC can increasingly “plug into the Canadian regulatory framework” while advancing its own mandate, [Kriegler] says … We’re closer to what goes on in the industry and what goes on in the markets, and that can help inform the policy-making process,” says Kriegler, an avid runner who completed a full marathon in 2013” [Financial Post, May 6, 2015].
The board of industry directors for the IIROC includes: Rita Achrekar (Scotiabank); Paul Allison (Raymond James Ltd., Merrill Lynch, Cougar Investments Ltd.); Jean-Paul Bachellerie (PI Financial Corp.); Holly Benson (Peters & Co. Limited, investment dealer specializing in oil and gas); Luc Paiement (National Bank of Canada); Nicholas Thadanay (TMX Group, ITG Canada Corp.); and Thomas A. Whittman (Executive Vice-President of Nasdaq, CEO and President of The Nasdaq Stock Market, Nasdaq PHLX LLC, Nasdaq BX Inc., and Ensoleillement Inc., and is CEO of the International Securities Exchange, LLC, ISE Gemini, LLC and ISE Mercury, LLC.).
Joining Marianne Harris on the board of managing directors at IIROC are: Mike Gagné (previously of the Winnnipeg Commodity Exchange and the Manitoba Crop Insurance Corporation, “a large exploration and mining development corporation, and a large oil and gas company”); Brian Heidecker (Drylander Ranch Ltd., Board of Albert Treasury Branch, Bank of Canada); Gerry J. O’Mahoney (Tralee Capital Market Ltd., TD Bank Financial Group, TD Waterhouse Canada); James Donegan (AGAWA Partners, OMERS, Social Housing Services Financial Inc.); Edward Iacobucci (Empire Life Insurance Co., ACS Media
Income Fund, Dominion of Canada General Insurance Co.); and Catherine Smith (Walmart Canada Bank, COO/CFO United Way Toronto from 2003 to2009, and the CIBC).
Joining Marianne Harris at Merill Lynch is Mark Bankert of Merill Lynch (prior to 2008). Bankert is currently a director at Thunderbird LNG, LLC – 30% shareholder in Gulf LNG Holdings Group, LLC, alongside a Kinder Morgan subsidiary (50%), and Arc Logistics Partners, LP and Lightfoot Capital Partners, LP (20%). Merrill Lynch hosts an annual conference for oil companies, called Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Energy Conference. Regular attendees and presenters include EnCana,
In addition to Loblaws, Marianne Harris was appointed the Board of Directors of Agrium, an agricultural retail corporation. [Agrium News Release, 2014]. In 2014, Agrium offered Monsanto’s Climate Pro technology, involved in the Echelon agricultural program, a climate-data collection program through Monsanto [Agrium News Release, 2014]. In the collection of climate information, ‘who owns the big data’? [Forbes, July 2014]. In 2016, Agrium was reported as benefitting from potential mergers between ChemChina and Swiss pesticide company Syngenta, or a possible $62 billion deal between Bayer AG and Monsanto. “The company would be interested in proprietary seed or chemicals that fit its portfolio, Magro said. Many of the big producers are already suppliers of Agrium’s farm retail stores.” [Reuters].
Harris was appointed to the board of directors of Sun Life Financial in 2013 [Investment Executive, Dec. 2, 2013]. The current CEO for Sun Life Financial is Dean Connor (Mercer Human Resources Consulting, Ivey Advisory Committee).
Sun Life was recently fined $1.5 million for not complying with Bermuda’s Proceeds of Crime policies against money laundering and terrorist financing [CBC News, Feb. 28, 2017]. The Bermuda Monetary Authority emphasized the seriousness of the crime, as “some of the findings represented failings of the Company to adequately remediate similar findings from an onsite review conducted in 2013” [Insurance Journal, Mar. 1, 2017]. This means that Sun Life Financial Investments (Bermuda) Ltd. is banned from “accepting or looking for any new investment business, as well as blocking any redemptions or withdrawals from existing accounts and policies unless it is vetted by an approved third party” [Royal Gazette, Feb. 27, 2017]. Sun Life Financial stated, “We are aware of the announcement today from the Bermuda Monetary Authority” [CBC News, Feb. 28, 2017].
is a Corporate Director. He is also a director of Allbanc Split Corp., a mutual fund company. He is a retired investment banker, having previously served as Managing Director of TD Securities Inc. [1], prior to which he held positions at CIBC Wood Gundy Inc. [2] and Newcrest Capital Inc. [3] Mr. Hinds was the past chair of the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) [4], a Crown corporation responsible for operating the electricity market, and was also chair of the former Ontario Power Authority Board of Directors (2010-2014) until its merger with the IESO effective January 1, 2015 [5]. Mr. Hinds received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Victoria College at the University of Toronto, a Master of Business Administration from the Wharton School of Business and a law degree from the University of Toronto Law School.
TD Securities Inc. is a subsidiary investment bank of TD Bank, for corporate, government and institutional clients. TD Securities recently published a report for the Canadian Pacific Railway merger with real estate company Dream Unlimited, “A recent CP investor presentation mentioned a surplus real estate portfolio of more than 45 properties suitable for development, sale or lease that cover more than 4,000 acres, according to a report issued by Sam Damiani, director of institutional equity research, real estate for TD Securities Inc.” [Real Estate News Exchange, Jan. 21, 2015].
James D. Hinds was with CIBC Wood Gundy Inc. since 1985. Wood, Gundy & Co. was acquired by the CIBC in 1988.
Today, the CIBC board of directors includes: Brent Belzberg (TorQuest, Mount Sinai Hospital, Tandem Expansion Fund, Canadian Council for Israel & Jewish Advocacy, Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs.); Christine E. Larsen (First Data Corporation, JPMorgan Chase & Co.); Nanci E. Caldwell (PeopleSoft Inc., Hewlett-Packard Company, JDA Software Group); Nicholas D. Le Pan (C.D. Howe Institute, Senior Expert Advisor to RCMP’s Integrated Market Enforcement Team, CIBC); Gary F. Colter (KPMG Canada, Canadian Pacific Company, and the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool between 2003 and 2006); John Paul Manley (Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Homeland Energy Group Ltd., Officer of the Order of Canada, named Chair of the Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan by Prime Minister Stephen Harper in 2007); Patrick Darold Daniel (American Air Liquide Holdings Inc., Cenovus Energy, Capital Power Corporation, Enbridge, Interprovincial Pipeline Corp., Hudson’s Bay Oil & Gas, American Petroleum Institute, Alberta Cancer Foundation); Luc Desjardins (energy and chemicals company Superior Plus Corp., private equity firm The Sterling Group); Katharine B. Stevenson (JPMorgan Chase & Co., Nortel, Valeant Pharmaceuticals, OSI Pharmaceuticals); Victor C. Dodig (C.D. Howe Institute, Merrill Lynch); Martine Turcotte (BCE Inc. and Bell Canada Inc., Empire Company Limited, Jewish General Hospital Montreal); Gordon D. Giffin (Dentons US LLP, TransAlta Corp., Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., Ontario Energy Savings Corp., AbitibiBowater Inc., Kissinger-McLarty Associates); Ronald W. Tysoe (The Hauser, Davis, Tysoe Group, E. W. Scripps Company, JDA Software Group, Macy’s Inc.); Linda S. Hasenfratz (Linamar Corporation, Lpp Manufacturing, Comtech Manufacturing Ltd.); Barry L. Zubrow (Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Arc Logistics GP LLC, cancer drug pharmaceutical company Nuvelo Inc.); and Kevin J. Kelly (Fidelity Investments Institutional Services Company, Inc., Wellington West Capital Inc., Ontario Security Commission); as well as Hydro One’s own Jane L. Peverett. CIBC director Barry L. Zubrow is also on the board of directors of Arc Logistics GP LLC and Arc Logistics Partners LP, which are companies responsible for terminalling, storage, throughput and transloading of crude oil and petroleum products. CEO for both Arc Logistics entities is Vincent T. Cubbage, who is also managing partner for Lightfoot Logistics, which is the general partner and majority owner of Arc Terminals L.P. [Marketwatch, 2011]. General Electric purchased 58% stocks in Lightfoot in October 2011 [GE Energy Financial Services News Release, Oct. 2011]. Arc Logistics Partners, LP and Lightfoot Capital Partners, LP own 20% of Gulf LNG Holdings Group, LLC., which is 50% owned by Southern Gulf LNG Company, LLC., which is in turn a wholly owned subsidiary of Kinder Morgan, Inc.. Kinder Morgan’s Gulf LNG Liquefaction Company adds liquefaction and export capabilities in Mississippi [Pipeline and Gas Journal, Jul. 2015]. The current CEO of CIBC is Victor C. Dodig, also board member of the C.D. Howe Institute, joining fellow Hydro One directors Charles Brindamour (C.D. Howe Institute) and [participant] George L. Cooke.
Newcrest Capital Inc. was an employee-owned institutional dealer formed in 1995 [TD Securities: Institutional Equities]. In 2000, TD bought Newcrest Capital for $244 million: “TD said Tuesday the acquisition combines Newcrest’s strengths as a leading investment banking and institutional equities firm, with the global scope of TD Securities, the bank’s wholesale operation” [The Globe and Mail]. A year later, in 2001, “The combined team of TD and Newcrest investment bankers in Calgary are at the heart of the oil patch merger and acquisition activity.” [The Globe and Mail, Mar. 2, 2001]. Since 2000, Newcrest Capital became known as TD Newcrest Capital, a subsidiary of TD Securities. The President is Bob Dorrance, who had been the CEO of Newcrest since 1995.
Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) operates the majority of electricity in Ontario, created during the privatization of Ontario Hydro in the 90s – a process that resulted in five such independent entities delivering power to the Hydro One-owned provincial network. IESO merged with the Ontario Power Authority in 2015. The IESO’s current CEO is Bruce Campbell. IESO’s Carole Workman has been on the board of directors of both Hydro One and Hydro Ottawa. Timothy J. O’Neill (former Executive Vice President at Bank of Montreal); Murray J. Elston (former President & CEO at Canadian Nuclear Association);
In 2016, IESO partnered with the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) on the design of additions to Parkhill Dam in Cambridge, Ontario [Cambridge Times, Mar. 8, 2017]. The dam project took 17 years to get approval. “Linwood revealed … “It’s a good opportunity for us.” … Linwood said the river won’t change much aesthetically” [CBC News, July 29, 2016]. “500 kW project could be a moneymaker for the GRCA … Meanwhile, the Grand River Conservation Foundation is continuing its efforts to bankroll the [$5 million] project” [Cambridge Times, May 28, 2015]. “long-range plans to build a condominium/hotel overlooking the Park Hill dam … includes 114 condo suites and 90 hotel rooms … addition of a new $1.5 million commercial/residential building … dramatic views of the river.” [Cambridge Times, May 11, 2016].
“In 1998, the Conservatives set up a Market design committee. The main player on that committee came from ENRON, an American corporation that had recently committed one of the biggest corporate frauds in American history. It had designed electricity markets around the world including Alberta, California, and here in Ontario.” [The Bullet, Feb. 22, 2017].
The Ontario Power Authority existed as an independent, non-profit corporation that dealt with the procurement, transmission and generation of power in the province of Ontario. The Ontario Power Authority merged with the IESO on January 1, 2015. While it was still an independent entity, James D. Hinds was appointed Chair in 2010 [Power Authority].
The Ontario Power Authority was since involved in several controversial power plant projects under the provincial Liberal government – which received much opposition for the ecological damage that would result from water contamination, air pollution, and habitat disruption, as well as the long-term health effects from the proximity of proposed gas plants to houses and hospitals. In 2012, the Ontario Power Authority was faced with the Liberal government’s cancellation of a 280-megawatt gas plant referred to under the code names “Project Apple”, “Project Banana”, “Project Fruit Salad”, “Project Vapour”, and “Project Vapour Lock”.
Construction continues at Mississauga power plant “One month after the Ontario Liberals scrapped a controversial Mississauga power plant, construction crews have yet to stop work on the $400-million facility” [The National Post, Oct. 24, 2011] Liberals’ gas plant code names include ‘Project Apple’ “Forgione said using code names between government and political staff is standard practice during commercial negotiations, pointing to the former Tory government using code for privatizing the province’s electric-grid operator” [Vancouver Metro, Oct. 18, 2012] Ontario Liberals were stumped over how to kill power plant [The Globe and Mail, Nov. 1, 2012] Gas plant scandal won’t go away for Ontario Liberals [The Globe and Mail, Feb. 21, 2013] Firm at centre of gas plant scandal in hot water again [The Globe and Mail, Apr. 2, 2015].
In the ensuing email dump, activist Heather Emerson referred to the 2010 cancellation of the Oakville power plant due to “changes in demand and supply”, which proved to be the most pressing reasons in the judgement of the Minister of Energy, for the power plant’s cancellation. While still under the federal Conservative government, under Prime Minister Stephen Harper, natural gas was cited as being a “cleaner”, more environmentally friendly energy source, which would purportedly ease the transition from reliance on coal, and would “complement the Province’s nuclear and hydro facilities”. Further reports simply stated that “Natural gas is widely used for electricity generation worldwide”. Construction of the Greenfield South Power Plant would have threatened the nearby Etobicoke Creek. The Greenfield South Power Plant was owned by the firm Eastern Power Ltd., run by brothers Gregory and Hubert Vogt. Three years later, in 2015, the Vogts were back in the headlines, scandalizing the nation with their construction of a gas plant in Sarnia, Ontario.
