We Love Harder

From Tangerine, Magnolia Pictures, 2015
From Evening Will Come:
Our will to be is driven by our will to love ourselves and each other. I have never seen anything more revolutionary than the love that is shared between and among Black people. And what is possibilized through our love of Blackness and our love for each other is insurmountable. Black love and life provides the blueprint for alternative modes of being and existing in spaces that are infinitely empty and infinitely full. They fear what is possibilized through Blackness.
“Until the rainbow burns the stars out the sky/ Until the ocean covers every mountain high/ Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea/ Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream/Until the day is night and night becomes the day/ Until the trees and seas up, up, an fly away”
“Until the day that you are me and I am you”
The world threatens to kill us and yet it hides and tip toes around us. The world threatens to kill us and yet we love and live harder in our Blackness. The world is terrified by our will to survive, our will to love, and our will to humanize each other. Understanding that the lives of the Black trans people that are killed are lived in love and revolution is not an impossible or unimaginable task. Humanizing Black trans people is not an impossible or unimaginable task. But they are terrified of us.
So we love harder.