
July 2019

Peacetime Protections

Peacetime Protections

Sexual and gender-based violence in war doesn't stop when peace comes.

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Late Monsoon

Late Monsoon

Delhi—In early April, a fire began to smolder inside the Ghazipur landfill, the trash mountain that stands like a brown, stinking sentinel, two hundred feet high, on the outskirts of New Delhi...

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Poetry Oblivion Evito-Meter

Poetry Oblivion Evito-Meter

What is your favourite lost poem? There’s a lot of material (not) out there to choose from, from the lost plays of Aeschylus to the discarded hospital poems of Anne Sexton and Ivan Blatný.

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Obscene Talent

Obscene Talent

Talent is like obscenity: you know it when you see it. It’s something that can’t be defined, only recognized—an irreducible and unteachable entity, like charisma or humor...

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Patriarchy’s Paradoxical Persistence: Berfrois Interviews Carol Gilligan and Naomi Snider

Patriarchy’s Paradoxical Persistence: Berfrois Interviews Carol Gilligan and Naomi Snider

Our work began with a question: Why do we sacrifice the pleasures of human connection in order to claim our place as “one of the boys” or as a “good” woman?

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Why is psychedelic culture dominated by privileged white men?

Why is psychedelic culture dominated by privileged white men?

A recent study of users of novel psychedelic substances found, probably to no-one’s surprise, that they are more likely than average to be male, white...

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To Differ

To Differ

What remains for us now of Hegel, Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida and the "philosophy of difference"? In the 1980s, as more and more works by Derrida and Deleuze were translated into English

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Art, documentary and the essay film

Art, documentary and the essay film

The moment when Siegfried Kracauer knew that he wanted to write of film as what he terms the ‘Discover of the Marvels of Everyday Life’...

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For the Sake of Dreams

For the Sake of Dreams

If existentialism did have an influence on popular social movements, how would we know? An even bigger question looms. What counts as an idea?

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