A condensed reading of 870 pages from the Project Fruit Salad Vapour Lock Email Dump:
[Read the Project Vapour Lock Documents]
“The Eastern Power Company selected the smallest possible venue and tried to turn residents away and we showed up anyhow” / “hi … A lady called … wishes to know “why the natural gas plant is being constructed when the Ministry of Energy has ordered an environmental reassessment.” / “The proponent in this case, Eastern Power, fulfilled the technical and regulatory requirements of the Environmental Screening Process” / “easy answer to NIMBY concerns” / “an unthinkable perversion of logic and ethics. Where are the investigative journalists?” / “Natural gas is now available at a much lower cost and future availability is projected to be much greater than before, making conversion somewhat more economical” / “Greenfield South is part of the solution” / “Dear Ms. Santarossa: … The impact of the plant operation will be much less than other neighbourhood sources such as furnaces, vehicles, barbeques and yard equipment … within communities around the world, some large plants less than 200 meters from residences … a destination for plant tours by the public” (Alan Jenkins, Senior Policy Specialist, Energy Markets) / “On September 30, 2009, the Ontario Power Authory announced that it would sign a contract with TransCanada Corporation to design, build and operate a 900 MW electricity generating station in Oakville” / “Omit.” / “?” / “You are formally invited to attend our meeting” / “Coalition of Homeowners for Intelligent Power represents over 14,000 homes in East Mississauga and Etibicoke” / “I know this is tedious” / “Gas generation facilities at smaller scales are often attached to hospitals” / “We value the role that TransCanada plays and we expect that TransCanada will continue to play an important role” / “Sorry for the delay in sending this” / “this site would cause, among other pollutants, carcinogens to fall on: Trillium Hospital, Dorothy Ley Hospice, the Sherway Gardens Shopping Mall, condos at One Sherway, Summerville Pines Seniors Housing…” / “breakfast, lunch and refreshments will be served” / “Dear Colleague, The changing climate is already impacting the electricity sector in a number of ways” / “The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board wishes to express concern regarding the construction of the Greenfield South Power Plant” / “Isn’t it time that our elected officials look beyond the usual three year plan and implement a course of action that will put us on the road to developing viable alternate sources of energy that do not risk human health and the health of our planet.” / “Dear Ontario Energy Association Members … Community activists are pressuring the Government of Ontario … Sadly, this type of NIMBY activism has become a troubling trend in Ontario … The damage to investor confidence and to the stability of the energy sector is too dangerous to continue this trend of bending to person yelling the loudest. Sincerely, Elise Herzig, President and CEO, Ontario Energy Association” / “Hope you had a restful weekend” / “Am in (public) transit” / “Ok, thanks” / “it had nothing to do with getting votes” / “The Liberals have won all 5 seats in Mississauga” / “Political Figures lie. … Sorry to be so blunt.” / “I am quite disappointed.” / “Do you think you could have somebody give this man a call? Somehow he’s got my telephone number and is requesting to speak to somebody about the power plant. Please let me know.” / “Can we say – we thought we needed this plant but we don’t now?” / “Can we chat” / “I am on my way into the office now” / “Would one of you please do corporate searches for Eastern Power and Greenfield South Power Corporation and see what you can find? I’m not sure who has our Cyberbahn password or who knows how to do searches.” / “it was noted that moving to another location may also have challenges – community support and various approvals would be required” / “Apparently, Eastern Power is in litigation with the Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation” / “No problem…(I am frustration-tolerant)” / “we need to tread extremely carefully on this issue and we cannot speculate very much either” / “am OK with this – is appropriately vague” / “as soon as possible” / “what seems to be a fishing expedition on the rationale for the plant in the first place and why a change in direction” / “Crazy when you consider that we have been paying our US neighbours to take our power from the network” / “OPA should remind him that the plant is not cancelled but will be moved to a new location” / “Hang on! … It is complex.” / “Cons: Will be controversial. Potential impact on investment climate.” / “Eastern Power’s financiers may have a claim under NAFTA if this project does not proceed” / “All proposals had to meet rigorous financial and technical requirements, which were examined by an independent Evaluation Team, which consisted of staff from the Ministries of Finance and Energy, the IESO, Hydro One and the OEB.” / “Northwestern Ontario sites would likely be instead of Atikokan or Thunder Bay development, a Nanticoke project would likely preclude conversion of the existing coal plant to gas” / “Mr. Spears is very concerned that the OPA hasn’t returned his request for information” / “Egads! Ok.” / “Interesting.” / “the subject is Vapour Lock” / “When is your deadline?” / “The project is on track to be fully operational by September 2014, if not earlier” / “turbines were seen being delivered to the site today” / “Can you provide as much detail as we can get on Eastern Power and the principals—Greg Vogt, etc.? Can try web sites or ask the OPA. I have tried to explain the nature of the company but not seem to be believed.” / “They are definitely a private company….and very difficult to get information about. … my strong suspicion is that those 2 Vogt brothers hold the balance of power if not the entire company. FYI there are 2 other Vogt brothers … They are a secretive and private company” / “I have tried to discretely call Eastern Power, but I’m not getting an answer.” / “While I conveyed this on several occasions it appears that I am not believed.” / “who is behind Eastern and their Financiers” / “Greenfield Power is an affiliate of Eastern Power and the construction company is also an affiliate.” / “Project Vapour.doc” / “did you come up with anything on the “corporate structure” of Eastern Power” / “Ken always describes it as the two voigt brothers are the owners” / “There isn’t a lot on the web”.
is a Corporate Director and a former Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of RTI International Metals Inc. (2014 – 2015) [1]. In her capacity as RTI’s former Top Scientist, Dr. Jackson’s responsibilities included oversight of all advanced metallurgical technology, product and process innovation, including additive manufacturing activities. She also served as Head of Overall Research and Development Activities at RTI. Prior to joining RTI, Dr. Jackson was Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at Westinghouse Electric Company [2] where she was responsible for R&D as well as environmental sustainability initiatives. Dr. Jackson has also held various positions at the Tennessee Valley Authority [3], including Executive Vice President of River System Operations and Environment, and Corporate Environmental Officer. She also worked for Alcoa Corporation [4] as a technology forecaster and was a post-doctoral fellow at the National Academy of Engineering. Dr. Jackson serves on the Board of Directors of Portland General Electric and previously served as Chair of the Independent System Operator New England. She is also an advisor to Carnegie Mellon University’s Engineering School and the Complex Engineered Systems program, and is a member of the advisory board of the Carnegie Mellon Electricity Industry Center. Dr. Jackson received a Doctorate and a Master’s degree in Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University. She also holds a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering Management from the University of Pittsburgh and a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from Grove City College.
RTI International Metals Inc. was one of the biggest producers of titanium in the world, and was acquired by Alcoa and Arconic in 2015 [The Wall Street Journal, Mar. 9, 2015]. Alcoa Inc. separated into separate companies, Alcoa and Arconic, in 2016, when Klaus Kleinfeld led the division.
Arconic Board of Directors is: David P. Hess (United Technologies Corporation, Pratt & Whitney, National World War II Museum, GKN Aerospace Transparency Systems, Inc.); Klaus Kleinfeld (Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Morgan Stanley, Alcoa, Citigroup, U.S.-Russia Business Council, Foreign Investment Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of Russia); Sean O. Mahoney (Delphi Automotive plc, Cooper-Standard Holdings Inc., Goldman, Sachs & Co., Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., Deutsche Bank Securities); E. Stanley O’Neal (chemical company Platform Specialty Products Corporation, Merrill Lynch & Co., General Motors Corporation, American Beacon Advisors, Inc., Council on Foreign Relations); John C. Plant (Masco Corporation, Jabil Circuit Corporation, TRW Automotive, which was acquired by ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Gates Corporation); L. Rafael Reif (Schlumberger Limited, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lincoln Laboratory, research facility that MIT operates for the U.S. Department of Defense, Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP 2.0), Carnegie Endowment for International Peace); Julie G. Richardson (VEREIT, Inc., The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., Providence Equity Partners, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.); Patricia F. Russo (General Motors Company; Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company, KKR Management LLC; Merck & Co., Inc., Lucent Technologies Inc.); Ulrich R. Schmidt (Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc., Goodrich Corporation, nvensys Limited, Everest & Jennings International Limited and Argo-Tech Corporation); Ratan N. Tata (Tata Sons Limited, which is one of India’s largest holding companies encompassing steel manufacturers and car companies, as well as on advisory boards of Mitsubishi Corporation, JP Morgan Chase, Rolls-Royce, Temasek Holdings and the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Tata was also a director of Fiat for six years).
Westinghouse Electric Company is a nuclear energy company based in the United States, owned by Toshiba. Westinghouse is currently in the midst of a review for bankruptcy [Reuters, Mar. 9, 2017]. Bankruptcy is no deterrent for progress however, as Westinghouse is still constructing a nuclear plant in Andhra Pradesh, [The Economic Times, Mar. 9, 2017], as well as continuing its expansion in South Carolina [Power Engineering, Feb. 15, 2017]. Korean company Korea Electric Power Corporation is reported as considering acquiring Westinghouse [Business Korea, Mar. 7, 2017].
“Definitely,” [Vice President Masayoshi Hirata] responded. “Nuclear power is one of the core business opportunities and definitely Westinghouse is going to be the main player there. There is no change as for that.” [PowerSource, Feb. 12, 2017].
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) (BUILT FOR THE PEOPLE) was established in the 1933 to provide electricity, dams and reservoirs, flooding control, and fertilizer through Tennessee. The company was created out of the lobbying of Nebraska Senator George William Norris, initially operating hydro-electric dams, but now including coal and nuclear power plants. The TVA is described today as the largest power public power company in the United States.
Even with the scant research and discourse around their ecological impacts, hydro-electric dams are touted as environmentally sustainable sources of energy. The confidence of the energy providers is based on water being a natural resource, and thus, renewable. Reservoirs are artificially created storage containers for holding water before it is released through the locks and passed through the turbines. Reservoirs are constructed with large concrete holding walls. Hydro-electric dam turbines affect the ecological health of rivers – from deoxygenation, to killing fish and other aquatic life that moves downstream.
Electric infrastructure has insufficient study as to the adverse effects on the bodies of people, animals and plants who live close to transformers, or to power lines. In 2007, a man in Newfoundland, Canada learned that his wife, who was 39, developed cancer. He noticed that many people in his community had developed cancer. His community was located near power transformers. He decided to write to the Public Health Agency of Canada to ask about any research that had been conducted on the possible connection between electric infrastructure and the development of cancer. “While the Public Health Agency of Canada has not conducted new research into the issue of electromagnetic fields and cancer,” wrote the PHAC, “it has conducted an extensive review of the evidence regarding exposure to electromagnetic fields and cancer.” “no pattern of excess cancer risk in the community as compared to Newfoundland”. The PHAC does not itself conduct research, but it does read over peer-reviewed journals. “Health Canada does not deal with the effects of EMF on birds, bees and animals (except for standard laboratory animals used in studies to investigate possible health effects in humans).” Health Canada is an active member of the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Radiation Protection Committee. “Because of the lack of consistent epidemiological evidence and supporting evidence from animal and cell-culture studies for a causal association between ill-health and exposure to power-frequency electric and magnetic fields, Health Canada has not issued guideline exposure limits.” [The PHAC did not, however, the risk of electrocution to cows in their fields, following “economic losses incurred by dairy farmers” who received shocks from stray voltage resulting from grounding. [Office of the Auditor General of Canada: Petition N. 211, 2011].
The TVA holds annual wildflower walks at River Bluff TVA Small Wild Area on the Norris Dam Reservation, along the dam that is 265 feet high and stretches 1,860 feet across the Clinch River. The area is also the site of Norris State Park. This was the first dam built by the TVA, and currently has a net capacity of 110 megawatts.
Alcoa Corporation (The Element of PossibilityTM) “invented the aluminum industry in 1888”, and is one of the world’s biggest companies producing “bauxite, alumina and aluminum products”.
The current CEO for Alcoa is Roy Harvey, who was previously Corporate Manager of Environmental Affairs at Greenstone Resources Ltd., a gold mining company based in Central America. The Board of Directors for Alcoa includes: Mary Anne Citrino (The Blackstone Group, Nestlé, Morgan Stanley); Timothy P. Flynn (KPMG International, also director on the boards of JPMorgan Chase, and Walmart Stores Inc.); Kathryn S. Fuller (Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, World Wildlife Fund, The Ford Foundation); James A. Hughes (First Solar Inc., and Prisma Energy International, a former subsidiary of Enron); Michael G. Morris (American Electric Power Company, The Hartford Financial Services Group, the Institute of Nuclear Operations); James E. Nevels (The Swarthmore Group, First Data Corporation, Hershey Trust Company); James W. Owens (Caterpillar Inc. – including P.T. Natra Raya, Caterpillar’s joint venture in Indonesia from 1987-1990 – Morgan Stanley, IBM); Carol L. Roberts (International Paper Company); Suzanne Sitherwood (natural gas company Spire Inc., deputy chair of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, United Way of Greater St. Louis’ Executive Committee and Board); Steven W. Williams (Suncor, Esso/Exxon, Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission, Alberta Premier’s Advisory Committee on the Economy); Ernesto Zedillo (54th President of Mexico, Mexico’s national oil company PEMEX, Credit Suisse Research Institute, Citigroup Inc., Union Pacific Corporation, World Economic Forum).
Alcoa separated into two separate companies, Alcoa and Arconic, in 216, under the direction of Klaus Kleinfeld. One of Arconic’s leading clients is General Motors “leading automotive company in one of Arconic’s most important and expanding market segments”. Alcoa has been a major investor in Central and South American hydro-electric dam projects, such as the Belo Monte Dam in Brazil.
is a Mohawk woman from the Six Nations of the Grand River Territory in Ontario, where she still resides. She is also President and Chief Executive Officer of Indspire, Canada’s premier Indigenous-led charity [1], and Executive Producer of the Indspire Awards, a nationally broadcast gala honouring Indigenous achievement. Ms. Jamieson was the first First Nations woman to earn a law degree in Canada; the first non-parliamentarian appointed an ex-officio member of a House of Commons Committee; the first woman Ombudsman of Ontario (1989-1999); and in December 2011, she was the first woman elected Chief of the Six Nations of the Grand River Territory. She was also a Director of Ontario Power Generation Inc. (2012-2015) and was the Chair of its Risk Oversight Committee. Ms. Jamieson was appointed a Member of the Order of Canada in 1994. Ms. Jamieson holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Western Ontario.
Indspire’s major sponsors include Suncor, CIBC, Shell, and Rio Tinto mining corporation. Rio Tinto Alcan is a subsidiary of Rio Tinto (once owned by Alcoa). Rio Tinto Alcan’s former President and CEO is Jacynthe Côté (RBC).
“… Alberta Aboriginal Supply Chain … Alberta’s aboriginal population is young and growing … to mitigate the impacts of oil and gas development in their traditional territory … business generated around $4 billion dollars over the past two years … oil sands companies proudly contribute time, skills and financial support to enhance communities where we work …” [Canada’s Oil Sands: Aboriginal Affairs].
A revisionist kind of relationship with the government of Canada, and her corporate sponsors. The problem being with a ‘greenwashing’ of capitalism through indigeneity – that ‘reconciliation’ is equated with equal opportunities for participation in environmental exploitation and profits. The same argument goes for the Algonquin group accepting the construction contract for ZIBI / Windmill development. The basis for this type of ‘collaboration’ is not reconciliation, it is revisionist and pacifying. It assumes that by purchasing the participation of Indigenous peoples in capitalist, colonial structures, the Canadian state can also purchase its legitimacy. Charities such as Indspire offer a plainly nationalist agenda, serving to capitalize on the happy participation and upholding of state organizations and functions.
One of Indspire’s latest community initiatives in supporting Aboriginal youth was sponsored by TransCanada and Shaw. Indspire previously awarded Suncor director Mel Benson, “I was committed to treating people the way we wanted to be treated,” he says of a massive multi-billion dollar pipeline project he recently helped manage in Africa. “We compensated traditional land users whether they had title or not. … Mr. Benson’s leadership ensured that Aboriginal involvement was maximized in the massive Norman Wells expansion project – worth nearly $1 billion – and then it was on to the Beaufort Sea development.” [Indspire Laureate: Mel Benson].
Initiatives benefiting from the federal government’s selective charity have convenient affinity with the nationalist marketing campaign, #Canada150: “To celebrate Canada’s 150th Anniversary of Confederation, the Government of Canada established the Canada 150 Fund – selecting a few Canadian signature projects … “As a company who has operated in Canada for over 65 years, we are proud to give back via organizations like Indspire who share our sense of purpose around creating lasting and positive impacts in communities through education,” says Kristine Delkus, Executive Vice President, Stakeholder Relations and General Counsel, TransCanada.” [Newswire, Mar. 20, 2017].
is a Corporate Director. She was the former President and CEO of the United Way Toronto (2001-2010) [1], a Toronto-based charity. In 2009, Ms. Lankin was appointed to the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada and served for five years as a member of the Security Intelligence Review Committee [2]. In 2014, Ms. Lankin was appointed to the Premier’s Advisory Council on Government Assets whose mandate was to review and identify opportunities to modernize government business enterprises, and in 2011 and 2012, she co-led a review of Ontario’s social assistance system [3] as part of the province’s poverty reduction strategy. Ms. Lankin is currently Chair of the National NewsMedia Council, and a director of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation [5] and the Institute of Corporate Directors. Ms. Lankin was appointed a Member of the Order of Canada in 2012. Ms. Lankin was appointed to the Canadian Senate on April 1, 2016.
Frances Lankin was joined at the United Way by her Hydro One colleague David F. Denison [RBC News Release, Aug. 30, 2012]. “Frances Lankin has spent a lifetime in service to the community and is a recognized leader in the non-profit sector. In 2006, she chaired a federal government-commissioned Blue Ribbon Panel, which made recommendations for improving how Ottawa distributes grants and contributions to charities, business, research institutions and other organizations.”
“Under the leadership of Frances Lankin, the United Way of Greater Toronto supports 200 social and health service agencies. Funds are raised through events like the Enbridge CN Tower stair climb” [Enbridge Inc.: Social Responsibility Report, 2004].
