Three Poems by Sanjeev Sethi

Patterns assert themselves on the crust
of our curves. The delicateness of their
disposition creates an unsavoury climate.
Costive lovers taper future circuits. In
a polarized set-up follow your instincts.
Only the subaltern email with soft lines:
draw upon me as a resource. Those who
have it in them to help never key in lines
that leaven. I stook poetic grains to set
free their richness on my roll top desk.
Bottom Line
You’re in love when you assemble
a tally of infrangible no-no’s:
convinced you will comply by them.
We were in the reign
of rapturous enticements
casting their snare on our registers.
A phase when we were persuaded
to believe happiness didn’t hit upon kickbacks.
There are a few griefs weightier
than commination due to credulity.
In Vino Veritas
Hesitancies in heart publicised other prisms,
when rawness wasn’t ruse. I knew no better.
Veins are now clammy with chicane, there
is venom in arteries. I alter the perspicuous.
Don’t trust in words, my wordage. These are
fringed with bilboes, believe not what is
committed or commented on. Deed is dictum.
About the Author:
Sanjeev Sethi is published in over thirty countries. His poems have found a home in more than 350 journals or online literary venues. Wrappings in Bespoke is joint-winner of Full Fat Collection Competition-Deux organized by the Hedgehog Poetry Press UK. It’s his fourth full-length collection. It will be launched in 2021. Recent credits: Dreich Magazine, NOON | journal of the short poem, Kairos Literary Magazine, The Big Windows Review, Pomona Valley Review, Lummox Poetry Anthology # 9, and elsewhere. He lives in Mumbai, India.
Image: Thomas Hawk: Two Sides of Toronto, 2010 (CC, adapted)