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From Philosophy Now:
Imagine consciousness as a pair of binoculars through which you can only see a narrow frame. Through seeing and feeling yourself only in a certain instant, you get the idea, if not the illusion, of the present. You feel like in this particular instant you are in a different time from the past which is already gone as well as the future which is yet to come – whereas, if you took the binoculars away, you would see it all: Time would appear to be timeless, as all the points of existence would coexist alongside the present, including those deemed to be past and future to those of limited vision. Of course, fortunately or unfortunately, you can never take away those binoculars thanks to the limited capacity of human perception. We all live with the perception of time, whereas, in reality, time may be something our mind makes up due the narrow frame it’s able to perceive and is unable to break free of.
As we can see, the eternalist understanding of time allows for time travel to be possible. Moreover, it also may allow for the theoretical possibility of seeing the future. It’s not possible for anyone, even God I dare say, to really see something that does not exist. If we accepted eternalism to be true, we could argue that the future exists, and perhaps that any potential prophets and clairvoyants simply had wider binoculars than ordinary people, enabling them every once in a while to catch a glimpse of future events hidden from the rest of us.