The United Way of Greater Toronto was accused of fraud in missing donations upwards of $50, 000 – with charges laid against City of Toronto municipal government employees. In June 2008, United Way [official] Janet Donio committed suicide while under investigation for embezzling over $600,000 from the Council for Ontario Universities [The Globe and Mail, Macleans].
The Canadian Security Intelligence Services (CSIS) is a Canadian spy agency, formed in 1984 out of the RCMP Security Service. In 2009, Frances Lankin was appointed under the former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to the Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC). This committee was created to be responsible for the oversight of CSIS operations to ensure that they complied with human rights regulations, privacy law, and due transparency, and has complete access to the agency’s files, both classified and open.
“Parliament has given CSIS extraordinary powers to intrude on the privacy of individuals. SIRC ensures that these powers are used legally and appropriately, in order to protect Canadians’ rights and freedoms. To do this, SIRC examines past operations of the Service and investigates complaints. It has the absolute authority to examine all information concerning CSIS activities, no matter how sensitive and highly classified that information may be.” [SIRC]
At the time Lankin was appointed to the Committee, there existed a separate position that held these same responsibilities, but were able to do so as investigations were being conducted. Three years later, after the introduction of the ‘anti-terror’ Bill C-51 in 2012, the Canadian prime minister decided that it would be better to only have the SIRC review board, and removed the prior independent post. The solely responsible SIRC would only have retrospective application by issuing a review after CSIS investigations had been conducted. In another three years, during the 41st Parliamentary Hearing on February 23, 2015, the Canadian Parliament raised the slight possibility that there is a lack of oversight for the investigative and ‘disruptive’ powers of the government’s spy agency during investigation. “Direct, real-time oversight of CSIS used to be the responsibility of an inspector general, whose job was to keep the minister of Public Safety informed about the spy agency’s ongoing operations. The Conservative government abolished the office in 2012.” [Ottawa Citizen.] “What’s becoming clear is there is no impartial body that can oversee CSIS right now,” said Tzeporah Berman. “This is another example of the fox minding the henhouse.” [Oilfield News, 2014].
The henhouse is currently filled with prime specimens of Canadian security business executives in the security, privacy and information sector. The current Executive Director of SIRC is Michael Doucet, formerly the Chief Information Officer of the RCMP, and Director General of the Information Management Services Branch at Correctional Service Canada. The current committee of the SIRC includes: Pierre Blais, who was “actively involved in the negotiations that resulted in the North American Free Trade Agreement with the United States and Mexico”, and “took part in a large number of political, economic and commercial missions in the United States, Europe, Israel, Mexico, China and South America” between 1986 and 1993.
The CSIS review committee member Gene McLean, who is currently the principal at McLean Security Advisory & Associates Inc., and was previously the Vice President and Chief Security Officer for TELUS Corporation, Director for the “strike security” company AFIMAC Inc., and Director for the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, and President of independent Montreal-based surveillance equipment distributor, Panamsec Inc (Dissolved for non-compliance (s. 212) on 2011-12-23). In 2009, McLean was appointed President and Chairman of CSIS Inc. – founded in 1954 and incorporated as a non-profit in 1961 – otherwise known as the Canadian Society for Industrial Security. Panamsec director Fergus Keyes joined McLean on the CSIS Inc. board as the Quebec Region Chair. The CSIS Inc. name was assumed in 1961, changing from the previous Industrial Security Association of Canada. “The name was supposed to change in April 1992 to Canadian Security Council/Conseil canadien de la sûreté, but the Canada Safety Council/Conseil canadien de la sécurité objected to that because it could have created too much confusion.”
Today, the CSIS Security Intelligence Review Committee’s McLean is Director for mining company Bison Gold Resources Inc. (Bison Gold Exploration Inc.), which started as the Manitoba-based Mid-North Uranium Limited, and now, under its current name, is based in Toronto. Bison Gold’s own directors include Amir Mousavi (from the investment training centre Canadian Securities Institute); David Benson (Anglo American Exploration Canada, Falconbridge (taken over by Anglo-Swiss Xstrata in 2006 [Canadian Mining Journal, Aug. 16, 2006], which then merged with Glencore in 2013), Mustang Minerals, Rockcliff Resources and Laurentian Goldfields); Chris Carmichael (GC-Global Capital Corp.); Mark Robinson (Mackenzie Financial Corporation, INTAC (BVI) International Investments Limited); and Kaiser Akbar (Advent Chemical Corp., which “intends to operate in South Asia under a wholly-owned South Asian subsidiary of its Canadian parent, Advent Chemical, directed under a single management organization”, Simcoe Renewable Energy, Freshfields Bruckaus Deringer LLP, and formerly of NVM Mining Corporation (previously known as Columbia Metals)) who was appointed alongside McLean to Bison in March 2017 [Newsfile Corp., Mar. 10, 2017]. Akbar has previously been quoted with the following assertive advice regarding investment opportunities:
“At issue is falling into line with regulations such as the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (Canada), US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (Canada) and the UK Bribery Act, along with a wide range of Russian laws relating to myriad of critical areas such as taxes, labor practices, exports, trade, and the environment. Opportunity for growth in Russia is real. But to make it happen, investors may need to focus their attention on all of these areas and walk a fine line that links prospects for profits to a disciplined, risk-based decision-making process … and take an “eyes wide open” approach to corruption and the many challenges mentioned above.” [Smolentsev & Partners: Publications and Speeches].
The SIRC’s McLean is also a Director at The Society for the Policing of Cyberspace (POLCYB), a non-profit based in B.C., which operates “at an international level”. The non-profit is sponsored by Vancouver-based Sierra Systems, Cymantec, Oracle, and Spot Solutions. Directors for the non-profit are from Australia, Canada, India, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, the U.K., and the U.S. Treasurer is Dana Adams from TELUS Communications. POLCYB holds its Spring 2017 International Summit in the United Arab Emirates. The President of POLCYB is U.S. based Dan Swartwood (U.S. Military Intelligence Services, privacy and data “think tank” Ponemon Institute). The VPs of POLCYB are the RCMP’s Peter Lepine, and Huawei’s “Ex-Cop” Hong Eng-Koh, also senior director and global lead of justice and public safety at Oracle, where he focuses on providing six different solutions within the justice and public safety team: “… (1) end to end policing … a policing solution that provides them a common platform … (2) judiciary … a complete platform … (3) end-to-end prison solution … to handle everything from the moment someone is committed to prison … (4) immigration and border control … (5) mega events … the Rio de Janeiro police is a major customer … (6) intelligence hub and alerts … takes in all data, structured and unstructured. It can be traditional financial, criminal and travel records, or it could be social media feeds and video surveillance.” [Computer World, Jan. 23, 2014].
Back at the SIRC, the Committee is completed by Yves Fortier (independent lawyer in Montreal, former director of the Royal Bank of Canada, TransCanada Pipelines Ltd., and former chairman of Alcan, as well as Officer of the Order of Canada, and recipient of numerous honorary degrees from major universities in Canada); Ian Holloway (previously Associate Dean at the Australian National University, as a visiting professor of law at the National University of Singapore, served in the Royal Canadian and Royal Australian Navies, a member of the Advisory Council to the Minister of Canadian Heritage on the Commemoration of the War of 1812); Marie-Lucie Morin (previously Executive Director for Canada, Ireland and the Caribbean at the World Bank, and National Security Advisor. She has been posted to the United States, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Russia).
Back in January 2014, CSIS Security Intelligence Review Committee Chair Chuck Strahl came under investigation for lobbying for the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline. Chuck Strahl steps down as spy watchdog amid lobbying questions [CBC, Jan. 24, 2014]. “Democracy Watch’s opinion is that given Enbridge was lobbying Mr. Strahl’s departments, and continues to lobby the government, including on the pipeline issue, and given that Mr. Strahl was a Cabinet minister from B.C., Mr. Strahl likely advised the federal government in some way on the pipeline negotiations, and Mr. Strahl must be using secret information he learned as a Cabinet minister, or is learning as Chair of SIRC, when giving advice to Enbridge.” [Democracy Watch Letter to Ethics Commissioner, Jan. 17, 2014]. In 2012, Frances Lankin was elected to join the Board of Directors of the Institute of Corporate Directors [Newswire, Nov. 22, 2012], alongside executives from Calgary Petroleum Club, Cameco Corporation, Canadian Oil Sands, Emera, Enbridge Consumers Gas, Irving Oil and J. D. Irving, Major Drilling Group International Inc., Petro-Canada, TransCanada,Vermilion Energy Incorporated, and the World Nuclear Association. “Frances Lankin is the only SIRC committee member with no ties to the current government or the oil industry.” [CBC, Jan. 10, 2014]. Frances L. Lankin left the SIRC in 2014.
Between 2011 and 2012, the Ontario government was very concerned about the threat of poverty in the province, so they appointed a commission to review the Ontario’s social assistance system. Lankin and fellow commissioner Munir Sheikh, conducted a report that came to the conclusion that, “[t]he government has identified employment as a key route for individuals and families to escape poverty. We agree that one of the best ways to help people to move out of poverty is to help them find work.” [Commission for the Review of Social Assistance in Ontario: Approaches for Reform Discussion Paper, Feb. 2012]. “Public policy,” says Frances Lankin, “is not an exercise in sheer logic.” [City News, Jun. 6, 2011].
The report included a section that concentrated on First Nations’ access to social assistance. In the review, Lankin and Sheikh had spoken with First Nations, identifying four tenets that outlined a desirable program: “Social services must be First Nation controlled … Social services must be First Nation determined … Social services must be First Nation specific … Social services must be First Nation based.” And while Lankin and Sheikh did identify that jobs help people move out of poverty, the report also recognized the conflict of both availability and cultural [relevance] of those jobs. “The lack of job opportunities on-reserve, in some Northern cities, and in communities close to many First Nations, presents another barrier for First Nations people who are seeking employment but have concerns about leaving their cultural communities.”
The Commission for the Review of Social Assistance in Ontario describes a “21st century income security system that enables all Ontarians to live with dignity, participate in their communities, and contribute to a prospering economy.” And yet, in this striving for dignity, an immense amount of fatalism is allowed when the only way to receive funding for First Nations communities is through partnerships with oil companies: “We came to the determination, as a group, that (the project) was going to go ahead anyway. So it’s not really support. If we opposed it, we would have no way of addressing spills, because we would be disqualified from funding from Trans Mountain,” said Ditidaht Chief Coun. Robert Joseph.” [Vancouver Sun, Dec. 4, 2106].
“During pipeline construction, numerous jobs will need to be filled along the route at each construction hub or “spread.” … Our Aboriginal Engagement Program is guided by the Kinder Morgan Aboriginal Relations Policy … In Alberta, the existing pipeline and corridor crosses Treaty 6 territory, Treaty 8 territory and the Metis Nation of Alberta (Zone 4). In British Columbia, we cross numerous traditional territories and 15 First Nation Reserve lands … Trans Mountain has provided more than $13 million in capacity funding to approximately 98 Aboriginal communities interested in engaging and learning more about our Project” [TransMountain] … “We recognize that our operations are located in the traditional territory of many Aboriginal communities … With this, Suncor wants to hire more First Nations, Metis and Inuit employees.” [Suncor] …
is a Corporate Director. He was the President and Chief Executive Officer of Jeld-Wen Inc. [1], a global integrated manufacturer of building products from 2011 until he retired in 2014. Formerly until October 2005, Mr. Orsino was the President and Chief Executive Officer of Masonite International Corporation [2] for 22 years. Mr. Orsino is a director of The Bank of Montreal and chair of its Audit and Conduct Review Committee [3] and a director of The Minto Group [4], a private real estate developer, and member of its Audit Committee, was the recipient of the 2003 Canada’s Outstanding CEO of the Year Award and received the University of Toronto’s Distinguished Business Alumni Award for 2002. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and holds a degree from Victoria College at the University of Toronto. Mr. Orsino was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada in 2004.
Jeld-Wen Inc. is a contractor for windows and doors based in the United States. JELD-WEN’s board of directors include an almost uniform swathe of board members from Bank of Montreal and BMO Capital Trust II. JELD-WEN is a contractor for Minto Group developments. The current CEO of JELD-WEN is Mark A. Beck, formerly of Dow Chemical Company’s silicone company Dow Corning.
JELD-WEN is now owned by Toronto based Onex Partners, who acquired the company in 2011 [Fortune, June 2, 2016]. The buy-out resulted in disruptions in the retirement plans of JELD-WEN employees: “There’s no word on the status of the bond sale, or Orsino’s plans for Jeld-Wen, or the fate of shrinking retirement accounts that former employees claim the company won’t cash out. Officials have declined to make Orsino or Wendt available for interviews.” [Oregon Live, Aug. 6, 2011].
“Onex formed Onex Partners LP, a $2.2-billion private equity fund that has become the vehicle through which the firm has been making new investments. About $525-million of the money is Onex’s; the rest comes from pension funds, banks or insurance companies hoping to profit from Mr. Schwartz’s magic touch.” [The Globe and Mail, Aug. 7, 2004].
The CEO of Onex is Gerry Schwartz, a member of the Order of Canada and honorary Doctorate of Philosophy from Tel Aviv University. Schwartz co-founded the national broadcasting and communications firm CanWest Global Communications Corp. with Israel Asper. CanWest properties included the Ottawa Citizen, the Calgary Herald and the Edmonton Journal [Canadian Business, Mar. 30, 2009], and was later bought by Shaw Communications and PostMedia.
Also on the Onex board of directors is Ewout Heersink, previously of CanWest and consultant at KPMG; Anthony Munk of Barrick Gold Corporation and JELD-WEN Holding, Inc.
Masonite International Corporation is a door manufacturing company based in Tampa, Florida. The company was purchased in 2004 by American private equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts. The board of directors for the door company include: Robert J. Byrne (Power Pro-Tech Services, Inc., NextEra Energy Partners, LP); Frederick J. Lynch (Alpharma, Honeywell International, and “most recently as vice president and general manager of the specialty chemical business”); Jonathan F. Foster (Current Capital LLC, The Cypress Group, Chemtura Corporation, Sabine Oil and Gas); Rick J. Mills (Cummins Inc., Commercial Metals Company, Flowserve Corporation); Peter R. Dachowski (CertainTeed Corporation, Exxon Corporation); Francis M. Scricco (Avaya Inc., Tembec Inc., Victeon Corporation); George A. Lorch (Armstrong Holdings, Inc., WPX Energy and Autoliv Inc.); John C. Wills (Procter & Gamble Corporation, Global Emission Systems, Inc.); Jody L. Bilney (Humana Inc., Bloomin’ Brands, Verizon Communications Inc.). With his CEO position at Masonite, Orsino firmly establishes a monopoly with his role as Corporate Vice Chairman of door company Renin Corp. [Market Wired, Apr. 27, 2016].
is a Corporate Director. She was also President and Chief Executive Officer (2005-2009) of the British Columbia Transmission Corporation [1], which was responsible for the high voltage electricity transmission system in British Columbia. Prior to that, she was President and CEO of Union Gas Limited [2]. Ms. Peverett currently serves as a director of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and chair of its Audit Committee [3], a director of Encana Corporation and chair of its Audit Committee [4], and a director of Associated Electric & Gas Insurance Services Limited (AEGIS), and Northwest Natural Gas Company [5]. Ms. Peverett earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree from McMaster University and a Master of Business Administration degree from Queen’s University. She is also a Certified Management Accountant, a Fellow of the Society of Management Accountants, and holds the ICD.D designation from the Institute of Corporate Directors.
