30 Questions

by Iris Colomb
If an app is free, how do I know which guy likes me?
If my dog has a fever, how do I know my moon sign?
If I have anxiety, how do I know if I have asthma?
If I like someone, how do I know if it’s a migraine?
If I’m depressed, how do I know my rising sign?
If I have bed bugs, how do I know if it’s a date?
If my cat is pregnant, how do I know my credit score?
If he misses me, how do I know if it’s ringworm?
If an app is free, how do I know if he’s the one?
If it’s a tick, how do I know my blood type?
If I’m depressed, how do I know my mobile number?
If I have bed bugs, how do I know my ring size?
If it’s a migraine, how do I know if it’s morning sickness?
If my dog has fleas, how do I know if it’s a date?
If he’s the one, how do I know if my phone is hacked?
If my dog has fleas, how do I know if it’s contractions?
If I have worms, how do I know if he really loves me?
If someone blocks me, how do I know if it’s a date?
If I’m depressed, how do I know if it’s morning sickness?
If I love someone, how do I know if I have asthma
If my iphone is charging, how do I know if he’s cheating?
If my dog has fleas, how do I know my ring size?
If he’s the one, how do I know if I feel better?
If it’s a migraine, how do I know if it’s contractions?
If it’s contractions, how do I know my mobile number?
If I feel better, how do I know if I love someone?
If my dog has worms, how do I know if it’s morning sickness?
If I have asthma, how do I know if it’s love?
If my dog has a fever, how do I know if my cat is pregnant?
If my dog has fleas, how do I know if it’s love?
About the Author:
Iris Colomb is a poet, artist, curator, and translator based in London. Her pamphlet ‘I’m Shocked’ come out with Bad Betty Press in 2018, and her chapbook ‘just promise you won’t write’ was published by Gang Press in 2019. She has given individual, collaborative and interactive performances across the UK, as well as in Austria, Romania, and France. These performances have involved artist books, experimental translation, metal tubes, red bins, shouting over hairdryers and spitting in books. Iris is a founding member of the interdisciplinary collective ‘No Such Thing’; and Co-Editor of HVTN Press, where she just launched an artist-book imprint called ‘Interruptions’. Website: iricolomb.com
Cover photograph by Katy Wrathall via Flickr (cc).