
Goodbye, Hello

Goodbye, Hello

Thank you for reading Berfrois (2009-2022)!

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Nicholas Rombes: One Perfect Sentence #9

Nicholas Rombes: One Perfect Sentence #9

Karen—hurt and vengeful and angry to see herself depicted in Sarah’s novel as a weird, flattened, stereotype of herself—has come to the reading hoping to “bump” the turntable...

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Jessica Sequeira on Zenaida Suárez

Jessica Sequeira on Zenaida Suárez

La Nueva Novela  is a challenge starting from its title. Neither new nor a novel—putting it firmly in a line of puzzling Chilean monikers like Isla Negra...

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A Tinpot Dictatorship?

A Tinpot Dictatorship?

Given the extent to which the Brexit campaign has undermined Britain's institutions through lies, it is reasonable to worry that the country will soon come to resemble a tinpot dictatorship.

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Sylvia Warren reviews Berfrois: The Book

Sylvia Warren reviews Berfrois: The Book

Anthologies are a strange and somewhat unreliable form. They can lack the direction that comes from a thematic collection, or the unity of voice that a single author (or translator) can provide.

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‘They very vocally disagreed about what was legitimately steamy’

‘They very vocally disagreed about what was legitimately steamy’

The erotic passages were a struggle to write at first. They each submitted anonymous versions of the book’s first sex scene, an approach they later described as “you show me yours and I’ll show you mine,” but they quickly figured out who had written what...

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Marti Leimbach: The Anti-Fans

Marti Leimbach: The Anti-Fans

Writers are used to rejection and criticism, if only because the ones who can’t cope with it stop being writers early on. We have in common, too, a feeling of celebration whenever we hear of successful books that were initially turned down by reputable publishers.

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Wondering Emma Goldman

Wondering Emma Goldman

Clare Hemmings is one of the most innovative and original voices in contemporary feminist theory. Her work cuts across disciplinary boundaries and is largely concerned with an ongoing and wide-ranging critical reflection on the production of ‘feminist theory’ as a field.

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Woodstock 50 Turned Off

Woodstock 50 Turned Off

A month before Woodstock 50 was announced, the festival was already in deep trouble...

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Harlem’s Tennis Superstar

Harlem’s Tennis Superstar

Back when Gibson was growing up, in the 1930s and 1940s, it would have been a hive of activity, shrieking kids running around playing stickball, punchball, marbles and a variety of tag games. And as fate had it, there was another activity taking place on the doorstep of her...

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Colonial Responses to the Nazi Regime

Colonial Responses to the Nazi Regime

it was an often deplored “fact” among German enthusiasts of colonialism that too few of their compatriots were thoroughly interested in the colonies.

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Change the Moral Climate

Change the Moral Climate

The U.S. now has two coal-burning power plants that avoid dumping carbon dioxide into the air.

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Beloved Toni Morrison

Beloved Toni Morrison

What I cherish most about Toni Morrison’s work is the way that she used the English language: to its fullest, across its entire range.

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