British Columbia Transmission Corporation is a hydro-electricity distribution corporation, distributing through B.C. Hydro. B.C. Hydro has been generating a surplus of power [Desmog, Apr. 5, 2016]. It so happens that the “biggest industrial users are the pulp and paper and wood/wood products sectors, followed by mining,” [Watershed Sentinel]. The incentive for big businesses to invest in mining projects in Canada are the tax deductions on mining companies’ expenses. “Flow-through shares are a way for mining companies to provide shareholders with tax deductions for expenses that the companies themselves cannot claim because they have already deducted over 100% of their income (this testifies, of course, to the incredible generosity of Canadian tax laws for mining companies). The goal is to induce investors both big and small to support mining securities. There is no way this program can be justified according to the arguments used when it was introduced in 1954 as a way of stimulating investment in mining. Today, the program allows mining, gas, and oil companies to issue shares that are entirely tax-deductible in Canada. In our country, investing in a mining company is tax-free, just as a charity donation is tax-free.” (Canada: A New Tax Haven, Alain Deneault (transl. Catherine Browne) 204, 2015 transl. Talonbooks. Vancouver. 168)
Part of the B.C. Transmission Corporation’s system is the Kenney Dam on the Nechako River, which displaced a community of Cheslatta T’En people. The hydro-electric dam was constructed through consultation with Alcan, a Canadian aluminum mining company that was once owned by Alcoa. Following the construction, Rio Tinto Alcan gave back some of the land to the Cheslatta T’En. The British Columbia Transmission Corporation is also associated with Fortis BC. Projects operating under Fortis BC include ownerships by Teck (steelmaking coal and metals mining), and Columbia Power (hydro-electric dams along the Kootenay River).
Hydro-electric dams are defended by their developing companies and the power generating companies, their contractors, beneficiaries, and shareholders, as being environmentally friendly alternatives. This, however, is only a superficial representation – a misrepresentation, rather – of dam infrastructure, that does not reflect the real consequences of ecological disruption caused by turbines, not to mention the construction process itself. Prior to the current expansion of the Ottawa Hydro facilities at the Chaudière Falls, for instance, there was insufficient scientific inquiry into both the current and prospective effects of the dam on migratory patterns of local species, protection of the unique eel species that travel downstream along the Kichissippi, and into the clam species that make and sustain the river habitat. This disregard for the complexity of river ecologies, in favour of the profitable production hydro-electric power and construction contracts, has resulted in the total destabilization of B.C.’s Columbia River: “So dammed, in fact, is the Columbia that it has lost its original seasonal patterns. A century ago, three-quarters of the flow occurred from April through September. By the end of the 20th century, the flow was split almost equally between April through September and October through March” [The Globe and Mail, Roy MacGregor].
This year, the agreements on the use of the hydro-electric dams located in Canada will be renegotiated between Canada and the United States, following the end of the contract term of the 1964 Columbia River Treaty. While a majority of the dam infrastructure is located in Canada, the dams, their engineers, the power generating and distributing companies, and as we see, a large part of the board of directors, have investments and interests in the United States. With a majority of hydro-electric power in the United States deriving from Canada, and a large part of hydro-electricity being used in resource extraction and military industries, the surplus of electricity generation on the backs of the First Nations and the ecological devastation of rivers are the price.
Currently in British Columbia, the Site C hydro-electric dam is undergoing expansion on unceded Coast Salish land. The ongoing Site C dam, which would block off Peace River (echoing The Peace of the Braves in Quebec) is already undergoing construction despite protests from B.C. First Nations and a coalition of the Royal Society of Canada and academic advocates [National Observer, May 24, 2016]. Expansion projects to dams that are already unnecessary are of benefit to no-one except the private shareholders who retain majority interest. British Columbia already generates power in excess of the provincial demand through hydro-electricity, so that Site C is intending to sell the B.C.-originating power to Alberta.
More recently, the B.C. Transmission Corp. will be part of an agreement announced February 15, 2017 between the Pacific NorthWest LNG, the Malaysian multinational Petronas, and two First Nations – Lax Kw’alaams Band and Metlakatla First Nation – who gave their consent on the construction of new pipelines near Prince Rupert. Linked to this same project is the North Montney Pipeline, of which the majority can be constructed with Canadian government approval, without the guarantee that either Petroliam Nasional Bhd or Petronas “will commit” [Financial Post, Mar. 20, 2017].
“Two elected aboriginal leaders, Lax Kw’alaams Mayor John Helin and Metlakatla Chief Councillor Harold Leighton, took part in a ceremony in Victoria on Wednesday to promote the agreements as crucial for supporting Pacific NorthWest LNG’s quest to export fuel to Asia” despite the contradictory opposition: “Environmentalists, a group of scientists and some Lax Kw’alaams tribal hereditary leaders oppose the project” [The Globe and Mail]. The Gitxsan project was similarly accepted on the basis of colonial decision making processes, where the consent of one ‘diplomatically elected chief’ stood in for the entirety of the Gitxsan Nation [Desmog, Feb. 7 2017]. “We’ve got huge resources there, and that’s something we’re determined to monetize,” Wan Zulkiflee told the Financial Post … “That is always an option for us, to go further downstream.” [Financial Post, Mar. 8, 2017].
Union Gas Limited is a natural gas storage, transmission and distribution company based in Ontario. It is a subsidiary of Texas-based Spectra Energy. Spectra Energy in turn underwent a merger with Enbridge (LIFE TAKES ENERGY) to form Enbridge Inc., which officially closed on February 27, 2017. The company owns numerous pipelines across Canada, including the B.C. Pipeline, and Ontario’s Union Gas Pipeline.
In 2012, Union Gas completed a pipeline Red Lake Ontario: “Union Gas executives were joined in Red Lake today by government dignitaries, representatives from mining company Goldcorp and special guests, to celebrate the completion of a pipeline project”. Also, “The $40 million project was funded cooperatively by the federal and provincial governments, Goldcorp, the Municipality of Red Lake and Union Gas” [Newswire, Oct. 30, 2012]. Goldcorp praised its own initiatives in providing environmentally sustainable energy to the Red Lake region as not only beneficial for itself, but also for people in nearby communities, and for the planet, “It’s a great project for Goldcorp and the community is very excited about it,” says Mark Vermette, Community Relations Superintendent at Goldcorp’s Red Lake Gold Mines. “It’s another sustainability project that involves the community in which we operate” [Goldcorp News Release, Nov. 1, 2012].
The Ontario Energy Board released a report in 2014 – in partnership with HSB Solomon Associates Canada Ltd. and their affiliate international energy consulting firm Ziff Energy – describing the necessity to shift eastern provinces towards greater dependence on Ontario natural gas, rather than depending on Alberta: “Many traditional supply sources like western Canada and the Gulf of Mexico offshore will decline, decreasing flows on pipelines from these areas. New pipelines will be required to connect gas supply from growing supply areas, such as the Marcellus and Utica plays in the U.S. Northeast, and the Eagle Ford play in Texas, among others” [Ontario Natural Gas Background Report, March 2014]. Union Gas offers distribution of gas targeted towards Eastern Canada and the northeastern United States from Dawn Hub, Canada’s largest storage facility located 22 miles southeast of Sarnia, Ontario. In 2015, the Ontario Energy Board approved movement of gas by Union Gas and Enbridge, from Ohio to the Dawn Hub. “By expanding access to natural gas in these markets, NEXUS will provide consumers across the region with affordable, clean-burning and abundant natural gas” [Spectra Energy News Release, Dec. 18, 2015]. “We’re glad Canada isn’t holding grudges against the U.S after the Obama Administration obtusely rejected the Keystone XL pipeline project” [Marcellus Drilling, Dec. 2015].
The Lakeshore and Essex counties in Ontario were anticipating the expansion of the Union Gas Pipeline due to a lack of natural gas distribution in the region: “the expansion of a natural gas pipeline that will benefit Essex County’s $2-billion greenhouse industry isn’t coming fast enough” [The Windsor Star, Oct. 31, 2016]. “Our investments, in conjunction with related infrastructure projects by Enbridge Gas Distribution and TransCanada Pipelines east of Parkway, provide eastern Canadian and U.S. markets with increased access to the Dawn Hub and Appalachian supply,” said Steve Baker, president of Union Gas” [PRNewswire, Nov. 3, 2016]. The related project by TransCanada is the Energy East Pipeline, which involves the conversion of approximately 3,000 km of existing natural gas transmission pipeline to the carriage of crude oil, the construction of up to 1,500 km of new pipelines, four new oil terminals, and marine tanker loading facilities in New Brunswick.
The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a final Environment Impact Statement in 2016 regarding the approval of NEXUS, its operations between Ohio and Ontario, and the Texas Eastern Appalachian Lease Project. The project would deliver 1.5 million dekatherms per day from the Appalachian Basin to Ohio, Michigan, and Ontario. The approval included the construction and operation of 255.7 miles of new 36-inch-diameter greenfield natural gas pipeline in Ohio and Michigan – including over the Bowling Green fault line, near Ohio’s Maumee River [The Blade, Feb. 9, 2017]. The statement declared that: “NEXUS and Texas Eastern would minimize impacts on natural and cultural resources during construction and operation of the Project by implementing their Erosion and Sediment Control Plans; Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plans, Upland Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Maintenance Plan; Wetland and Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures; and other project-specific plans (Blasting Plans, Drain Tile Mitigation Plan (NEXUS), Fugitive Dust Control Plans, Winter Construction Plans, Invasive Species Management Plans, HDD Monitoring and Inadvertent Return Contingency Plan (NEXUS), Unanticipated Discovery Plans, Residential Construction Plan (NEXUS), Landowner Complaint Resolution Procedures and Public Awareness Program, Organic Farm Protection Plan, Hazardous Waste Management Plan, and Migratory Bird Conservation Plans)” [FERC Staff Issues the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the NEXUS Gas Transmission Project (Docket No. CP16-22-000) and Texas Eastern Appalachian Lease Project (Docket No. CP16-23-000), Nov. 30, 2016]. “Nexus said it planned to commence tree clearing in Ohio and Michigan with the commission’s prior approval in the first quarter of 2017” [Oil & Gas Investor, Jan. 27, 2017]. “The Trump administration is reportedly poised to announce new FERC nominees, no doubt giving hope for projects like Nexus that the quorum will soon be restored” [Natural Gas Intel, Mar. 10, 2017].
Jane L. Peverett joins her Hydro One colleague James D. Hinds on the board of directors of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), and acts as chair of the Audit Committee.
The CIBC developed much interest in Israeli businesses and banks – advocating for investment in Nice Systems Ltd. [Haaretz, Feb. 28, 2006], and partnering with such major banks as Bank Hapoalim and Leumi Bank. “CIBC Oppenheimer has been the driving force behind investment in Israel since the early 1990s,” said David Kassie, chief executive officer of CIBC World Markets. “We have worked closely with E. Shalev to bring Israeli-originated business to the U.S. markets and to increase CIBC’s presence in Israel.” [Investment Executive, May 1, 2001]. CIBC World Markets sold its investment branch, CIBC Oppenheimer, for $400 million in 2002, to the New York based firm Fahnestock Viner Holdings [CBC, Dec. 10, 2002]. Prior to its sale to Oppenheimer & Co. (Fahnestock), the CIBC’s former CEO was Encana’s own Brian Shaw. [Reuters, Nov. 4, 2007]. The CIBC’s dedication to Israel continues, with its formation of a technology partnership in September 2016 between National Australia Bank and Israel’s Bank Leumi.
Bank Leumi is one of the earliest Zionist projects originating out of the U.K. The bank was established as Anglo-Palestine Co. Ltd. in Jaffa in 1902, nearly 50 years before the state of Israel was declared during the 1948 Nakba that displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. Leumi Bank describes itself as “highly instrumental in Israel’s economic development, financing most of the large national infrastructure and industry projects.” “The alliance was officially signed this week in Tel Aviv, a world leader in high-tech startups and a global tech hub” … “It’s common knowledge that Israel is the ‘Start-Up Nation’ and a hotbed of innovation,” said Dan Yerushalmi, Bank Leumi First Executive Vice President, Group CTIO and COO. [CIBC News Release, Sep. 21, 2016].
Bank Leumi’s international subsidiaries include Leumi (Latin America) S.A, based in Uruguay; Leumi International Investments NV based offshore in the Netherlands Antilles; Luxinvest S.A. based in Luxembourg; Bank Leumi Romania (“the only Israeli bank operating in Romania”); Bank Leumi (UK) plc; Bank Leumi Le-Israel Schweiz (previously known as the Liumi Private Bank) was also an international subsidiary of the Israeli bank until it was acquired in 2015 by the Swiss Julius Bär Group. Leumi intends to coax international investors with reminders of US investment, “Warren Buffet’s first foreign acquisition was in Israel. Microsoft opened its first R&D center outside of the US in Israel, and has recently opened another. Following suit, Apple also opened its largest R&D center outside of the United States in Israel. Israel has more NASDAQ listed companies than any other country after the USA … With its vision centered on “being a banking group that is involved in and supports the welfare of the community”, Leumi, since its inception in 1902, has contributed to the development and prosperity of the Zionist enterprise.”
What does it mean for a bank to contribute to the community? Leumi supports the future generation, and out of the desire to provide young Israeli artists with the opportunity to break into public awareness”. Elsewhere, its youth programs “seek to promote the values of volunteerism and to increase the accessibility of volunteer programs to youths from marginalized backgrounds”. Who does the former Anglo-Palestine Co. bank consider marginalized?
One of Israel’s other major banks, Bank Hapoalim (incidentally, another CPPIB investment) is currently under investigation in the U.S. for tax evasion, while “Leumi paid a $400 million penalty two years ago in settling similar tax suspicions in the U.S.” Notwithstanding the investigation, “Hapoalim’s CEO, Arik Pinto, is determined to buy a U.S. bank to help promote the plan but he is blocked from doing anything about it until the tax investigation is over” [Haaretz, Dec. 5, 2016]. Hapoalim’s Uruguayan offices sold their private banking portfolio to Safra National Bank of New York in 2016, the retreat coming soon after raids on the “Royal Bank of Canada, which was raided in its offices of Zonamerica by the Uruguayan Justice at the request of the Argentine judge Norberto Oyarbide” [Sitios Argentina, Apr. 15, 2015]. The bank raid was ordered in response to money laundering schemes, involving the “transfer of South American soccer players involving tens of millions of dollars” [MercoPress, Aug. 16, 2013].
In September 2016, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Stéphane Dion and Israeli Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon signed an updated version of the Canadian-Israeli Free Trade Agreement, “allows entrepreneurs and investors to invest in the other country and pay their taxes in only one of them,” said Israeli Ambassador Rafael Barak (replaced by Nimrod Barkan) “We in Israel see a very important opportunity,” [Dion] said, pointing to Israel’s leadership “in the environment and high-tech solutions.” [The Canadian Jewish News, Sep. 27, 2016].
Jane Peverett is firmly entrenched in the Canadian oil and gas industry with her position at the EnCana Corporation. EnCana produces, transports and markets natural gas, oil and natural gas liquids, and was formed out of a merger between the Alberta Energy Company and the PanCanadian Energy Corporation in 2002.
EnCana owns a storage facility known as the Countess storage facility, as part of the AECO Hub for Western Canada, as well as the Wild Goose storage facility in California. EnCana operated “two key high potential international growth platforms: Ecuador, where it is the largest private sector oil producer, and the U.K. central North Sea” [EnCana News Release, Nov. 18, 2003]. In Ecuador, EnCana ran an Integrated Community Health Initiative, and was awarded the Improving Physical or Social Infrastructure Award, sponsored by SNC-Lavalin. The oil company also created EcoFund Foundation Ecuador, a US$16,930,000 ecological fund, in partnership with OCP Ecuador S.A., a private Ecuadorian company, and created EcoFondo Ecuador Trust was created by OCP and EcoFund to handle contributions from OCP in Ecuador [EnCana News Release, Mar. 18, 2005]. EnCana later sold its Ecuadorian pipelines to Chinese-owned Andes Petroleum Company, closing the sale in 2006. EnCana also sold all of its projects in Chad to China, in 2007 [EnCana, Jan. 12, 2007].
EnCana notably contributed to the establishment of THE credible and convenient source of comprehensive information about Canadian energy industries by granting a $4 million donation to the Canadian Centre for Energy Information in 2002 [EnCana, 2002].
