Two Poems by Astra Papachristodoulou

Fear is a Colour
controlled environments
confine the movement
of the captives whose
natural environments
is nothing but controlled
from free & furry to fixed
fur fatales inside a chaos
of fight and force
give the lifeless room
some frightening colour
Furry Spirit
About the Author:
Astra Papachristodoulou is a recent graduate from the MA Poetic Practice at Royal Holloway with focus in experimental writing and the neo-futurist tradition across poetry, visual art and performance. She has given individual, collaborative, and interactive performances at a range of events in Slovenia, Greece and the UK, including the European Poetry Festival, Free Verse Poetry Book Fair and IGNOR Festival. Her work is collected and has been exhibited at the National Poetry Library, and her poetry has appeared in magazines such as The Tangerine, The Poetry Society’s YPN and 3:AM Magazine, and anthologies including No, Robot, No! (Sidekick Books, 2018) and Wretched Strangers (Boiler House Press, 2018).
Cover image by via Flickr (cc).