Creation Chained to a Stunned Repose by Daniel Tobin

You must grieve for this right now —you have to feel this sorrow now— for the world must be loved this much...
Read MoreBringing Memories

Claude McKay offered in Harlem Shadows a genuinely new sensibility in African American and Black Caribbean arts...
Read MoreThus Saith the Rhino

‘And’ is superfluous, omissible. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the regulated couplets of Tang poetry...
Read More“Play that thing, Jazz band!”

To experience a version of the cool exhilaration of a mid-twentieth-century American jazz night, one might start by listening to an iconic Miles Davis recording...
Read MoreHoof, Wing, Paw

I’ve always loved Jim Harrison’s poetry—so full of itself, so direct and hungry and angered and awed...
Read MoreElizabeth Bishop’s Proliferal Style by Angus Cleghorn

Bishop’s persona is part she-moose, part bus; part warrior-fish, part oily vessel; part pastoral idyll, and part atomic bomb...
Read MoreTimelessnesses

Inside St Mary’s Church in Gdańsk stands a Clock of Everything. At fourteen metres, it was the tallest clock ever built when Hans Düringer completed it in 1470...
Read MoreJoe Linker on Keith Kopka

It's poetry where the Punk finds their way out of the mosh pit and into the solo business of writing poems to make sense of it all...
Read MoreIt’s All Argentinian to Arturo Desimone

Have they clocked our nocturnal ways that bite at kleptomaniac clockhands in our capitals?
Read MoreThe Lyric’s Return in Black British Poetics

This essay considers some reasons for lyric’s return in black British poetics by first taking a broad look at the field, and then by attending to the work of several poets writing since the 1990s but publishing most visibly since the millennium...
Read MoreMarian Janssen on Carolyn Kizer

Carolyn Kizer, feminist poet and founding editor of Poetry Northwest, became the first Program Director for Literature at the National Endowment for the Arts in 1966...
Read MoreA Fitting Timepiece by Daniel Tobin

Dynamics and architecture: the very attributes required for making an Internet, a universe, an emergent God, a creation, certainly a poem...
Read MoreThe tea should be strong. For a pot holding a quart, if you are going to fill it nearly to the brim, six heaped teaspoons would be about right...
Read MoreThe thing about new blooms is that they tend to bleed— / Those petals birthed / hugging close / that come warmer weather are tricked into jumping away...
Read MoreI spent a good part of my childhood at home staring outside my bedroom window, following the trail of planes approaching the nearby Paris airport in the sky from my banlieue. I envied the passengers...
Read MoreThe tea should be strong. For a pot holding a quart, if you are going to fill it nearly to the brim, six heaped teaspoons would be about right...
Read MoreThe thing about new blooms is that they tend to bleed— / Those petals birthed / hugging close / that come warmer weather are tricked into jumping away...
Read MoreI spent a good part of my childhood at home staring outside my bedroom window, following the trail of planes approaching the nearby Paris airport in the sky from my banlieue. I envied the passengers...
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