EnCana tells its story:
“We will create our own unique and vibrant EnCana brand … The blue represents water and sky. The green represents Earth, suggesting growth and reinforcing EnCana’s commitment to the environment … will store up to 40 billion cubic feet of gas … exemplifies an ideal business opportunity … EnCana is the operator of a very large oil discovery … this transaction, involving one of North America’s premier gas assets, is consistent with EnCana’s approach to pursue high-quality opportunities … optimize our current capital program … strong returns … Tahiti has delivered very encouraging results … high school recruitment campaign that is designed to help meet the growing career opportunities … further establishing EnCana’s growth …” [2002] “ … a continuing opportunity … attractive values … redeployment of this capital … higher-return internal growth … low-unit-cost … shareholder return … 30,000, or possibly more, barrels of oil equivalent per day … upstream capital investment … sales growth … distinct competitive advantage … recoverable natural gas resource … appraisal drilling to identify future development opportunities … ” [2003] “daily oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids sales increased … increased the intrinsic value of each share … growth potential … huge resource play assets … EnCana presented a cheque for $100,000 to the Calgary Chapter of Pheasants Forever … EnCana Corporation will donate $750,000 in funding to The Nature Trust programs in British Columbia … “Many of us don’t realize that urban sprawl is a big threat to the natural landscape,” said Gwyn Morgan, President and CEO of EnCana Corporation … to grow production, reserves and financial returns … maximize the assets’ potential … between 40,000 and 60,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day … grow production and reserves for several years ahead … strong financial and operating performance … expanded natural gas resource plays and higher crude oil production … growth from Canadian oilsands, Ecuador and the U.K. … further improving this go forward picture …” [2004] “ … our high quality resource assets have large and profitable growth potential … EnCana plans to expand production … marketing initiative … establish a value chain … strong growth in North American natural gas reserves and sales … very consistent and competitive … creating incredible job opportunities … promoting B.C.’s tremendous opportunities … lucrative employment in rural regions … we have clear competitive advantage … we are confident that the pool contains a sizable resource … developing plans to significantly expand production from its estimated 5 billion to 10 billion barrels of recoverable oilsands resources … more than a twelve-fold production increase … increased opportunity … pre-development cash value … value recognition … accelerate the development of its large oilsands resource … to advance our oilsands development … profitably accelerate the development of this tremendous oilsands resource …” [2005] “EnCana hosted barbecues to support Canada’s beef industry … record natural gas production … increased investment in land and drilling … continuing to build momentum in the growth rate of net asset value in every share … $1 million towards the first ever National Chair in Aboriginal Economic Development … a significant, long-term impact on Aboriginal communities … Aboriginal economic development … entrepreneurship education … business knowledge … to realize their full economic potential … to advance the participation of Métis workers in our industry and address the growing demand we have for skilled workers to participate in our drilling and development programs.” [2006]
EnCana’s contributions to the community, inviting the Dene Tha’ First Nation to participate in EnCana’s oil projects, involving a noontime ceremony during Aboriginal Awareness Week: “The Honourable Robert D. Nault, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, today announced $1.96 million in federal funding to assist the Dene Tha’ First Nation in northwest Alberta take a historic first step into the oil and gas drilling business through the acquisition of a 50 per cent interest in two oil and gas drilling rigs … This is truly a win-win scenario not only for the parties involved, but for all Canadians, said Minister Nault” [EnCana News Release, Sep. 19, 2002]. In 2017, Twitter asks, “How can #pipelines bring economic prosperity to Indigenous communities?” In preparation for Canada’s 150th year on unceded Indigenous lands, reconciliation takes the form of participation in the structures of corporate investments, in shareholding in the extraction industries. “EnCana fully recognizes the potential / the tremendous source of manpower / that Aboriginal communities have / that is available, to our Company and the industry generally / toward developing the required manpower skills / through First Nation and Metis communities / so needed by our growing industry.” In 2005, EnCana partnered with Heart Lake First Nation for three year contracts worth $2 million, for the purchase of construction equipment [EnCana, Jun. 23, 2005].
“… reducing cost and price risk and increasing confidence in our ability to achieve economic returns … contributes to the strength and sustainability of the communities where it operates … remains focused on growing its key resource plays … increased investment aimed at production growth from U.S. natural gas … growth and capital discipline … profitability of our business model … gas production is expected to increase … EnCana will approximately double its investment in integrated oilsands … very competitive … total production is expected to increase …” [2007] “… solid growth in natural gas and oil production … competitive costs … sustainable value creation capacity … cash flow, our company’s cash flow, operating earnings and free cash flow all increased substantially … delivered great results, achieving twice the cash flow we expected … growing our integrated oil business at a highly competitive capital cost … approved upstream expansions … approximately $50,000 per daily flowing barrel of bitumen … progressive thinking, technical advances and respect for the environment in a new century … informed of a natural gas leak at a field facility about 50 kilometres southeast of Dawson Creek …” [2008]
In 2008, EnCana’s pipelines were bombed in Dawson Creek, in resistance to the continued expansion.
EnCana’s projects are responsible for well-water contamination in Alberta. “Oilpatch earnings give reason for optimism … oilpatch companies are also showing confidence in the future, with increased capital expenditures the leading indicator” [Calgary Herald, Feb. 17, 2017]. “Encana is producing 750 MMcf/d of gas and 21,000 b/d of liquids today, COO Mike McAllister said.” [Natural Gas Intel, May 17, 2016]. “Encana has the land position, “which we could probably more than double our current growth plan…We’ve actually self-constrained our growth in the Montney just to manage market risk. We have the land secure, we have the land today … We can ramp this up quite quickly, really the ramp time is two years. It’s the time to build, gathering, and processing, and we are doing that today. We know it from the time we say go to the time we actually have the capacity online is about two years and it’s not anything doing drilling wells. We can fill these plants up really fast with drilling activities…”” [Natural Gas Intel, May 17, 2016].
“Activity across the North American exploration and production industry has picked up considerably over recent months,” Suttles said. … We expect to significantly increase crude and condensate production throughout the year and deliver strong corporate margin growth.” [Natural Gas Intel, Feb. 16, 2017]. “Share offering shows Encana’s heart moving deep into Texas” [Canlii Connects] developing the Permian Basin of West Texas [Natural Gas Intel, Mar. 2, 2017]. Encana made moves into Texas in 2007, when it acquired Leor Energy’s interest in Deep Bossier in Texas. Leor Energy is a private company – initially as a joint venture with Encana [Forbes, Jun. 28, 2012] – founded by Thomas Kaplan and his son, energy magnate Yehuda Dovid ‘Guma’ Aguiar, who lived between the U.S. and Israel. Aguiar mysteriously vanished from his yacht in Florida, and was declared dead, in 2012, leaving his family and the to divide his estate. Aguiar owned several properties in Israel, donated $770,000 to the Orthodox Jewish Chabad Movement [Chabad Lubovitch News Release, Dec. 14, 2009]. The Chabad Movement has recently been linked to the Trump administration through hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations [Haaretz, Jan. 10, 2017]. “In 2009, Aguiar gave $8 million to the pro-aliya group Nefesh B’Nefesh” [Times of Israel, Jun. 22, 2012].
Stock sales in the style of the “block trade net pricing model”: “JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Credit Suisse Group AG used the structure last year to sell $1.15-billion (U.S.) of stock for Encana Corp. and $1.45-billion of Canadian Pacific shares for hedge fund Pershing Square Capital Management. Two Canadian dealers – CIBC World Markets and TD Securities – also played roles in the Encana share sale.” [The Globe and Mail, Mar. 7, 2017].
Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Encana Corporation, recently sold its Denver Julesberg oil and gas assets to Crestone Peak Resources LLC (Crestone), a Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) and The Broe Group jointly formed entity consisting of leadership that hails from the likes of Remora Energy, First Reserve, Deutsche Bank, and the Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
Northwest Natural Gas Company (NW Natural) (WE GREW UP HERE) is a Portland-based natural gas utility company, servicing Oregon and Southwest Washington.
The gas company is dedicated to community engagement. NW Natural supports the environment by paying $35,000 annually to volunteer-based environmental stewardship organization SOLVE for three years (2017-2019), donating $15,000 to Friends of Outdoor School, and paying various other organizations that groom trails and clean polluted waters. NW Natural sponsored a home show in Portland, “In the picturesque hills of Clackamas County’s Happy Valley sits the Northern Heights subdivision, and the home of the 2014 NW Natural Street of Dreams.” [NW Natural News Release, Mar. 11, 2014].
“… NW Natural also sponsored a planting event … donated $10,000 … $20,000 donation … win one of three $500 Visa gift cards … has donated approximately $105,000 this year … $10,000 … $15,000 … $10,000 … $5,000 … $5,000 … $5,000 … there are so many outstanding charitable groups … shareholder-funded donation … pledges more than $374,000 … $500 … $2,000 … $500 … $2,500 … $25,000 … more than $120,000 … $20,000 … more than $55,000 … more than $30,000 … $10,000 … nearly $28,000 … more than $100,000 … more than $52,000 … NW Natural shareholders grant nearly $80,000 … $35,000 … $43,000 …”
The board of directors for NW Natural is: Tod R. Hamachek (Penwest Pharmaceuticals, paper, food starch and pharmaceutical company Penford Corporation, The Blethen Company, which owns the Seattle Times); David H. Anderson (TXU Gas & TXU Corporation, American Gas Association (AGA) Finance Committee, and the AGA Fiscal and Tax Committee); Timothy P. Boyle (Columbia Sportswear Company); Martha L. Byorum (Cori Investment Advisors, LLC, “which was spun off from Violy, Byorum & Partners (VB&P), since 2003. VB&P was a leading independent strategic advisory and investment banking firm specializing in Latin America”, Citibank, JELD-WEN Inc.); John D. Carter (Schnitzer Steel Industries, Bechtel Group Inc., JELD-WEN Inc.); Mark S. Dodson (American Gas Association, Energy Insurance Mutual, The Nature Conservancy of Oregon); C. Scott Gibson (Radisys Corporation, St. John’s Medical Center); Kenneth Thrasher (Compli Corporation, the Children Institute, Friends of the Children, Oregon Coast Aquarium); Mali H. Wasson (Sand Creek Advisors LLC, U.S. Bank, N.A., Columbia Sportswear Company).
In 2014, NW Natural negotiated terms with EnCana, where it would not be allowed to continue drilling wells in the Jonah Field but would continue to reap profits off of existing and future infrastructure [Market Wired, Mar. 31, 2014]. “…“could provide about 25 billion cubic feet of additional gas … We continue to reap the long-term advantages of low natural gas prices through our investment in the Jonah Field,” said Gregg Kantor, president & CEO of NW Natural.” [NW Natural News Release, Mar. 31, 2014].
NW Natural was recently granted approval for its $128 million North Mist Expansion Project in Mist, Oregon. The expansion, presented as complementary to wind and solar energy, involves “a new reservoir providing up to 2.5 billion cubic feet of available storage, an additional compressor station with design capacity of approximately 120 million cubic feet of gas per day, and a 13-mile pipeline to connect to PGE’s gas plants at Port Westward and Beaver near Clatskanie, Ore.” [Globe Newswire, Oct. 3, 2016].
In addition to her numerous directorial positions in the oil and gas industry – and now Hydro One Inc. – Peverett joins her Hydro One colleague Frances Lankin in a directorial position at Postmedia Network Canada Corp. Postmedia is a media conglomerate that encompassed the merger of major regional newspaper chains, such as The Citizen and The Sun. The company was formed through an acquisition (through Canwest) by the New York-based private investment firm GoldenTree Asset Management. CanWest is now a property of Onex Properties. Owning over 180 print and online publication, Postmedia holds a monopoly of public news in Canada. Its most recent contributions to Canadian climate of published facts has been a slew of layoffs, including from the Ottawa Citizen in 2016, and from the Vancouver Sun in 2017. The Vancouver Sun layoffs are reported as coming after a failure to meet 20% salary cuts, while executive retention bonuses [The Globe and Mail, Nov. 24, 2016] were necessary for the reassurance of investors and maintaining fruitful relationships based on trust.
“Unifor Local 2000 president Brian Gibson said in a statement they’ve received no explanation why five Postmedia executives received bonuses totalling $2.275 million last year, while employees are being laid off” [Global News, Mar. 10, 2017].
Earlier this year, Postmedia issued layoff notices in Montreal and Ottawa, also because the newspapers failed to cut the salaries of its employees: “A spokesperson for Postmedia confirmed that the layoffs are part of the company’s announcement in October that it was working to reduce salary expenses related to its 4,000 employees by a fifth.” [Financial Post, Jan. 24, 2017].
Executives of Postmedia include: Paul Godfrey (former CEO of National Post Inc. and Sun Media Corporation, former Chair of Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, and current chair on the RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust); Wendy Henkelman (formerly of the oil and gas companies Penn West Exploration and Shell Canada, former President of the Canadian Petroleum Tax Society, as well as KPMG LLP); Mary Junck (U.S. based news and advertising conglomerate Lee Enterprises, formerly of the Times Mirror Company, currently on the board of directors at The Associated Press); David Pecker (American Media Inc. (which includes the National Enquirer [The Star, Oct. 19, 2016], Hachette Filipacchi Magazines, Inc.); Daniel Rotstein (American Media Inc.); Graham Savage (Callisto Capital, formerly of Rogers Communications Inc. and Sun Media Corp.); Peter Sharpe (currently director of Brazilian real estate, development and construction company Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A (which has a portfolio of Brazilian malls), Canadian real estate corporation Morguard, former CEO at Cadillac Fairview Corporation).
The Chair of Postmedia is Rod Phillips, currently of Afiniti, an artificial intelligence company based in Washington, D.C., and former President and CEO of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, and Infor Acquisition Corp., which works “relentlessly to ensure that the trust placed in us by our partners, which includes a large number of Canadian pension funds and global institutional investors, is well founded”. Infor’s board of directors includes Brian J. Gibson, who is incidentally the former Senior VP, Equities at Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan.
Postmedia’s Phillips currently sits on the board of Ontario-based Discovery Air Inc., an aircraft company providing military aircraft and aviation training. Discovery Air Defence Services Inc. is the prime supplier of airborne training services to the Canadian Department of National Defence and to the German Air Force, with growing operations in the United States. The company also recently partnered with Australian military. Discovery Air Inc. also owns a mining subsidiary called Discovery Mining Services. The operations manager for the mining company is Kevin Vickers – Canadian Armed Forces soldier who served in Bosnia, veteran RCMP officer and sergeant-at-arms of the House of Commons. In 2014, Vickers shot Michael Zihaf-Bibeau, who in turn shot Nathan Cirilio, who was guarding the National War Memorial in Ottawa. “[S]oon after the shooting, Vickers was appointed Canada’s ambassador to Ireland” [The Globe and Mail, May 11, 2015]. While in Dublin, diplomat Vickers wrestled an Irish protester at a march that was honouring the British occupation of Northern Ireland. “After all, British troops put down Ireland’s Easter Rising in 1916 with considerable violence, and 15 leaders of the rebellion were executed. It’s still a raw wound for some.” [The Star, May 29, 2016].
is a partner of the law firm Goodmans LLP [1] and a member of the firm’s Executive Committee. Ms. Rubenstein was senior counsel to the Pan Canadian Investors Committee for Third Party Asset Backed Commercial Paper [2], counsel to liquidators of numerous financial institutions, counsel to the Province in connection with the General Motors and Chrysler restructurings [3] and counsel to the Superintendent of Financial Services (Ontario) regarding the Algoma and Stelco pension plans [4]. She has authored numerous papers on the insolvency of insurance companies and banks [5]. She obtained her Bachelor of Laws degree from Osgoode Hall Law School (York University) and is a member of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Advisory Panel on Resolution and a Director of the Insolvency Institute of Canada, the Osgoode Hall Alumni Association, the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation and Outside the March Theatre Company.
