not a poem

by Jeremy Fernando
poetry, ah that
is a luxury we can-
not afford, once said
Lee Kuan Yew the night
wind to the little lamb, do
you hear what I hear
a child a sweet child
in time, you’ll see the line, the
line that’s drawn between
good and bad sang Deep
Purple rain I only want
to see you under-
neath the purple rain
cried Prince but the conceited
man did not hear him
conceited people
never hear anything but
praise, exclaims the ‘wee
wondering princeling
resist with ideas and most
of all poetry
notes Alfredo Jaar
resistance is possible
breathe, above all else
Arthur Yap teaches
us, don’t make a religion
out of your own view
About the Author
Jeremy Fernando reads, writes, and makes.
Image Details
The post image is a detail from Caravaggio, Narcissus, c. 1597 (detail).