Goodmans LLP is a Canadian corporate law firm. Goodmans LLP members include C.D. Howe Institute Senior Fellow Howard Wetston [Financial Post, Apr. 4, 2016]. Goodmans LLP has represented many of the companies listed throughout this text. Rubenstein, for example, previously acted as counsel of KPMG Inc. (Audit, Tax and Advisory Services), during its liquidation of Reliance Insurance Canada [Court File No. 01-CL-4313].
Goodmans LLP recently represented PostMedia in its acquisition of The Toronto Sun, The Ottawa Sun, The Winnipeg Sun, The Calgary Sun and The Edmonton Sun, as well as The London Free Press and the free 24 Hours dailies in Toronto and Vancouver [Lexpert, Apr. 13, 2015], and in a recapitalization that “involved the restructuring of over $600 million existing debt obligations” [Lexpert, Oct. 5, 2016]. Goodmans LLP represented Yukon-based InterOil Corporation (which owns “assets comprised of interests in oil and gas properties in Papua New Guinea”), which was undergoing court hearings on possible acquisition by ExxonMobil [Lexpert, Nov. 4, 2016]. Goodmans LLP represented Smoothwater Capital Corporation, a major stakeholder in Alberta Oilsands Inc. (AOS), during the latter’s acquisition of Marquee Energy [Lexpert, Dec. 6, 2016].
Marquee Energy Ltd.(OIL-FOCUSED GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT AND PRODUCTION) and Alberta Oilsands Inc. Announce Strategic Business Combination to Create a Well Capitalized Company With a Focused Oil Asset Base Positioned for Growth … over 300 identified drilling locations targeting the Detrital/Banff reservoir … highly economic and well defined light oil fairway at Michichi, consisting of 370 million barrels of discovered petroleum … significant benefits to Marquee Shareholders and Alberta Oilsands Shareholders … well-capitalized company … deep inventory of drilling prospects … [Market Wired, Aug. 19, 2016].
Goodmans LLP also represented Canadian Pacific Railway (YOUR BUSINESS IS OUR BUSINESS) in its merger with Dream Unlimited, to create a joint venture called Dream Van Horne Properties [Lexpert, Feb. 5, 2015]. “The diversity of Dream’s real estate corporations and its stated purpose as a “community builder” may have been central to their selection by CP. According to their website their asset management companies include Dream Office REIT, Dream Global REIT , Dream Industrial REIT , Dream Alternatives Trust and their operating companies are Homes by Dream Dream Development Dream Centres and Dream Renewable Power.” [Real Estate News Exchange, Jan. 21, 2015] … “development by the joint venture, including Schiller Park, a 75-acre site in Chicago; Obico, a 74-acre site near Toronto; South Edmonton Yard, a 92-acre site close to downtown Edmonton, and; Lucien L’allier, a 3-acre site in downtown Montreal.” [Canadian Pacific News Release, Jan. 20, 2015].
The Pan Canadian Investors Committee for Third Party Asset Backed Commercial Paper (ABCP) underwent a $32 billion restructuring, creating a form of short-term debt. Gale Rubenstein was on the restructuring team of the ABCP. Also on the project was J.P. Morgan as financial advisor. [Investment Executive, Sep. 27, 2007]. (Here also, Miller Thomson LLP acted for the ad hoc committee of corporate noteholders and financial advisor, PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc.) [LEXPERT, Jan. 2009].
The Agnelli family / EXOR-owned publication The Economist reported on how “essential” securitized financial products are to economic recovery, “especially in Europe”.
“Yet the transformation of mortgages, credit-card debt and other recurring cashflows into new marketable securities is enjoying something of a resurgence. […] Almost all financial innovations, from the humble mortgage to the joint-stock company, have had to re-establish their reputations after a bust at some point in their history. Society benefited from their eventual rehabilitation—as it most probably will from the revival of securitisation.” [The Economist, Jan. 11, 2014].
The ABCP notably worked with PR firms infamous for working for international dictatorships, and corporations handling international crises such as nuclear fallouts and oil spills, in particular, NATIONAL Public Relations, whose subsidiaries include the PR and lobbying firms amo global and Burtson-Marsteller. amo global’s clients include Theresa May. amo global in turn owns Llorente y Cuenca, which has a base in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, The Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, and Panama. Spanish journalist José Antonio Llorente worked at Burson-Marsteller for a decade, becoming founder and chairman of Llorente y Cuenca.
The current CEO of Burson-Marsteller is Donald A. Baer of Bill Clinton’s administration, having held the position of the White House Director of Communications between 1995 and 1997. Baer was appointed CEO in 2012, due to his role “as President Bill Clinton’s Communications Director will reinforce the Burson-Marsteller reputation for professionalism and take the firm to new heights” [WPP Press Release, July 19, 2012]. Baer is currently part of Advisory Council for The First Year: POTUS 2017, organized by The Miller Center of The University of Virginia. “The initiative, The First Year: POTUS 2017, will provide historical analysis and forward-looking recommendations to guide the next President of the United States in his or her critical first year.” [PR Newswire, Oct. 15, 2015]. On his appointment as CEO to Burson-Marsteller, Baer’s words: “We’ve done it before. Tax reform in 1986, debt reduction and welfare reform in the Clinton years, George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind—” [The Hill, Oct. 2, 2012].
Burson-Marsteller clients in the 90s included Indonesia during the occupation of East Timor. During the Clinton administration in the 90s, as well as in decades leading up to the Santa Cruz Massacre of November 12, 1991, the U.S. supplied Indonesian government with weapons and military training. Burson-Marsteller continues to work with Indonesia during the current occupation and genocide in West Papua under Indonesian president Joko Widodo, with a base in Jakarta. Between 2010 and 2012, the Indonesian branch was under the direction of Daisy Primayanti, who was previously country head of communications at ABN AMRO Bank in Indonesia, and is currently the Head of Corporate Communications at mining company PT Freeport Indonesia [Campaign Asia, Aug. 11, 2010]. The Indonesian government will be buying just over 40% of the mining company’s shares, as the company has numerous projects in West Papua [Radio New Zealand, Mar. 10, 2017].
Burson-Marsteller maintains an active Twitter presence depicting Widodo in humanizing moments playing soccer or holding pants in front of Mark Zuckerberg, and pushing PR pieces on worldwide presidents using Twitter.
“Predictably, the Suharto regime and the big U.S. firms that profit most from business deals with it have launched a lavishly funded political counterattack. It includes the creation of a Suharto-corporate-U.S. government front and lobbying group—the United States-Indonesia Society—launched in late 1994 with backing from Indonesian intelligence, General Prabowo (Suharto’s son in law, known for his role in various Timor massacres), the Lippo Group, Chevron, Taxaco, Freeport McMoRan, and a host of former State Department, Pentagon, and CIA officials; a project funded by oil companies and Lippobank to distribute “educational” materials on Indonesia to 10 million U.S. high school students to “increase understanding of a country that has long been a solid friend of the United States and a nation that offers a great number of opportunities for American business”; and, apparently, some of the Lippo Group’s massive campaign contributions to Clinton and the Democratic National Committee.
On October 26, 1995, Clinton welcomed Suharto to the Oval Office. Also waiting were Vice President Gore, Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, and U.S. Special Trade Representative Mickey Kantor. Clinton offered to sell Suharto 20 F-16 fighters. “He’s our kind of guy,” an administration official told the New York Times, referring to Suharto.”
(East Timor’s Unfinished Struggle: Inside the Timorese Resistance, Constâncio Pinto and Matthew Jardine, South End Press: Boston, MA, 1997.)
The Canadian military involvement in East Timor during the Indonesian occupation is described by the Canadian government’s Veteran project as consisting of “humanitarian aid and nation-building projects”. Canadian aid was certainly instrumental to the building of the Indonesian nation during the Timorese struggle for sovereignty. In his study of Canadian investment and military role in Indonesia’s occupation, Jeffery Klaehn writes:
“In September 1987 Canada’s representative to the UN Human Rights Sub-Commission voted against putting East Timor back on the UN Human Rights Commission Agenda. Canada was the largest Western investor at the time of the invasion.” Klaehn further refers to Canada’s support for Indonesia’s “pragmatic leadership”, citing Ambassador Shortliffe’s suggestion to specifically support Indonesian resistance against East Timor’s self-determination in 1978, and the way Canadian universities were used to support Indonesia:
“Following Indonesia’s invasion of East Timor, Canadian Overseas Development Assistance (CODA) to Indonesia increased from Can.$ 19.52 million in 1974/75 to Can.$ 36.7 million in 1975/76. Canada routinely ranked among the top ten donors throughout occupation period. [66] Eglin points out that “the bulk of CODA to Indonesia is bilateral, that is, government to government aid,” “designed as welfare to support Canadian businesses (or business-like institutions like universities) by requiring the “aided” country to buy the donor’s goods.” [66] Klaehn cites Sharon Scharfe, Complicity, Canadian Complicity in the East Timor Near-Genocide: A Case Study in the Sociology of Human Rights, 157-158.
Rubenstein’s work alongside JP Morgan in the previously mentioned ABCP restructuring carries forward to the GM and Chrysler restructurings [LEXPERT, Nov. 23, 2010]. The General Motors (GM) and Chrysler restructurings happened between 2008 and 2010. Chrysler was acquired by Agnelli-family owned Fiat, to form the current Chrysler Fiat [Canadian Lawyer, Aug. 2, 2009]. “It had the high profile backing of Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Ontario’s Premier Dalton McGuinty, who together pledged $10.6-billion in aid in return for a 12-per-cent stake in the automaker and a seat at the directors table.” [Canadian Lawyer, Aug. 2, 2009]
So it was that in 2007, Cerberus Capital Management bought Chrysler for $7.4 billion, to be received, once closed, free of debt. Cerberus Capital Management specializes in “distressed investing”. Cerberus Senior Leadership includes Seth P. Plattus, formerly of the Blackstone Group; Andrew I. Kandel, formerly of Merrill Lynch; and J. Danforth Quayle, 44th Vice President of the United States of America. Managing Directors include Gregory S. Nixon, Chief Administrative Officer of DynCorp, a private U.S. military contractor. For $1 billion, Cerberus Capital acquired DynCorp. in 2010 “going private would limit their ability to keep tabs on a company that has faced allegations of misconduct in the past and has big contracts to train Iraqi police and support U.S. troops in Afghanistan” [Reuters, Apr. 12, 2010]. The CEO of Cerberus is Stephen Feinberg. Feinberg is being considered for a senior role in the Trump administration [Wall Street Journal, Feb. 2, 2017]. “We are not naive,” [73rd Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America, John] Snow said in a speech on the Chrysler deal in July 2007” [Forbes, May 1, 2009].
Chrysler owed Canadian and U.S. governments a debt of $7.5 billion [Reuters, 2011]. “most negotiations and agreements concluded in a two-month span” [Canadian Lawyer, Aug. 2, 2009] “also cutting 50,000 jobs in an effort to turn operations around” [CBC, Feb. 21, 2009] “You take a look at the CAW, they stepped forward to do what they needed to do to assist us in getting a deal,” says GM’s MacDonald. “It is highly unusual for a union to come back four times in the course of a year to re-bargain. . . . You have to give them credit for that.” [Canadian Lawyer, Aug. 2, 2009] “I don’t think it’s necessary to go into the pockets of our pensioners. Our pensioners deserve the respect that they received when they signed on to retire.” [CBC, Feb. 21, 2009]
GM, Chrysler restructuring plans cut more jobs [The Star, Feb. 17, 2009] GM, Chrysler ask for billions in Canadian aid [CBC, Feb. 21, 2009] Pension deficit threatens GM’s viability [The Globe and Mail, May 13, 2009] CAW reaches tentative deal with GM, Chrysler remains [Maclean’s, Sep. 21, 2012] Canadian auto industry at ‘crossroads’ ahead of labour talks [The Globe and Mail, Aug. 9, 2016] Canadian auto workers pick General Motors as strike target [The Peterborough Examiner, Sep. 6, 2016] Canada’s auto union says it’s taking on its ‘biggest bully’ by opening contract talks with GM [The Financial Post, Sep. 6, 2016]
Unifor threatened a strike in Windsor, but was pacified with a “$30-plus an hour rate, $6,000 signing bonuses, plus $2,000 in years two, three and four” [The Windsor Star, Oct. 11, 2016]. “64.7 per cent of GM Canada’s 3,900 hourly workers” [The Financial Post, Oct. 10, 2016] approved of the privilege to continue producing more cars. The quandary is always rather with an ethical form of compensation on the part of the bosses; if the unions are successful in negotiating decent compensation and benefits, what wrong could there be with the industry for which they produce? Meanwhile, with the confidence of a hungry toddler waddling towards its next meal, Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne is considering a merger of Chrysler Fiat with GM [Reuters, Mar. 7, 2017], as well as with Toyota Motor Corp., Volkswagen Group and Ford Motor [Automotive News, Apr. 15, 2016].
Fiat’s origins are in Turin, Italy, where the automotive factories formed the foundation and determined “the lifestyles” of the workers – in much the same way as the automotive industry today shapes the lifestyle and bargaining positions of people who live and work in the ‘Rust Belt’ of manufacturing plants that run across southwestern Ontario, through Windsor to Detroit.
In October of 1979, Fiat fired 61 workers from its Mirafori plant in Torino. Giampaolo Pansa was one of these workers. “I was paying for my job at Fiat with my own skin.” “I am evidence that Fiat is a terrorist organization.”
Fiat’s Agnelli family “centered around Carli, president of Italian bank” in order to lobby a reform plan called the Carli plan. Eddy Cherkin and Michel Wieviorka write in Autoreduction Movements in Turin, “On the one hand, restructuring the production (diversification of some industrial sectors, the automobile industry, formation of a nuclear energy program) and, on the other hand, reducing, in the area of consumption, public expenditures—in particular, curbing the production of collective tools and arrangements (equipements collectifs).” This resulted in the shift of bearing the economic burden onto the workers – shifting towards habits of consumption, and removing the transportation subsidies companies would often give their workers. Cherkin and Wieviorka note that with the implementation of the Carli plan, the government raised electricity rates. This naturally reflects in the individual – hermeticized – consumption patterns and use of capital by the workers, effectively solidifying a “pay to live to work” scheme that is laughably a standard today.
Where today’s Canadian unions, in the absence of ‘extreme left’ penetration, more accurately embody consolidated systems of hierarchical syphoning of power and capital under the guise of benign collectivity – capital that includes the more pronounced form of ‘cultural’ capital that is policed within the contemporary workplace as an internal bargain of employment or expulsion. Demands for fairer participation in the capitalist system of “collective bargainingism” or, by today’s standards, “pattern bargaining” – that is production for the sake of growing profits. This is opposed to the anti-authoritarianism that characterized the Fiat workers’ increasingly militant strikes during the 70s, motivated not for the privilege of compensation and the satisfaction of the 60%, but for the dignity of redefining the conditions and meaning of work, and the very definition of an honourable life not defined by wage labour and the most immediately profitable bottom-line of industry executives.
So it is that Fiat and the Agnellis had little else to do but replicate the Torino scenario, to once again celebrate the pacification of workers through deals with the unions, from Turin, Italy to Windsor, Canada – a 40 year celebration of paid labour and the joyful participation in the productive forces of capitalism, the modernization of the 21st century’s automotive factories, the creation of 1200 jobs through increased automation of manufacturing, and the sacrificial lamb of the “200 of 450 hourly workers at the [Brampton] plant” who unfortunately still got laid off [The Windsor Star, Oct. 11, 2016].
Following the murder of a Fiat worker by an armed guard in Torino, the unions escalated. Unions consisted of smaller committees of workers and students. During the kidnapping of Aldo Moro by the Red Brigades, the kidnappers were accused of also plotting to kidnap Gianni Agnelli. Channeling the cyclicality of history, in 2016, “Heir to Fiat empire ‘went on two-day bender with escort… then claimed he was kidnapped to get ransom money to pay for drugs” [The New York Times, Dec. 3, 2016].
U.S. Steel acquired Stelco in 2007, renaming the company as U.S. Steel Canada Inc. According to The Star, U.S. Steel’s acquisition was up against a lot of competition: “You can’t make the slab as cheaply in North America as you can in Brazil,” David Tyerman, an analyst with Scotia Capital, said in an interview” [Toronto Star, Aug. 27, 2007]. Following the acquisition, U.S. Steel began shutting down plants, with workers locked out of Lake Eerie Works (2009) as manufacturing relocated from Canada to the States [The Marxist-Leninist Daily, Aug. 6, 2009].
In 2016, U.S. Steel decided to rename U.S. Steel Canada Inc. as Stelco again, even though the company is in the process of being sold to another U.S. company, Miami-based Bedrock Industries Group, encouraging “constructive engagement from interested stakeholders” [NewsWire, Dec. 9, 2016]. Bedrock assures of its success on the basis that it is “successfully operating businesses in the metals, mining and manufacturing and distribution sectors”, its partnership with the government of Ontario advocating for the “development of industrial lands on behalf of pensioners in an effort to promote the economic development of the Hamilton region while ensuring that the environment continues to be protected” [Ontario Ministry of Finance News Release, Sep. 21, 2016].
Bedrock’s major shareholders are mining magnate Alan Kestenbaum (formerly of silicon company Ferroglobe) and American private equity firm Lindsay Goldberg (CEO Alan E. Goldberg and Co-founder, former CEO of Morgan Stanley Private Equity, and Co-Founder / Chairman Robert D. Lindsay, also from Morgan Stanley). Also on Bedrock’s Leadership team is David Cheney of JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, and Wells Fargo Securities. “Bedrock will make a $61-million (U.S.) payment to the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change to cover potential environmental liabilities” [The Globe and Mail, Dec. 14, 2016].
In June 2016, New York-based hedge fund KPS Capital Partners LP wanted to merge U.S. Steel’s “Stelco” and Essar Algoma into a single “Canadian” steel company … “restructure — rather than liquidate …” vs. “members don’t want to see the shrinking plant — which no longer produces steel — “flipped” again for profit.” … [The Hamilton Spectator, Jun. 17, 2016]. Essar Algoma is currently owned by Essar Global, a conglomerate based in India, however U.S. based GoldenTree Asset Management LP (in partnership with Bain Capital) is currently looking at purchasing Algoma [The Wall Street Journal, Mar. 7, 2017].
“In 2014, citing millions in losses, U.S. Steel Canada (USSC) entered bankruptcy protection under the Companies Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA)”, which means that there is not enough money to pay out pensions for Steelworkers Local 1005 [CBC, Nov. 1, 2016]. “There are currently 14,000 Stelco pensioners and 800 million is owed to the pension plan” [CHCH, Dec. 12, 2016].
Ontario facing $400-million bailout over pensions at U.S. Steel Canada [The Globe and Mail, Sep. 17, 2014]. Ontario court allows U.S. Steel to halt retiree health benefits, suspend pension contributions [World Socialist Web Site, Oct. 16, 2015]. Anxious Stelco pensioners await bankruptcy court ruling [The Star, Feb. 8, 2016]. Judge rejects effort to restore Stelco retirees’ benefits [The Hamilton Spectator, Aug. 19, 2016]. Stelco Retirees: Your pension might not be there [The Hamilton Spectator, Oct. 19, 2016]. Stelco and Bedrock deal leaves pensioners unsure about the future [CHCH, Dec. 12, 2016].
“On August 17, 2016, the USW and the court-appointed Representative Counsel to the non-USW active and retired members brought a motion in court, asking Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List) (the “Court”) for an order requiring U.S. Steel Canada Inc. (“USSC”) to restore funding for health benefits for retirees (“OPEBs”). On August 19, 2016, the Court dismissed the motion on the condition that USSC make a one-time contribution of $2.7 million to the Transition Fund or to another fund to be administered on the same terms as the Transition Fund. USSC has made the $2.7 million one-time contribution and has set up a fund (the “Retiree Fund”). This Retiree Fund is separate from the Transition Fund established by the Government and is available on a first come first serve basis … The Retiree Fund will continue until it is exhausted or certain events occur, such as the implementation of a court approved plan of arrangement with respect to USSC” [Stelco Salaried Pensioners Organization, Feb. 19, 2017].
The “continued financing” of the steel company, according to the court records, required the company cutting $22.2 million from its operation costs [SOO Today, Jan. 31, 2017].
is the President and CEO of both Hydro One and Hydro One Inc. Prior to joining Hydro One, Mr. Schmidt served as President, CEO and director at Viterra Inc., one of the largest shippers and integrated agriculture export firms in Canada and globally [1]. During his tenure, Viterra grew to operate in 14 countries with industrial assets and a supply chain to 50 countries with 500+ assets and 17 ports. Mr. Schmidt is a director of Agrium Inc. [2] and serves as the Chairman of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee and is a member of the Environment, Health, Safety & Security Committee. Mr. Schmidt also sits on the CEO Advisory Committee on Cyber Security with other CEOs representing a variety of Canadian industry sectors and the Deputy Minister level within the Canadian federal government and is a member of Washburn University’s Foundation Board of Trustees and the Lincoln Society [3]. Mr. Schmidt received his B.B.A. from Washburn in 1980. Mr. Schmidt has been recognized in the Financial Post’s Top 10 CEO Scorecard Rankings, as CEO of the Year by Canadian Business Magazine, as well as being awarded the Saskatchewan Centennial Medal.
Viterra Inc. (Proud Partner of Agriculture More Than Ever) was created out of the 2007 takeover by Agricore United of its chief competitor, the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool. The Wheat Pool started as a farmer’s co-operative in 1924, and in the 90s was sold off as a publicly traded company.
Viterra is currently constructing new grain elevators in Vegreville, Alberta alongside the construction of grain elevators by Australian company GrainCorp and Japanese company Zen-Noh Grain Corporation [The Western Producer, Feb. 13, 2017]. These “state-of-the-art elevators and game-changing supply chain model” will aid in the export of Canadian grains to Asia and the Indian subcontinent [Calgary Herald, Sep. 8, 2016]. The Australian and Japanese companies are forming a joint venture called GrainsConnect. Earlier in 2009, the Australian firm GrainCorp. saw a great opportunity in purchasing Canada Malting from its U.S. private equity firm Castle Harlan [Alberta Farm Express, Oct. 12, 2009]. All the while the Australian company is busy building grain elevators and acquiring Canadian companies in the Cree lands of Alberta and Saskatchewan, GrainCorp is working hard on its Reconciliation Action Plan with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people … “closing the gap in employment outcome … During the development and implementation of our Reconciliation Action Plan we will listen, collaborate and engage with all stakeholders with honesty and integrity.” [Graincorp Reconciliation Action Plan: 2012-2014].
After an acquisition in 2012, Viterra became owned by Glencore, a trading and mining corporation based in Baar, Switzerland – while the company Agrium in turn completed its purchase of Viterra’s retail assets, like its fertilizer businesses, in 2013 [Agrium News Release, Oct. 1, 2013]. Glencore’s investments in agriculture are “focused on grain, oilseeds products, sugar, pulses and cotton”, with processing facilities in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and across Australia, Canada and Europe.
Glencore’s board of directors include: Anthony Hayward of Genel Energy plc and the oil company BP plc; Ivan Glasenberg (who has a long history of coal investment in Asia), from the aluminum company UC Rusal plc; Peter Grauer of Bloomberg Inc., and investment firm The Blackstone Group; Peter Coates, who was CEO of Australian and South African coal corporation Xstrata (which merged with Glencore in 2013 to form the current company), and is currently acting as director of Australian oil and gas company Santos Limited, and mining development company Sphere Minerals Limited; Leonard Fischer of BHF Kleinwort Benson Group S.A, which owns major Japanese banking and telecommunications companies; William Macaulay of the energy investment firm First Reserve Corporation and the multinational oil and gas magnate Weatherford; John Mack who was CEO of the bank Morgan Stanley, and is a member of the International Business Council of the World Economic Forum and the Advisory Board of China Investment Corporation; and Patrice Merrin, previously of Canadian coal mining company LUSCAR, and currently of Stillwater Mining. Merrin also served on the Alberta Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation, and was a member of the Canadian Advisory Panel on Sustainable Energy Science and Technology under the Harper government.
Glencore has played an important role in Bolivia’s ‘Water War’ and the subsequent Morales government, with the institutionalization of North American corporations in the region:
“On February 10, 2007, Bolivia repeated the David and Goliath act for which it became so famous during the 2000 Cochabamba Water War when it tangled with Switzerland’s privately owned Glencore Corporation, Europe’s sixth-largest firm. Controlled by billionaire commodity trader Mark Rich, Glencore is known for breaking arms embargos, paying illegal kickbacks, engaging in human rights violations, and fomenting widespread corruption. Glencore purchased ex-president Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada’s holdings, including Oruro’s Vinto foundry. In 2007, the government nationalized the plant, and it has expanded rapidly into the world’s eighth-largest tin smelter, consistently reporting a profit. In June 2012, Colquiri Mine, another Glencore property, was expropriated, and Glencore’s two remaining mines were forced into a partnership with COMIBOL , which now controls 55% of the operations.” (Evo’s Bolivia, Farthing & Kohl, 2014. p 75).
In March 2016, it was announced that Viterra “will no longer be required to file financial statements and other continuous disclosure documents of itself, Glencore or any other entity with any Canadian securities regulatory authority” [Regina Leader-Post, Mar. 22, 2016]. A few months later, Glencore sold 40% of its agricultural business to the Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board and 9.99% to the British Columbia Investment Management Corp. [The Wall Street Journal, Jun.9, 2016]. “In a conference call with investors, Glencore chief executive officer Ivan Glasenberg said the company is considering the sale of various agricultural assets in Canada” [The Western Producer, Apr. 5, 2016]. Viterra recently tripled its annual handling capacity at its Vancouver terminals [Producer, Nov. 2016]. Meanwhile, challenges in the wheat tread are concerning some, with the effects of the Trump regime on NAFTA: “Mexican wheat buying could likewise see a shift, Kyle Jeworski, chief executive of Viterra’s North America region, said. The agriculture unit of commodity trader and miner Glencore PLC is one of Canada’s biggest wheat exporters and a small handler of U.S. wheat.” [NASDAQ, Mar. 9, 2017].
Mayo Schmidt stepped onto the Agrium board of directors just as his Hydro One colleague Marianne Harris stepped down from her directorial role [Agrium News Release, Sep. 3, 2015], already after Agrium had acquired Viterra’s retail assets. Agrium’s board of directors includes Russell K. Girling of the TransCanada Corporation and TC Pipelines; Anne McLellan of Saskatoon-based uranium mining company Cameco; and William S. Simon, former CEO of Walmart U.S. (Mayo Schmidt also contributes to Harvard University’s Private and Public, Scientific, Academic and Consumer Food Policy Group, where he is involved with matters of the environment, safety, and security.)
Back in 2010, when Mayo Schmidt was still the CEO of Viterra and maybe or maybe not eyeing an acquisition of the Australian Wheat Board (AWB), Agrium ended up purchasing the AWB, which reportedly, “lost its wheat-export monopoly in 2008 following a scandal involving payments to the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq” [CountryGuide, Aug. 23, 2010]. Within months, Agrium sold AWB to U.S. Cargill Inc. (we work every day to help the world thrive), who paid in cash. Similarly to its acquisition of Viterra’s retail assets, Agrium chose to hold to on the former Australian Wheat Board’s retail assets.
Agrium is currently seeing through a merger with the Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan [The Wall Street Journal, Sep. 12, 2016]. PotashCorp has reportedly been struggling due to “an oversupplied market”, and the merger is seen as positive, by current PotashCorp CEO, Jochen Tilk. In 2008, potash prices rose an unprecedented 800%.
Tilk was appointed in 2014, and as a person is considered an attractive asset for the potash industry as he has “dealt with everything from illegal strikes in Papua New Guinea to runaway costs in Panama and environmental protestors in Spain” [Canadian Business, Jun. 4, 2014]. Tilk is also CEO of Canadian Inmet Mining Corporation, which has stakes in operations in Cayeli, Las Cruces, Pyhasalmi, Troilus and Ok Tedi, and 100% stake in the Cobre Panama development property. The illegal strikes of Papua New Guinea in this glowing report of the mining magnate are referring to the Ok Tedi copper mine, which was partly owned by Inmet. Majority owners of the mine, BHP-Billiton, initially intended to close the copper mine, but instead managed to secure a deal with Prime Minister Mekere Morauta’s Parliament, so that they could exit the mining project and be indemnified from any future compensation claims for its pollution of the Fly and Ok Tedi Rivers, and surrounding farmers’ land [World Socialist Web Site, Apr. 9, 2002]. For its contamination and exploitative practices, BHP was met with blockades led by women and children, effectively blockading entrance to the mining site. It was reported at the time that there were talks of an organization forming in Singapore, which would place BHP out of the reach of direct contact and accountability to Papuan communities [Converge, Nov. 26, 2001].
PotashCorp.’s board of directors includes Christopher Burley of Merrill Lynch Canada Inc.; Donald Chynoweth of SNC Lavalin O&M; Gerald Grandey of the uranium company Cameco and Chairman Emeritus of the World Nuclear Association; C. Steven Hoffman of IMC Global (whose merger with Cargill Fertilizer created the Mosaic Company); Alice Laberge of the Royal Bank of Canada, Russel Metals Inc. and the B.C. Cancer Foundation; Consuelo Madere of Proven Leader Advisory, LLC, and Monsanto; Keith Martell, CEO of the First Nations Bank of Canada; and Aaron Regent of Niobec, Barrick Gold Corporation, the Bank of Nova Scotia, Brookfield Infrastructure Group (which recently sold Orillia Hydro and Great Lakes Power Electricity Transmission Business to Hydro One). PotashCorp also holds 14% of the world’s sixth-largest potash producer, Israel Chemicals Limited (ICL), as well as 28% of Arab Potash Corp, 32% of Chilean Sociedad Quimica y Minera, and 22% of Sinofert Holdings Ltd. PotashCorp. holds just under 14% shares of Israel Chemicals Shs., one of the companies invested in by the Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board [ICL Group].
The PotashCorp merger with Agrium intends to have potash exports distributed through the potash marketing and distribution company Canpotex (which has major offices in Singapore, Shangai and Tokyo, as well as its headquarters in Saskatoon). Canpotex cancelled a planned potash terminal in Prince Rupert, BC., following the withdrawal of Russian firm OAO Uralkali from Belarusian Potash Co., resulting in the collapse of what was effectively a “potash cartel” that controlled over one third of the global potash market [The Wall Street Journal, Dec. 14, 2015].
On the board of directors at Uralkali sit Sir Robert John Margetts (Director of Texas-based Hunstman Corp., a chemical manufacturing company, and formerly of British Imperial Chemical Industries); Luc Maene (current Director of LM Agriculture Ltd., and formerly of International Fertilizer Industry Association, and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the International Fertilizer Development Center); Paul James Ostling (formerly of Ernst & Young and Uralchem, currently a member of the Business Council for International Understanding, a US-based business association promoting dialogue between the business and the government, and a director JKX Oil&Gas Plc).
It is Uralchem that brings us back directly to Agrium. The CEO of Agrium Inc. from 1993, when the company first became publicly traded, to 2003, was John M. van Brunt; he was also the CEO of Uralchem from 2008, which is a Russian fertilizer company (and subsidiary of Havenport Investments Ltd.) based in Cyprus. “Havenport Investments limited detailed status is Struck Off By Request” [Gibraltar Businesses: Free business directory in Gibraltar].
In 2011, van Brunt was appointed to the board of directors of the Toronto-based Rio Verde Minerals Development Corporation, whose primary interests in Brazil are likewise in fertilizer, through the Sergipe Potash Project [Globe Investor, Aug. 3, 2011], and who claim to seek out projects in “regions without significant social or environmental issues”. Rio Verde was bought in 2013 by Brazilian mining company B&A Mineração S.A. (WE DEVELOP AND OPERATE MINERAL ASSETS IN A SUSTAINABLE MANNER) [MarketWired, Mar. 13, 2013].
Phosphorus is used in fertilizer and pesticides, as well as military applications. In their essay The Governance Gap Surrounding Phosphorus, Arno Rosemarin and Nelson Ekane write on the gap that exists in understanding the uses of phosphorus, the laxity in existing and absent infrastructures of governance, and the basic necessity to decrease use of phosphorus in the face of rapidly decreasing quantities of “affordable and high-quality rock”. Rosemarin and Ekane identify reports up to 2015 that indicate that “we have exceeded the safe operating space for nitrogen and phosphorus on the basis of runoff and loading rates to aquatic systems but the obvious question about the practical and commercial limits to the extraction of these resources remains a glaring omission.” Rosemarin and Ekane refer also to the lack of regulation and accountability across all levels of governance, from the UN to corporate entities within the industry itself, indicating an absence of both independent data sources and regulation, and “transparency regarding prospecting, potential reserves and commercial reserves”. [Arno Rosemarin and Nelson Ekane, The Governance Gap Surrounding Phosphorous, Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst (2016) 104:265–279].
Hydro One President Mayo Schmidt is a member of the Texan Republican organization, the Lincoln Society, “to promote liberty and economic freedom, to exchange ideas and information, to support grassroots activities in our community, and–most importantly–to fellowship with one another” [see Reagan’s Message, by Bill Blake, President of the Lincoln Society].
The Lincoln Society is a regular donor to the Washburn University Foundation, in Topeka, Kansas. The Foundation is the university’s fundraising branch. The Foundation recently established the venture capital firm Impact Asset Management, LLC, in order to purchase a shopping mall that it will continue to lease to current occupants and maintain the same property management. The Foundation considers the possible future, formal integration of the mall into the university. [WIBW, Nov. 21, 2016]
(sorted according to citations found within Hydro One director categories)
3G Capital … Marc Caira
Abitibi, AbitibiBowater … Marc Caira, James D. Hinds
Agnelli Family … Gale Rubenstein
Agrium … Ian A. Bourne, George L. Cooke, Marianne Harris, Mayo Schmidt
Alcan … Frances L. Lankin
Alcoa … Ian A. Bourne, James D. Hinds(?), Kathryn J. Jackson, Roberta L. Jamieson
Algeria … Ian A. Bourne
AMEX Bank of Canada … Charles Brindamour
Arc Logistics GP LLC. … James D. Hinds, Jane L. Peverett
Arconic … James D. Hinds (?), Kathryn J. Jackson
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. … George L. Cooke
Australia … Ian A. Bourne, Jane L. Peverett
Australia Wheat Board
Ballard Power Systems … Ian A. Bourne, George L. Cooke
Bank Hapoalim … Jane L. Peverett
Bank of Montreal … Ian A. Bourne, James D. Hinds, Philip Orsino
Bank of Nova Scotia … Christie J. Clark, Mayo Schmidt
Barrick Gold Corporation … Christie J. Clark, Philip Orsino, Mayo Schmidt
B.C. Hydro … Jane L. Peverett
B.C. Transmission Corporation … Jane L. Peverett
Bermuda … Charles Brindamour, Marc Caira, Marianne Harris
BlackRock … Charles Brindamour, Christie J. Clark, David F. Denison
Blackstone Group … Marc Caira, Kathryn J. Jackson, Gale Rubenstein, Mayo Schmidt
BMO Groupe financier … Charles Brindamour, Marc Caira, Philip Orsino
Brazil … Marc Caira, George L. Cooke, Jane L. Peverett
Brookfield Infrastructure, Brookfield Private Equity … Christie J. Clark, Mayo Schmidt
Burger King … Marc Caira
Burson-Marsteller … Gale Rubenstein
Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec … Ian A. Bourne
Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra … Ian A. Bourne
Cameco … Frances L. Lankin
Canadian Commercial Corporation … Ian A. Bourne
Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy … James D. Hinds
Canadian Inmet Mining Corporation
Canadian Nuclear Association … James D. Hinds
Canadian Oil Sands Ltd. … Ian A. Bourne, Christie J. Clark, Frances L. Lankin
Canadian Pacific Railway … James D. Hinds, Gale Rubenstein
Canadian Pension Plan, Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board … David F. Denison, Ian A. Bourne, Jane L. Peverett
Canadian Public Accountability Board … Ian A. Bourne
Canadian Security Intelligence Services (CSIS) … Frances L. Lankin
CANATICS … George L. Cooke
Canpotex … Mayo Schmidt
CANSEC … David F. Denison, Marc Caira
CanWest Global Communications … Jane L. Peverett
CBC … Charles Brindamour
C.D. Howe Institute … Charles Brindamour, George L. Cooke, James D. Hinds, Jane L. Peverett, Gale Rubenstein
Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs … James D. Hinds
Cerberus Capital Management
CGI Group … Ian A. Bourne
Chabad Movement … Jane L. Peverett
Chávez, Hugo … Marc Caira
Chevron … Ian A. Bourne, Gale Rubenstein
Chicago … Ian A. Bourne, Jane L. Peverett
China … Ian A. Bourne
Choice Properties Real Estate … Christie J. Clark
Chrysler … Gale Rubenstein
CIBC … Ian A. Bourne, Christie J. Clark, George L. Cooke, Marianne Harris, James D. Hinds, Roberta L. Jamieson, Jane L. Peverett
Citibank … Jane L. Peverett
Clinton, Bill and Hillary … Christie J. Clark, George L. Cooke, Gale Rubenstein
Colombia … David F. Denison, George L. Cooke, Gale Rubenstein
Columbia River … Jane L. Peverett
Conservative Party of Canada … Charles Brindamour, Frances L. Lankin, Mayo Schmidt
Construction Frank Catania … Ian A. Bourne, Christie J. Clark
Cruz, Ted
Delhi Jal Board … Christie J. Clark, James D. Hinds
Deutsche Bank … Kathryn J. Jackson, Jane L. Peverett, Gale Rubenstein
Dream Unlimited … Christie J. Clark, James D. Hinds (?), Gale Rubenstein
Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company … George L. Cooke, Marianne Harris
Ducks … Ian A. Bourne
East Timor … Gale Rubenstein
Ecuador … Jane L. Peverett
Elbit Systems … David F. Denison,
Empire Company Limited … Marianne Harris, James D. Hinds
Empire Life Insurance … George L. Cooke, Marianne Harris
Enbridge … Ian A. Bourne, George L. Cooke, David F. Denison, James D. Hinds, Roberta L. Jamieson, Frances Lankin, Jane L. Peverett
EnCana … Ian A. Bourne, David F. Denison, Marianne Harris, Jane L. Peverett
Enron … James D. Hinds, Kathryn J. Jackson
Exxon Mobil, Esso/Exxon … Philip Orsino, Gale Rubenstein
Fiat … Kathryn J. Jackson, Gale Rubenstein
Fidelity Investments … George L. Cook, David F. Denison James D. Hinds
First Data Corporation … James D. Hinds, Kathryn J. Jackson
Florida … Ian A. Bourne
Fort McMurray … Ian A. Bourne, Charles Brindamour
Gadhafi, Saadi … Ian A. Bourne
Gazit Globe … Ian A. Bourne
General Motors Corporation … Kathryn J. Jackson, Gale Rubenstein
Gibraltar Company … Charles Brindamour
Glencore … Charles Brindamour, Frances L. Lankin, Gale Rubenstein, Mayo Schmidt
Goldcorp … Charles Brindamour, Jane L. Peverett
GoldenTree Asset Management … Philip Orsino, Jane L. Peverett, Gale Rubenstein
Goldman Sachs … Ian A. Bourne, James D. Hinds, Kathryn J. Jackson
Goodmans LLP … Gale Rubenstein
Gulf LNG Holdings … Marianne Harris, Jane L. Peverett
Harper, Stephen … Charles Brindamour, James D. Hinds, Frances L. Lankin, Gale Rubenstein, Mayo Schmidt
Hong Kong … David F. Denison
IBM … David F. Denison, Kathryn Jackson
Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) … James D. Hinds
India … Christie J. Clark, James D. Hinds, Gale Rubenstein
Indonesia … Ian A. Bourne, Gale Rubenstein, Kathryn J. Jackson, Gale Rubenstein
Indspire … Ian A. Bourne, Roberta L. Jamieson
Intact Financial Corporation … Charles Brindamour
Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada … Marianne Harris
Isle of Capri Casinos Inc. … George L. Cooke
Israel … Ian A. Bourne, David F. Denison, Jane L. Peverett
Israeli Defense Forces … Marc Caira, David F. Denison
JELD-WEN … Philip Orsino, Jane L. Peverett
Jewish National Fund … Ian A. Bourne, David F. Denison
JP Morgan Chase & Co. … James D. Hinds, Kathryn J. Jackson, Gale Rubenstein
Kichissippi (Ottawa River) … George L. Cooke
Kinder Morgan … Marianne Harris, Jane L. Peverett
KPMG … James D. Hinds, Kathryn J. Jackson, Philip Orsino, Gale Rubenstein
Leumi Bank … Ian A. Bourne, Jane L. Peverett
Liberal Party of Canada … George L. Cooke, James D. Hinds, Jane L. Peverett
Libya … Ian A. Bourne
Lincoln Society … Mayo Schmidt
Loblaw Companies … Charles Brindamour, Christie J. Clark, George L. Cooke, Marianne Harris
LOGOS … Ian A. Bourne
LongPoint Minerals … Ian A. Bourne
Macquarie Group … Ian A. Bourne
Martello Associates Consulting … George L. Cooke
Masonite International Corporation … Philip Orsino
Merrill Lynch … Charles Brindamour, Marianne Harris, Kathryn J. Jackson, Jane L. Peverett, Gale Rubenstein, Mayo Schmidt
Mexico … Ian A. Bourne, Kathryn J. Jackson
Minto Group … Marc Caira, Philip Orsino
Monsanto … Marianne Harris, Mayo Schmidt
Morgan Stanley … Kathryn J. Jackson Gale Rubenstein, Mayo Schmidt
Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation … Marc Caira, David F. Denison, James D. Hinds
Murphy Oil Company … Ian A. Bourne, George L. Cooke
NAFTA … Charles Brindamour, James D. Hinds
National Bank of Canada … Marianne Harris
Nestlé … Marc Caira, Kathryn J. Jackson
Nexen … Christie J. Clark
NextEra Energy … Ian A. Bourne, Philip Orsino
New Zealand … Ian A. Bourne
Niger … Ian A. Bourne
Nixon, Robert F. … George L. Cooke
Northwest Natural Gas Company … Jane L. Peverett
OMERS … Ian A. Bourne, George L. Cooke, Marianne Harris
Onex … Philip Orsino, Jane L. Peverett
Ontario Energy Board … James D. Hinds, Jane L. Peverett
Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation … George L. Cooke, Frances L. Lankin, Jane L. Peverett
Ontario Power Authority … James D. Hinds
Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan … Ian A. Bourne, Jane L. Peverett
Order of Canada … Ian A. Bourne, James D. Hinds, Philip Orsino
Palestine … Ian A. Bourne, David F. Denison, Jane L. Peverett
Papua New Guinea … Gale Rubenstein, Mayo Schmidt
Parmalat … Marc Caira
Peace River … George L. Cooke
Petro-Canada … Frances L. Lankin
Platform Specialty Products Corporation … Marc Caira
PostMedia … Frances L. Lankin, Philip Orsino, Jane L. Peverett, Gale Rubenstein
Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan … George L. Cooke, Mayo Schmidt
Pricewaterhouse Coopers … Ian A. Bourne, Charles Brindamour, Christie J. Clark, Gale Rubenstein
Procter & Gamble … Christie J. Clark, Proctor & Gamble
Reagan, Ronald
Renaissance Technologies … George L. Cooke
RioCan Real Estate … David F. Denison, Jane L. Peverett
Rio Tinto, Rio Tinto Alcan … Ian A. Bourne, David F. Denison, Roberta L. Jamieson, Jane L. Peverett
Rio Verde Minerals
Royal Bank of Canada … Ian A. Bourne, David F. Denison, Frances L. Lankin, Jane L. Peverett
RTI International Metals Inc. … James D. Hinds
Russia … Kathryn J. Jackson, Frances L. Lankin
Sagard Capital Partners … Ian A. Bourne, Charles Brindamour
Salomon Brothers
Saskatchewan Wheat Pool … James D. Hinds, Mayo Schmidt
Saudi Arabia … Christie J. Clark
Scotiabank … Marc Caira, Marianne Harris
Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC) … Frances L. Lankin
Shaw Communications … Ian A. Bourne
Shell … Ian A. Bourne, Marc Caira, Roberta L. Jamieson, Jane L. Peverett
Singapore … Ian A. Bourne, Marc Caira
Site C … Jane L. Peverett
Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt … Christie J. Clark, Kathryn J. Jackson
SNC-Lavalin … Ian A. Bourne, George L. Cooke, Roberta L. Jamieson, Jane L. Peverett, Mayo Schmidt
Sobey’s … Christie J. Clark
South Africa … Ian A. Bourne, George L. Cooke
Stelco … Gale Rubenstein
Stillwater Mining … Ian A. Bourne, George L. Cooke, Mayo Schmidt
Suharto, … Gale Rubenstein
Suncor … Ian A. Bourne, Charles Brindamour, David F. Denison, Kathryn J. Jackson, Roberta L. Jamieson
Sun Life Financial … Marianne Harris
TD Bank, TD Securities, TD Waterhouse … Charles Brindamour, Marianne Harris, James D. Hinds, Jane L. Peverett
TELUS … Charles Brindamour, Frances L. Lankin
Tennessee Valley Authority … Kathryn J. Jackson
Tim Hortons’ … Marc Caira
Toronto Blue Jays … Christie J. Clark
TorQuest … David F. Denison, James D. Hinds
TMX Group … Marianne Harris
TransAlta Corp. … Ian A. Bourne, James D. Hinds
TransCanada Corp. … David F. Denison, Christie J. Clark, George L. Cooke, James D. Hinds, Roberta L. Jamieson, Frances L. Lankin, Mayo Schmidt
Trump, Donald … Jane L. Peverett, Gale Rubenstein, Mayo Schmidt
Union Gas Ltd. … Jane L. Peverett
United Arab Emirates … Frances L. Lankin
United Jewish Appeal of Toronto … Marc Caira
United Jewish Welfare Fund … Charles Brindamour
United Way (Toronto and St. Louis) … David F. Denison, Marianne Harris, Kathryn J. Jackson, Frances L. Lankin
Uruguay … Jane L. Peverett
U.S. Steel Canada Inc. … Gale Rubenstein
Venezuela … Marc Caira
Viterra … Mayo Schmidt
Wajax Power Systems … Ian A. Bourne
Walmart … Marc Caira, Marianne Harris, Kathryn J. Jackson, Mayo Schmidt
Wells Fargo … George L. Cooke, Gale Rubenstein
Westinghouse Electric Company … Kathryn J. Jackson
West Papua … Gale Rubenstein
Widodo, Joko … Gale Rubenstein
World Bank … Ian A. Bourne, Christie J. Clark, Frances L. Lankin
World Economic Forum … Kathryn J. Jackson, Mayo Schmidt
World Nuclear Association … Frances L. Lankin
Xstrata … Frances L. Lankin, Mayo Schmidt
About the Author:
Lital Khaikin has published in 3:AM Magazine, Afterimage, Black Sun Lit, The Brooklyn Rail, continent. journal, Deluge, and e·ratio, among others. A book, Outplace, was published with Solar Luxuriance in May 2017.
This is the third part of a series of essays for Berfrois, read To Justify Land #1 , To Justify Land #2, and To Justify Land #3.